Lets Play "whats In You Clipboard!"



  • InsaneInsane Anomaly Join Date: 2002-05-13 Member: 605Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, NS2 Map Tester, Subnautica Developer, Pistachionauts, Future Perfect Developer
    <a href='http://www.student.smsu.edu/s/san232s/hardfunnypics/tfcownagestandhere-spatula.jpg' target='_blank'>http://www.student.smsu.edu/s/san232s/hard...ere-spatula.jpg</a>
  • DreadDread Join Date: 2002-07-24 Member: 993Members
    I have nothing in my clipboard because I just started my comp and came here <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • esunaesuna Rock Bottom Join Date: 2003-04-03 Member: 15175Members, Constellation
    2.btcentralplus.com) has joined #uk_goffs
    [13:44] <ReaverBob> emma_pale: apparently the church runs somekinda saturday night service, slimelight or something

    Urk, i hate the way mIRC copies without telling it to. This happens a lot.
  • SinisterSinister Join Date: 2002-04-15 Member: 451Members

    Dang.. the raised and lowered letters don't show on this forum.. <!--emo&;)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/wink.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • tseepratseepra Join Date: 2002-12-11 Member: 10530Members
    sille mul on sinne rconit ku oon top20 pelaaja"
    [16:32] <smlrz> "joo"
    [16:33] <Juomari> ;o
    [16:33] *** Mabel (ahteri@aggu.users.quakenet.org) has joined #fek'lyrs
    [16:33] *** L sets mode: +o Mabel
    [16:33] *** smlrz sets mode: +o Juomari
    [16:34] <Juomari> ottiks smlrz multa pois autoopit ?
    [16:34] <Mabel> emt
    [16:34] <Mabel> katon
    [16:35] <Mabel> hmmm...
    [16:35] <Mabel> L:llä on täys
    [16:35] <Mabel> noin
    [16:36] <Mabel> poistin jonkun pesukoneen ja laitoin sut

    For some reason I seem to highlight everything I read, and irc copys it.
  • AsranielAsraniel Join Date: 2002-06-03 Member: 724Members, Playtest Lead, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow, Subnautica Playtester, Retired Community Developer
    Half-Life\Natural Selection\1.04
    Group: NSVER
    Mutex: NSVER
    1 if mp_version != "v1.04" remove
  • PegenatorPegenator Join Date: 2002-12-21 Member: 11269Members
    <a href='http://koti.mbnet.fi/tkmv/kuvat/avatar.jpg' target='_blank'>http://koti.mbnet.fi/tkmv/kuvat/avatar.jpg</a>

    (My new avatar, yay!)
  • DreadDread Join Date: 2002-07-24 Member: 993Members

    wow, now I tried and I have that in my clipboard. Wonder what it is, prolly ns-server <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • pardzhpardzh Join Date: 2002-10-25 Member: 1601Members
    Apparently my clipboard is empty. <!--emo&:(--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/sad.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • PalmaneenPalmaneen Join Date: 2003-01-02 Member: 11727Members
    10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 A0 B0 C0 D0 E0 F0 100
    F F 1E 2D 3C 4B 5A 69 78 87 96 A5 B4 C3 D2 E1 F0
    E E 1C 2A 38 46 54 62 70 7E 8C 9A A8 B6 C4 D2 E0
    D D 1A 27 34 41 4E 5B 68 75 82 8F 9C A9 B6 C3 D0
    C C 18 24 30 3C 48 54 60 6C 78 84 90 9C A8 B4 C0
    B B 16 21 2C 37 42 4D 58 63 6E 79 84 8F 9A A5 B0
    A A 14 1E 28 32 3C 46 50 5A 64 6E 78 82 8C 96 A0
    9 9 12 1B 24 2D 36 3F 48 51 5A 63 6C 75 7E 87 90
    8 8 10 18 20 28 30 38 40 48 50 58 60 68 70 78 80
    7 7 E 15 1C 23 2A 31 38 3F 46 4D 54 5B 62 69 70
    6 6 C 12 18 1E 24 2A 30 36 3C 42 48 4E 54 5A 60
    5 5 A F 14 19 1E 23 28 2D 32 37 3C 41 46 4B 50
    4 4 8 C 10 14 18 1C 20 24 28 2C 30 34 38 3C 40
    3 3 6 9 C F 12 15 18 1B 1E 21 24 27 2A 2D 30
    2 2 4 6 8 A C E 10 12 14 16 18 1A 1C 1E 20
    1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 10
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 10

