It came with a SB16, correct? If that's the case, that's only a demo... Not the whole game... <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
Played the original Descent a lot in multiplayer. Since it didn't place any caps on performance, we had to host it off an old computer to prevent it from being unplayably fast. Was quite fun, but the best maps imo where the ones that had wide spaces along with the narrow corridors.
NO it wasn't a demo. This was from Sound Blaster system my dad bought a LONG while ago that came with a few free games: Descent 3, Thief: Dark Project, and Moto Racer 1 or 2 I remember. I don't think either of them came with a manual, and if they did it would be long lost by now.