Newbie Com Central

AgentXAgentX Join Date: 2003-05-17 Member: 16420Members
<div class="IPBDescription">For the serious newbies</div> To start off with, I have been playing single player, and multiplayer sims on PCs for years, from Star Fleet Command 1 and 2, Aliens Vs Pred2, Half Life CS and all the mods. Now comes NS. Boy is this a game that is addicting or what?

I want to first start off with a lesson from the 3 Cs that your parents always told you about. That was Co-operation, consideration and communication. While this is a "game" and it is intended to be fun, it should be one of respect and character. Respect is something one may receive right up front or may have to earn. Character (what one does or says when no one is looking) is what can either earn you that respect or cause you to find rejection in a server.

I have been playing this new game for 6 days including this Saturday May24, 2003. I have learned a great deal from a few patient and respectful people, my hats off to you. I have also met some middle aged commanders who acted like a "win" was so darned important that a newbie on their team was an insult. They were crass and disrespectful to me and many others in ways that were undeserved. There are even some relatively new commanders out there who think thier armpits dont smell either.

I think that a good commander is one who can adapt to "all" situations. Let suppose that General Tommy Franks said. "****, your sending me recruits to fight my war, I want seasoned veterans or I refuse to fight this war. How rediculous is that. You take the good and bad, you make the very best with what you have. No one who deserves even a modicom of your respect wil say a word "win or loose". They will know you did your best and perhaps you will have made a few new friends.

Now some notes for the newbies who are wanting to learn to command. When you are sitting in the Commander chair your team will be depending on you to do your very best. It is recommended that you find a empty server to "learn and hone" your skills. Each person who desires to command will have their own particular strategies and "game plans". Even though some of the "goals of the Marines" always remain the same, the way, sometimes justifies the means (in other words, attaining the same results with a little variation keeps the other side on their toes).

If you are a young child and you act respectful you will gain and deserve others respect, and if you act out and name call you will loose others respect and eventually get yourself banned from any number of servers. This goes for adults as well. Age doesnt mean your right, or that you deserve the respect of others unless you act like an adult.

Now for the Commander hints I have learned from others and by trial and error. For those who I accidentally walked across a weapon laying on ground and took your toy, I apologize ahead of time. It was not on purpose. If you know how to establish the IP (infantry portal) and the armory (weapons armory) and turret factory, then upgrading these are simple, once they are built and operational you simply left click on them and your menu will auto-close in the command console, you will see a new option at second row just below the three buttons that appear in the lower right hand console window. For the armory, this will be weapons upgrade giving you shot gun and hmg (heavy machine gun). For siege turrets, you simply left click on the turret factory near where you want to place these more powerful turrets and a turret upgrade symbol will appear in same lower right hand console menu. Select this and when the "research time" ends, the upgrades will be available for placement. The arms lab upgrade is where you will get your jet packs and heavy armoured suits, you left click on that lab, and when the icon appears in your lower right console, you click on that as well, waiting for the "research time" to end. Then you can purchase the upgrades. Weapons "research" costs to begin the upgrades, and initial purchases of the equipment once the upgrade is complete each time you give them out will cost resources as well.

There are many other interesting upgrades such as motion tracking and sonar to see the creatures that seem to fade into the halls. Setting way points is another feature I am learning as we speak. I will share this more in the near future as I learn it. And I will discuss the other such upgrades in another forum letter to my ns bretheren.

OK, before I bore anyone to sleep I am cutting this off for now. Any comments or rotten old tomatos catch me later please.

Agent X

ps, I hope this helps a few good men (rines) ; )


  • magarasmagaras Join Date: 2003-05-21 Member: 16576Members
    That was a great post thanks. I'm in the same boat as you and stil trying to learn all the little things in the game that i think most experiences players take for granted. thanks.

  • ThinGThinG Lord of wub and vlaai Join Date: 2003-04-11 Member: 15400Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    Well, I haven't read the whole post, but I read enough to make a decent reply <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->

    NS is an awesome game, I'm not going to say why, but just think about it in-game, how much you "live" the game when you play it.

    Seconds, don't let anyone discourage you from learning, there are some real **** out there, and I am one of them 50% of the time, fortunately atm I am not <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
    It's all the heat of battle, the thrill
    But hang in there, and learn how to play it, it is worth it <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->


    c u in-game
  • sejsej Join Date: 2003-01-19 Member: 12488Members
    Keep commanding and youll figure out whats good and whats not.

    Reading guides makes up about 5% of my commanding skills, experience makes up about 95%
  • Brave_UlyssesBrave_Ulysses Join Date: 2003-04-28 Member: 15922Members
    edited May 2003
    And always remember that as a marine you can drop whatever weapon you hold - barring your knife. So if you DO pick up a shotty/HMG/GL/welder designated for someone else you can always drop it and let them pick it up.
  • MrSNEAKYMrSNEAKY Join Date: 2003-03-28 Member: 14968Banned
    <!--emo&::onos::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tiny.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::onos::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tiny.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::onos::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tiny.gif'><!--endemo--> the Prototype lab gives the jetpack and heavy armor, the arms lab upgrades armor and weapons upgrades.
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