    No idea...
  • JediYoshiJediYoshi The Cupcake Boss Join Date: 2002-05-27 Member: 674Members
    ;MMMM; iBW808BW@MWBBWMZ80X ;0@a:;0MMMM0aX;ii;;7S8W@MM27288a0@WB2a288Za@WB8MMB@WW@MM
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    .: .ra0MMMMWW@WBBBB@MMWZ80S.;0MZrX8MMZ7;i;i;ii;i:iiiiiiirZ2iZraraWWBBZMBB@BZ@MBB@@WWWBMM
    :::. ,rXBZB0Z8W0Z0@M8BW0a;iX@WX0aWM0rrrr;;iiiii:,:,::iirr;2raZa0i08BMBaWBBM80@W0WW0BB8@M
    .,iBMMMMMWZaZ00B888B@WWWBaS7ZSS0BX7B0S7MW;;r;i,.,..:,,..,,:,.:::,i: 2ZWM@Z7BBBWW8BB@BZWBBW@MMWWMMM
    ::XaWMMMMMMWBB0B88WMMM@B82rSZaa8W0XBZa8,MMrrX;;. . .,,::::i;,ra0@WWaaB0BBB0WBB8@WBWBMM@WMMM .
    ;7Xi 70880@MM@@0riSZBBaZWW8Z8S2MiM@rr7;rSZB@MMMWX ..:::iii:;X2MW00ZW0@0WBWW00B@B@0@WMWWMMM
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    ZW;::,:,,,:,:i::::iii:::::::,:,,:;ii;;rrr7;777XX77@B2X7iX7aX0@aXXSZ BM@2r;rrrrr;;r77rr77aW: MMZ222aaZZZZZZZaZZa222SSSX77rrr;;;;;;r777X7XXSSSaZ80ZMMM
    iM7;ii:::,::ii:::ii:i:,i:::,.,::ii;;;;;7rr77X7r777rrWM2X07r8a208SrX2 80XZ82;::.i,,,:iraaaaZB MM8a2aaaZaZZZZZZZaaaa22SXXXr7r77rrrrr7XXSXXSSSS222aZ8@MMS
    M2rii:,,,:iiii,::ii,i:,,:,,,,,,::::iii;;;;r;rrrrrrr;X@0Z2@XSZ08ZZ2aB SMSr;,@Z2r7;XS02XS;iii;8i W@Z2S22ZZZaZZZZZZZZaaa222SXXXXX7XXX7XXXSXSSSSXSSS2aZZ8MMM
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    M2;ii::,:,:,:::::::ii::i:::,,,:::::::i;;rrrrrrrr7X2Z00Z0MMM0ZX2;rr M08X; M0 2@X,iii;r;irr7ai 08aSXS2aaaaaZZZZZ88ZZZaa222SXXXXXXXXSXXXX77XXSSSS22aZ80@MMMMMM .
    2@;ri::,,:,:i::::iii:i:ii::::::i::ii;i;rr;;r772aZaZi. 2W888: rr. BM8aX:..,Zr iiiii;;;;;;rS7 0@WWa2XXS2aZaZZZZZZZZZZaaaaa22222SSSSSSXXX777X7XXXS2aZZ0BM2;MMM8
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    M2r;i::ii::,::irr;rrrrXX2Xrri:i:iiiiir7XZS, ,::::ii,ii;rirrr;i,;;i:.,.;,: BMM@W;Mi.. .:7riiiiiiii;r;;7iaa S. a0M@0aZ8888888888ZZZZZ8ZZZaaa2SSSX777777XXXSa28Z.:8SSSS22S2MMMM@
    SW;;iii::::ii:;;;;r77SS0BWW@WBSi;;;i;7Z ii:i;;r;;;;;;;;;;7;;r;iiiirr7iXi. W8222.M7rZa7i ... ,,ii;r;r. rW:iMa:W7 :MB088880B0008800000088aZaa22SXrr777XX7SSXaZ, 8aXXXXSXaSSS20MMMZ
    .. 8MMXr;iii::::i:;;;;;XXXaZW@MMMMMMMSrrrXX i;irr7r;;;r;r;;rrrr;;;irr77S7ri2X rMZSX;.MW.Xrr7ii:i::,,::, XMXi8a.;M;,MMXMWMW0Z0000BBBWWBB008ZZaa2SSXXXrrrr777777X2: 7arS77XX7SSSS2SSaBMMM2
