An Old Technique?

Silent-TurtleSilent-Turtle Join Date: 2003-07-22 Member: 18355Members
Okay, most of time when im playing ns, my name is Insane-Knifer. Yeah , i know knifing doesnt get you much kills and stuff, but i think knifing is actually really, really fun.

My technique i use for marines when knifing is this:

Knife vs skulks:

Okay, first, skulks are ez to kill with knives. First, lets take down some stats:

Skulks start out with 70 hp, and 10 carapace.

Now, knife does 30 dmg, so it would take 3 knife slashes to kill the skulk. A lvl 0 carapace doesnt do much to block knives. But a carapaced skulk may take 4 or more hits to kill, but im cool with that.

Now, my technique i use to kill aliens with a knife is:

I charge at them, and while i do, i quickly jump slightly to the left or right of the enemy. Now wut this does is that, I can dodge their attacks, while i can gain an advantage of slicing the enemy. This has worked several times with me, as its funny to humilate aliens.

Plz believe me, i am not lieing about this:

One time, ikept using my technique, doesnt always work, but i get some kills. Now one time, one skulk decided to combat me. We lly hit each other, and we keep dodging each others attack. Than, another skulk entered the combat. I got bitten once, but i had an upgraded lvl 1 armour, so 2 more bites until i died. But still, the 2 skulks didnt kill me. So than, 2 more skulks entered the fray, and by the time they killed me, i had sliced each of them at least once or twice. After my death, the aliens that were fighting me were saying stuff like: "hey comm, what are you feeding these marines? steroids?" Well, there isnt really steroids in the game, but the aliens were saying this cause they were amazed at how long i survived with just a knife and 4 skulks attacking me.

This technique also works with guns, so you dont have to really knife them.....

Oh, and the technique works with skulks, fades, onos, (when using it on onos, its quite hard as you need space, and maybe a jetpack) and also works with gorge, but i dont expect you needing to use this on gorges, since you can just blast them with your guns. Lerks fly too much, so no way you can do that.

I dont know why most people dont bother telling me to quit knifing and help shoot down the aliens, but i tihnk its because im using my knife properly, as in im killing aliens, distracting aliens by going to their hive, causing dmg, and when all the aliens go after me, my marine muddies would pop out and blast everything with their guns, and other stuff, making me effective in assaults.

So um, give me replies, feedback, flames, and tell me if this works for you and tell my if this is old or new or in the middle...


  • SpazmaticSpazmatic Join Date: 2003-05-10 Member: 16184Members
    I used knife only for a few days to train up my backup weapon, however, I strongly discourage using it as a primary. First, it's ineffective more than once or twice, as a reasonably intelligent skulk will just sit still and bite your arse off when you try to knife it. Second, a skilled skulk will get you while moving anyways, it only takes them two bites, and they're faster (plus a smaller target). And, most importantly, in a real fight, you're blocking your teammates' shots, which is horrifically problematic.

    That said, it's good to do it a bit so that you become comfortable with the knife. I'd rather switch lmg->pistol->knife (or pistol->lmg) then reload a gun, in many situations.
  • CaimanCaiman Join Date: 2003-06-01 Member: 16900Members
    Great strat, i use it all the time with my lmg. Generally i use knives when the skulk is focusing on another marine and my lmg is out of ammo.
  • blimpblimp Join Date: 2003-03-12 Member: 14438Members, Constellation
    Haha, this works like hell.

    Yesterday we had lost a game(we all knew, just waiting for fades rushing in our base(our tactic failed, noob team <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo-->)) and we tried one last shot at sieging. So in comes the Skulks. Now, LMG\Pistol dont work in umbra, so I pull out my knife and do some crazy quake-movement and suddenly it says "-tC-hackinnen^ <knifesprite> skulk1" and "-tC-hackinnen^ <knifesprite> skulk2". That did kick ****. 1 minute later when I just spawned(died right after spawning before that) a fade pops up and blows up the mines in our base. I die. When I spawn 5 fades are hanging over the IP.

    Knife owns <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • Kid-AKid-A Join Date: 2002-12-17 Member: 10908Members
    As a comm/teammate I get pretty annoyed if you did this while we were in an important location. Fair enough if its for end-game/annoyance. But if we lost a location and I felt we would have held it if you used your gun I be pretty annoyed with you.

    Its similar to people that Battle Gorge early game to try and get HS kill but actually end up wasting res.
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