Hl Models

RueRue Join Date: 2002-10-21 Member: 1564Members
Can someone tell me a good program for decompling .mdl's into smd's and then back again so i can change them.

Problam is I cant use Milkshape or 3ds MAX D: cause my brother installed them and the trial date have run out D:

thanks for any help


  • MausMaus Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 5599Members
    /me fwaps Rue

    Look in Modelling 101. Attached to the main post are kratisto's decompiler and studiomdl.exe - all you need to do those two tasks.

    Also, there's a wee guide there showing you how to set them up so that you can simply right-click on a .mdl to decompile, and on a .qc to recompile.
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