    iX8X7r;iii:i:iii;rrr77X2Z0@@MMMM@WMMZ772. ;;;r7rrrrrrr;;;;;;i;i::,.i.,:;ii,. BBa27.rMMX;Si... ,.:::ii;: MZ.i.@7 XZ:r27W@2@@@@00BWW@@@W008ZZZaa2SSXrrrr7rrrrrrrXi :2r7r;rr7r7XXXSSXSSS2WMMMi
    r2; :Xrriii:::i;;i;rrr7Sa0WMMMXMMSi78W0a i;;rr;;ii;iii::.,::::,,:i:ir;;ii.;: @8aX; @M@MB7;, .,.,::, rM rr 2Xr,77r27ZM2WMW@MWW@@@@@WWW08ZZaZZaa2SSXXXXX7r7SS, r77;r;;;;r;r777XSXX2XSSSa@MMM;
    Z:ir: i7;i:iii;;;r;ir72a8BWMMZ aMXrXSZ@ :;r7rr;iii:i:,,,:::i:,::,:riirr7r:7 ,M8Z2.2MM2MMM07 . ,M8 ;X a;iS;XSriaW0ZM;.MMBWWMMMMMMMMMMMMM8aSS2SXSXX7SaS. rX;;iiiiii;i;;;;;X77XXSSSSXS2@MMM2 .
    arii:iri,irr;::i;;;;;X2ZZ0BWMM MaSXSZ2 ;r;;r7ri;;iiii..::::,.,,,,,.,.,iiX;7 SM8X,2MMai7ZMMMM7X, iMMM,,XX,rri7778X7a00Z0MBSM@MMMM7 .MMMMMWS22S2aZ0X 2a;iiiiiiiiii;iii;;;r77XXSSSSSSSSBM
    .Z7iii;::iri,irXr;ii;rX22ZZ0WMM MMXS28.:S7rr;ii::i: ...,. . .... .,.:,i X@S70MMW;aai MM;ZX XMMMMMMMaaZ2i.;i:7i77rSZBa8W@@MMM. @MMMMZZ8Z, .Xi .:i;;;;iiiiiii;;;;;rrXXSSS22S7MMMS
    Zrii;iiii:,i;;: ,;77XXa8Z00BMM: MaX2; 2Xii:i,i,:: . . . . .:,. @MBMWMBrZBar ZM , MMM2X,ZMB2ZSi ,:,;i;7rrSW8ZWM@M. MMM@ r; WMZS;iiiiii;iii;iiiiiii;r7XXXXX7rBMMMMM; .
    a7iriiiiiiii:,:ir;:..:7SZ0@MMMMM MWX0riXXrrr7iii:. . , . .MMWBMMS88ZXr, :Ma 2MMZ ir 2MB SXr ;.:;rrrr;raZa0@MM 8S,MMMM@MMM@ZZ;i;;;ii;;;;iiiiiiiii;i;r7X7iSM8aa8MMMM
    Z7;;iiiii:::::::,,ir77r;i;i;rZM2M2 XM7: XrX;iii:iii, . , 0MBaSS@MM2Zari. MMMMMZ:S7r ;MM,rXX i,. ir;rSa2a22ZMM iXaMMMMMMS2Z :,:iiiii;iii;iiiii;;iiiir;;WB222Za20MMM2
    a7iiiiiiiii:::::iiiiiiirrrS7X8MMWM M; 8a7riii,.::: . . .. ., . @M0ZZS;.rMM2Z2: ZWMMSSaS;, MMM:S2: . .: .,.rXXZSZMM . MXMMMMMMMMZ. ;,i;;ri;;i;iiiii;iiiii,;.aBaS22aaaZaZ@MMM .
    aX;;iii::ii:i:i::iiiiiii:r2Z0@MMMMMMMMM0 M ;BSr7;iri.::i.. . ... .. 8M0Za2X7r:,MM7r.iBMMMX.7X7i. 7MMM2aX .., ;:ir7SX7@M . XMMM , @MMMMMMMMX :::ii;;iiiiiiiii:i; XB7XS22a2aaaa2aZMMM
    aXiriiii:i::i::i::ii;iii;rMMMMMMMMM ZiS@Siri;;ii;ii.:: . . BM0ZaX7r77ii SBBMMMM: rrri. :MMMMMMMM ...i7;X2SZMW MMr M MM88MMMMr :.i;ii;iiiiii::; 2@ii;7XX2222222aSa8MMM
    X2iii:iii::i:::::iiiiiii;i;.:rWMMM M a@Sir;iii;ri::,.,,. ,,... : MBZSS7XXrrS:i. iMMM rSri: 0MMM@0SXZ0 .:;;X72ZMM ZM .MM0WMMMMMB .:ii;;:iii,X0:,;;rr7XSSSS222a2aZWMMM
