Skulks And Redemption

FiendHZFiendHZ Join Date: 2003-04-04 Member: 15201Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Maybe a problem</div> It's for things like this that I wish the bug forum was still open. Maybe it should go in S&I, but it's not a suggestion or an idea, so I'd assume not. Basically, it boilds down to that skulks will redeem more (MUCH more) with only one d chamber (level 1). We figured it's probably because higher levels make it so you redeem later (i.e. less life), and with a skulk, later = dead. That would help trhe fade and onos (which the onos probably shouldn't be able to redeem anyhow. Besides the fact that the description says it can't, their weakness should be that if they get the crap kicked outta them, they have to run and hope the marines can't chase them and kill them). I don't know exactly how it would work with a lerk (I know they don't redeem much with lvl3, but I've never done it with only lvl1). The reason it's NOT in the S&I forum is that I haven't the slightest idea how you might fix it. Maybe just make it a higher chance (per level) to redeem when you take a hit that would bring you below, say, 25% life. It would make redeeming skulks worth using, and make that third upgrade more viable (since most everyone, with skulk, goes cara, and then a few go regen. No one gets redemp). I'm not sure how easy that would be to code, but hey, it's a possible fix and it makes me feel better to offer some sort of maybe fix.


  • ThansalThansal The New Scum Join Date: 2002-08-22 Member: 1215Members, Constellation
    um, as I remember redemption =

    once you hit a certain % of oyur life you have x% chance to redeeme

    the only variable there is x

    thus more DCs = more chance you will hit it

    and taking redemption as a skulk is silly
  • AegeriAegeri Join Date: 2003-02-13 Member: 13486Members
    It suddenly occured to me that taking redemtion as a skulk might be a reasonable way of denying the marines res from killing you.


    Then again, for the 2 res it costs it would take a minimum of 2 saves to pay off overly effectively (as you'll have denied the marines an average of 3 res).
  • eagleceaglec Join Date: 2002-11-25 Member: 9948Members, Constellation
    actually redeption can work as a skulk under rare and desperate circumstances. Specifically when marines do an early pg/seige rush on your only hive. The tactic isn't so widely used but a good marine team can have the aliens spawning so slowly they daren't wait for their collegues and rush in headfirst trying to stop the TF and sc from going up. However by getting redemption instead of cara you tend to get two or three runs at the marines while other skulks spawn to back you up effectively trippling your spawn rate.
    The downside is your only a thrid as capable in battle but numbers can win.
  • Brave_UlyssesBrave_Ulysses Join Date: 2003-04-28 Member: 15922Members
    A skulk in the NS manuals took redemption - one marine recognised its chipped teeth.
  • FiendHZFiendHZ Join Date: 2003-04-04 Member: 15201Members
    Wow. I'm not the only person who read those... by the way, those have to be updated with 1.1. And I expect the same degree of fiction in them <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->

    Anywho... I bring this up because one of my clan members learned it someone, and suggested we all try it. He got only one DC and everyone got redemption (it was a 10 on 10 game, so there was nine redeeming skulks). We got, on average, 4-5 redemptions before dying. We did it mostly to offset the exceedingly long alien respawn time. It was in bast, and before we knew where they were going, they relocated to atmos, and after we tore through their base a couple times wihtout losing anyone (just redeeming), they threw up a LOT of turrets (I never got a good count, I think it was around 10), and always had at least a marine or two in base to defend it. Then they rushed Feed. Repeatedly. And took it. Repeatedly. Every time they took it, we'd kick them out, slowly but surely. Everntually we kicked them out for good by getting fades and movements, and that's when we got more DCs, making redeeming skulks worthless (redeeming fades were still fun, but I went cara lerk and we put up the third hive). I'm not sure WHY. Other people on the server were syaing it wa in the middle with 2 DCs, so bascially, the levels of redemption are switched for skulk, at least effectivness wise. Great strat, but it should be fixed (one nub going gorge and dropping another DC because he thought he was better than everyone teling him not to would have screwed us al over. Luckily, regardless of skill level or average intellegence (which actually seemed fairly high on both teams at the moment, it was a good game) nobody did until we had a second hive and suddenly wantd more.
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