Ns_solaria, The Beginning

InZaneFleaArmyInZaneFleaArmy Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 18Members
edited May 2003 in Mapping Forum
The beginning...The start....The entrance...The beginning of the inevitable end that is another trashed map...Oh well.

USGSO Solaria > (United States Ground Station Outpost Solaria, from here on out, USGSOS) An outpost on a desert covered planet, on the far outreaches of the <EDIT> Galaxy <EDIT>, meant for a check-in / Refueling point for Space-Ground type ships. It houses a sleeping sector for the pilots that have landed, and two Hanger bays, each large enough for a moderate sized transport ship. Each Hanger is 10 hangers large, but closed off. In the event of a needed large hanger, walls are taken down for the ease of the ships landing crew. Almost all of these are malfunctioning at this time, except for one in each Hanger Sector. It also houses an in house weapons system, which can be activated on the opposite side of the base from where the Marines will be landing. The system has ceiling mounted machine guns, which fire .500 bullets at a speed of 40b/s. The system may not be working, but the chance is there. Hives have not been reported yet by the Satellites, but chances are, 1-3 are present, and will be expanded upon. Time is of the essence. Base layout to be uploaded in the near future.


  • ReeseReese Join Date: 2003-05-08 Member: 16143Members
    So by desert planet you mean devoid of life right? If you mean true nothing-here-but-sand desert then it needs to be a lot closer to the sun, otherwise it would be covered in ice. Your call on that one, more a storyline thing than anything else. I like the hanger idea... especially if A) the marine spawn is in a hanger, and B) welding an area opens the spawn up more. (could put a vent in the wall to the next hanger that aliens can get through, then have the weld point remove that wall, thus eliminating the vent problem by creating a big open space for marine spawn)

    All in all I like the ideas though. My question is how will you handle the in-house weapons system? Is it possible to get it functioning, and will it fire at everyone or just aliens?
  • InZaneFleaArmyInZaneFleaArmy Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 18Members
    edited May 2003
    Heh...Notice how I said it may be working it may not...That matters if "I" can get it to work. Anyways, It is close to the sun...It actually used to be called Desren, (Desert and uh...Ren) but now Solaria (Solar). See? Heh...Then again, there is other life on the planet, Human life, in secure habitats, and some odd animals...it's habitable, just deserty.
  • InZaneFleaArmyInZaneFleaArmy Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 18Members
    edited May 2003
    <edit> Wrong topic...</edit>
  • InZaneFleaArmyInZaneFleaArmy Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 18Members
  • DarkhoundDarkhound Join Date: 2002-11-15 Member: 8794Members
    Concepts are a dime a dozen. For the most part on this forum, no pics = no replies.
  • InZaneFleaArmyInZaneFleaArmy Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 18Members
    I've learned that over the past 3 years or so...Oh well...Back before this game was widely known, people responded with ideas...It was amazing...
  • ConfusedConfused Wait. What? Join Date: 2003-01-28 Member: 12904Members, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester
    i dunno i never ave played a map for teh story in multi player i guess tahts why i have no name or story for my map but yeah..
    but having one seems kind kool are you planning on doing the custom textures road or what? i could see blindingly bright lights and the kind of shadows that skulks only dream about. it could be really cool but yeah
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