    XXiiiiiiii::::::::iiiiiii;r7i8MMWMa W M ZW2i;r;;::;7i.... . : ,i: ,MWaSS2XXX;iMXi;. BMS.7 7MZ. ... ,::iirX2ZWM . . WM M 2MMBWMMMSXMi iiiii;i.20,,;;rii7XXSSS22aZaZ20ZMMM
    72i;i;iiiii::::::i:iiiiiii;:i:MMSM7 M WMM 8WZX77r7;ii;ri.,. . .; MWa22SS2X7; @M;i;: MMXXWMB, .:: ; .,,i;rrX2a8M MM: M@ rMMr:88ZMZ ,i.88:i;ri;;ir77XXSSS2aa880808MMM
    SX;;iiiii::::i::iii:iiiiirirrMMMBZM M7 MMMi;88aXS7ri;rririi,.,. .:. MWaSSSXX7r;; XMMiXr; 2MMMMaX77;,,. . :X . . ..:;;rrSS2MM XM MMM2@MMMM7@X :Zai:i;i:iiii;r77XXS22aZZ88008@Mi
    SW:i:iiiii::::::iiiiiiiiii;;;,MMMiMr M ;MMMMM.i8B2222XXXri;,:i.. . . ;MZ2X2S7riiii 70MM7X7 aBMX7a2ri:.,..:; . .ii;;;r2S2MS XM0 M0MMMWaWai . ..,::ii:iiirr7XS22aZZ8Z80MM
    :Xr:,iii:::::::iiiiiiiiiiii,:8MMBMM MMMMM@M0 XBZ222XXXX7rii:,, . ... WMXXXSri;;;;r.rBMMMXZ,0M2.aX7,., :SX :::,::;;;raSMM . . XMMMMMMMM@MM@M@@W827riiiiirr7XS2aZZZ800BMM
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    XMSS:i;:,,::::::iiiiiiiiii,7MMMiM,MM MMMMMMWWBM; 2aXSSSXSXS7r,.ii,i,. .... Z0rrri:ii;;;;.;WM rri.WM 22aZ0. , . . ...,.:i;i;XSXSMM: XM@S7;:,,.,,,:iiii;;;rXXS2a2aZ8B0@M2
    2BX:i;;i::i,,,:ii::iiiii, SMMiM8 . rMMMMMM80M8MW 2a7SSS;i,i7Sr . .,. . . SZr;ri:ii:iii ;@M XX,7WM ;XSBB : . . ,:i:;iirS772MM7 . ;MM027;;iiiiii::ii;;;;r7XXSS2aZ8ZBBM7
    7BXii:::rXr..:,,::iiii;i; SMMMMrMM MM@MM0Z28B@MM.;aar:XSX;,,iii, . . r8XX;ii;riiii iMM.SX SrWM8r2@. , .,, ., ,r;iii;7;XSa0MM MM8X7;;i;;;i::iii;;r;;;rXSS22aZZB0MMa
    2M7:iii::,,;22;,,i:,:iiiii 8M@WMM . MM@MMMZZZZWMM :2XaZrX7rX7;;;,ii . :WXri;i;;;;i: ;MM Xi,a @MMWMZ ; ..:i,,:rXi;rrr7XZZWMMX XMBSXrrr;i;iii;;ii;;irrXXXSS2aaZ00B@M8
    S@r,:ii::::::::SZSi::;;i: 8MMMWM SMMMMMM8Z88MMM a2XrS7SS7ii77;,i;,. . BS7;;iiiiiii ;M0 i.WMMM778a 7 ::.,iiii;7irX2@MMMa MMa7rrr;iiiii;ii;;777rX7XSXSaZZ80B0MMi
    X@ri::iii::ii::,:,;SaaXi. XMMMMMMM 2MMMMMB880BMMX iS;7S;iSX: ,i,::,,, 8ZXi;i;;i::i :Mr @MM.:X2X ; .:. , ,::a0MWXM. . . XM8X7rr;;i;ii;i;;;r;rrrr7XX22aZ80880MM.
    rWX::,i:::::ii:::i:::,iXZZXiB0@Z8MB @MMMMMM@@MWMM ,a.S2r,;Xr, ii. .,,, :WXiii;iiiii rM BMM 7SaZ r, ... X20@MZ7SMM W@2Xrrri:iiiii;;;;;rr777XSS2aaZ8880MMM
    MXi::i:::::ii::ii:i;r;;rrSZ8BWMS MMMMMMMW02ZMM B:787.;;2X:.,i, i, WZiii;iii:; SM aMM,rSSS .: ., ,i;SWMBB7 i8MM, . SM8Xrrri;;rrii;;;;;i;rrr7XXSaZ8Z8Z8WMM;
