Halo 2 Import?
Borg Engineer Join Date: 2003-03-02 Member: 14218Members
in Off-Topic
<div class="IPBDescription">where can i find it!!!</div> im sure all you know bout one of the most famous games of all time. Halo. Well, apparently Halo 2 is out somewhere in the world and... i... must... get.. it... put simply. I've already read a few reviews about it and they have been good so far. So willl you non-american folks try to find Halo 2 on an online website that will ship to the US? cookies will be given... in all seriousness i really wnat it
Uh, Halo is an AMERICAN game, there's no reason it would be in Japan first.
Original Halo in Japan sold only 13% the copies as Xbox's did. While here, its more like 80-95%. If I remember right, they said "we don't wanna use some of our expenses to put it out in a place people won't care"
And if it does, they're gonna probably keep it in english in EVERY way but box art.