    Mar;:ii::::ii:::i:iii;;XSS2a8MM7 MMMMB0ZZZaaMM 0r,ZZ.i,,;2X, .,. .. XBri:iiiiii WMZMMiXS7S ; .. :SSS2Zaar.,r0MMMB 2MWXr;;;;iii::iiii;i7r7XXSS22aaZZaZ0MMZ
    ;@rr;::i,:::iiiiii:i;;77S22Z@MM MMMM@222ZZZMM ZS:r8X;i. ,rS, ,:, . 88;:i;i;i. MM@M722XX, r . :a8;iii..,,XWBZ8MM 7MWSr;;iii;iiiiii;;rrr7r7XXS22aZaaZ8MMM ,
    MXri;::,.::::iiii;;7XSa2Z8WMM0 . MMMM0a2Z8ZZMMi 27r.XZ7r:: .;Xr. . .. . . MXii;ir: aSM7XaSri 2. rSi.,, XB0Z2;7MM @MMMMMS . .iii;;;;;;rrrr77X7XXS2S2aaZZZMMM
    M;;;;ii:,,,,:::i:ii;XX80@MMBM MM02S8SZZZ8MM ii; ;rXr;. :7r . , , ,. rBr:iii; 0iMZ:XS;r i. .;;,,. XZW87;i7Z@MZ MMMMMM@WMMMB7 .,:i;;;rrrrrr777XSS22aaaZ@MM;
    M;irr;i:,::::::i:ir;r;SZMM02M MM872a0MMWMMM . ;7 , :X7i .;;, . .r. : S8i:;i,:88M XXX;. r .:r;i r8Ma: ;2aM@MM . MMM@WWW@MMMMMMMMM82S;;rrrrrr777XXXS22aaaZ@MMB .
    MZr;iiii::::::i::ii;;;rrZMMBM8 MMM2X2Z8M0WMM ZSrX; ,;7;, .;X: .77 . BXri; SiM;rS7r; a :8S SMM0i :8@ZS80MM 0MMMW00B@MMMMMMMMMMM@Srr;rrrr77XXSS2a2Z8MMMZ
    ;M27;;ii::::::,::;i;;ir;rZWMMM: MMMMWa2ZZ0@MM . i ,r;728W@ZX2SZ8BWWB8;.:i;2r,; 7BXii XBW X7rii 2rri0;::rB0M8Z;,.ZMMMWWMMM8 ;MMMMM@@M@WBBW0B8ZZ2S7r;:;r77X7XXSSS2ZZZZMMM;
    W@X7;iii::,,,:::::;rr7777XBMMMi 2M@WMMBZZZZMM . r,. , ZZr::BM 7X7ri:., i , .,ri;r.7;7ZM . MMMWaZ@MMM@W00BBX ..ii;X7XXXXXS222aaBMMM
    WBSr;iiiiii::::::iiirrXXXaaWMM,MMMWMMMM0BMM; . ,i,,.. , , : , : aaiX@2:XS;ir.,. :..: i.::,:r,X7;XS2X0Ma MMMMMMMW828WBW088BMai:i7rrrr7r7XSS2222ZMMMW
    W07;,iiiii:::::::iii;r7X2S8BMMMMMW@MMMMMM Xi:. ..,: i : , i a7M@,7XXrri .: : : , .i.:i:7SaZ8MZ. .MMMW0M@MMMMB82BW@W@B@M07:ir77XXXS22222WMMMX
    . MB7riiiii::::,,:i::ii;;XX2Z8BWMMMMMMMMM . ,ri.., . ..,. , i ZMr7SX;:: i:7irrrXaa8Z808ZZMM rMMMWWW880BBB0B8a0WWW@MMM@ir77XXSSS2ZWMMMX .
    MWX;iii:,,,,,:::iii:r;r7Xaa880MMMMMMM :i;r;i;r7X2aa8ZZ2a2ZZZB080Z8ZZZ88WMS MMMMMW@WWM@ZaW@BWM80WW@M8ZBM87XXXSaa0MMMW
    @@S;i;ii,ii:::,,::i;irr7XS2a80MMMMM M0XS77XrXi7ir;;;r7rXXaXaX22X7XSSXX2X;::iiirrXXS22Sa88ZB00BBB0BWWMMMMMMMM ;Mi ;@MM@WWWM0a@@WB@@ZZZB0WWBM8SX2BMMMM
    MMa7;ii:i::i::,,,:iir;r77SaaZ0@MM8 . M7:ii:i..ir::iiiiSrr;7r;;;::riiiii;rraZ0ZZ0BBW@MMMWWM@M@W@MMMMMMMMMB0ZBMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM@08Z@MMSri, ;MMWWMB0B0BW@MB880M@W@MMMMMMM8 ..
    rM07;i;r;iiii:::::i:i;;r77S22ZM, .,i:i;i,,: ,;7SaBMMM0@0Zr;, . i,:7rS78@B: i222ZBWMWZZS;7X2Z0ZZZZ808B0S:XM@M@M@MM8W@WMMM08MMMM
    .M@2X;iiir;i::::::::i;rr77X22@Mi 0aXrX;77iX7ir7r;7; . i;:;Sa88B008ZZ7:, . ,i;7;iri.iaZ :;ZBMMMMMMBZ27SZ88aaZ8082aaZ808raMMM@@B0@@WBWMMMMMS
    WM27rii;;ii,,:::,:iir;r7rX2aMM. .. MM2;XiX77aSXZ8aaWBWWMMMMMW0ZXi, , r . ,.ii;:i,XZX;Zr7a :MMMMMMMMMMZ2aSZ0ZZa2X2Z00ZaaaaZ0WX2MWBWWMMMMMMMB
    XMZXr;iiiiiiii::::ii;;7r7XS2MM 2MMM@MWZZSaSar;i. , X r ,.. . :, i MW.MMWMBriiZX@MMMX..;XZBB0a7r788BWB808ZZ8WMMMMMMMMM
    .MBXr;i;:;:iii::,,i:i;;;r7XZMM . ...;,,.. .,rX7: Z iMWWWB8@WMBMMW7ii:70MM02228BW880@WWWBW@MM2 rX.
    M8X77ri;iiii:i:,:,ii;;r7X2ZMM i;..:i..; : , , . . ,.. .XX, ii ir WMM80aZ80WMMZ. :;aMM@S;7S8@Z2XXZBWMMMMMM
    M@Xr7r;;i;;i:ii:,:;;;ri;XXZMM ,:...:,.: i , , . . .: ;S XWZ2ZB2XSr07MZSWWZSrrSZZ0M8, SMMM0;rSaBMMMZ22Z0@MMMM
    . SMSrr;r;;iiiiii:,::ii;;rr7BMM . . i;:,.,.,,.i : , . . X. 087;r7XXZa777SaSXXX8BZZZ@Z 2MMMS7aZBMM:iB;;aMMMMr
    .8ri;r;rr;i:,,:::,,iirr7720Ma i. . . . . ;X .7Xi iZ ,ar;rr;r;XXXXrXZaaS7WZ22Z2 ;MMMB: S@MM ZX0MM
    ,MZr;;i;;;;iiiiii::i:i;riXXBMa X:::,. 7 Z0aaZr X, MZ7aXrX777SXaZ7SSSZ8SZ88B2 ZMMMMr ,2MMMMMW;00M
  • ChaosDragonChaosDragon Join Date: 2002-11-04 Member: 6938Members
    [20:19] <Roachie> I R NOT HITLAR.
  • BogglesteinskyBogglesteinsky Join Date: 2002-12-24 Member: 11488Members
    Your result was 163 correct keypresses per minute.
    Rating: promising
  • LikuLiku I, am the Somberlain. Join Date: 2003-01-10 Member: 12128Members
  • BogglesteinskyBogglesteinsky Join Date: 2002-12-24 Member: 11488Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--Liku+May 18 2003, 06:18 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Liku @ May 18 2003, 06:18 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->OMG TEHY HAVE FALME THROWA. F4, F4<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    i recognise that...
  • WindelkronWindelkron Join Date: 2002-04-11 Member: 419Members
    <a href='http://web.syr.edu./~dphines/images/lg_warrick_all.jpg' target='_blank'>http://web.syr.edu./~dphines/images/lg_warrick_all.jpg</a>
  • UltimaGeckoUltimaGecko hates endnotes Join Date: 2003-05-14 Member: 16320Members
    Du bist einem häßlicher unterzahlender Italianischer Bootfahrer mit fuenf Kindern und kein Haus ausnehmen einen Karton

    kinda strange...
  • BlaqWolfBlaqWolf Join Date: 2002-10-28 Member: 1667Members
    we're on the same side idiot
  • LikuLiku I, am the Somberlain. Join Date: 2003-01-10 Member: 12128Members
    One Winged Gamer: What's up?
  • DOOManiacDOOManiac Worst. Critic. Ever. Join Date: 2002-04-17 Member: 462Members, NS1 Playtester
    Wi not trei a holiday in Sweden this yer?
    See the loveli lakes
    The wonderful telephone system
    And mani interesting furry animals
    Including the majestik moose
    A moose once bit my sister
    No realli! She was karving her initials on the moose
    with the sharpened end of an interspace toothbrush
    given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an oslo dentist
    and star of many Norwegian movies: "The Hot Hands of an Oslo Dentist",
    "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Molars of Horst Nordfink"...
  • dr_ddr_d Join Date: 2003-03-28 Member: 14979Members
    Wake up. The Matrix has you.

    Follow the white rabbit.

    Knock. Knock.

    kinda odd wonder what it means....hang on someones at the door.
  • ElvenThiefElvenThief aka Elven Thief (ex. NS Programmer) Join Date: 2002-11-15 Member: 8754Members, Retired Developer, NS1 Playtester, Constellation
    secure and computer have no place in the same sentence except in the con

    i started to type that out, but shift deletect to reply to someone else on irc. meant to be "context of this sentence"
  • RPG_JssmfulhudRPG_Jssmfulhud Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4006Members
    A hurt look worked its way onto Stith's face. "Sorry, ahmo, but. . .I just wanted to know why she doesn't like me!" There was a whimper in her voice.

    "Your. . .girl is harrasing me, Sarah." Mary said with a lowered brow. She shook her head, causing her many necklaces to rattle together.

    "I'm sorry!" Stith wailed again. She buried her head into Sarah's shoulder.

    Sarah patted Stith on the back of her head as her shoulder began to dampen. "It'll be alright, junebug. Just don't do it again."

    "Why can't you control her, Sarah?" Mary stammered. "She's been annoying me the past few minutes. I wish you hadn't brought her."

    Sarah continued patting Stith's head as she responded. "Excuse me?" Sarah questioned. Inside she knew that there was more to it than simple annoyance. "The last time I checked, we were supposed to bring our children this year." She gestured at the various children running around the room. "Hmm, looks like I was right."

    "Then you should have left her at home," Mary said, her eyes glowing with rage.

    "She's my child, Mary," Sarah said as she gently squeezed Stith against her.

    "No, she's not. She's a mantrin, you're a human.
  • NewNameNewName Join Date: 2003-01-09 Member: 12103Members
    <a href='http://itcertificationcentral.com' target='_blank'>http://itcertificationcentral.com</a>

    no idea where that came from :\ was expecting a picture
  • PulsePulse To create, to create and escape. Join Date: 2002-08-29 Member: 1248Members, Constellation
    skulks win melee nearly all the time in 1.04 already

    Not typed by me.
  • FlyFlownFlyFlown Join Date: 2003-04-26 Member: 15847Members, Constellation
    typo-flinging kid

    something I juste copied from Fam's post on Euro/uk playtesters thread <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • eagleceaglec Join Date: 2002-11-25 Member: 9948Members, Constellation
    // email the suggester
    $recipient = $email;
    $subject = "Ref: $name suggestion";
    $msg = "Sorry, your suggestion of the link for $name in catagory number $cat has been rejected.";
    $mailheaders = "From: MuppetKing <eaglec@muppetking.com>\n";
    $mailheader .= "Reply-To: eaglec@muppetking.com";
    mail($recipient, $subject, $msg, $mailheaders);
  • CoolCookieCooksCoolCookieCooks Pretty Girl Join Date: 2003-05-18 Member: 16446Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor, Constellation
    Evaluation of my pizza:

    1.I prepaed my pizza dough at home using my mums breadmaker. I made it at home the night before so there wouldnt
    be a rush in the lesson. It was kept in the fridge overnight to keep fresh. The other ingredients were also
    prepared the night before. Because i used some high risk foods (Meat and cheese) these were also kept in the fridge.
    My dish fitted the design brief as it was freezeable, enough for 1 person and was a well balanced savoury
    dish suitable for a teenager as a main meal because of the colours.(red sauce, Green and yellow peppers and grey

    2.Everything went well with my pizza. i had everything that i needed and knew how to prepare it. The only special piece
    of equipment that i used was my mum's breadmaker(to make the dough) and as i had usd it before, i knew what to do. If i
    made this dish again i would use more tomato sauce as i didnt have enough on the pizza.

    3.The dish looked like a pizza although it was a bit fat, because i used too much dough but it smelt and tasted lovely.
    I garnished my pizza with fresh oregano from my garden at home.
    I was given 9/10 marks which i think is the right mark as everyone that saw it thought it looked very tasty.
    If i was to make this dish again i would make the base thinner and use more tomato puree sauce, as it was a little bit
    dry. This dish would be easy to produce in a factory because it is a very simple dish to make. It could be packaged in a
    simple see-through covering so that you could see what you are buying.

    lol my DT hw i was copying from notepad to word <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • Cereal_KillRCereal_KillR Join Date: 2002-10-31 Member: 1837Members
    <!--c1--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1--> @_@<!--c2--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--ec2-->
  • dr_ddr_d Join Date: 2003-03-28 Member: 14979Members
    One day a gorge built in the nuclear powered n00b resource, and was suprised by a well placed marine phase gate which actually was a cunningly disguised marine in short-shorts and tie. The Gorge entered into a continued building, but secretly team-chatted "sevendashseven likes men" and self-combusted like microwaved cat. Along came Mr. 8-Bit Ninja who accidently tripped on a self-combusted gorge "What the hell?!" he muttered painfully the gorge replied: "......" He's dead. Then it cried "I am not an animal! I wear ponce!" and then the door slid open and out rolled a huge hairy ball of phlem. It ate everybody. And then it committed xenocide and there was much to talk about the thread ended.... Then was reborn! everyone groaned.... and got up to beat the living bjeesus out of the poor 8-bit monkey with spikey hair and blue eyebrows 2 HRS LATER: The phone rang "I like pie" Screamed a Fade "I like caek" Bellowed Mr.Pumblebottom Mr. Pumblebottom was an insane hippopotamus in a jam with many grapes Out of nowhere came baby onos with a cute radioactive squirrel launcher of Doom (+2). The baby onos fired and hit a semi-dead Gorge right in the large phlegm ball until there was little of his body mass left. A skulk evolved right into Superman. He saw Lex then tripped on Lois Lane, who died due to very unatural causes (complications of the Green slimy area in the USSR) Then Carl (a sentient cigarette machine with a penchant for giving out ) began to Dance OLD SCHOOL!!!!!!!!! 90's flashback insues Then a jetpacker exploded and fell on the D.J who fell onto The Decks and-span-around. The clubbers cheered! and everyone got burned disco style. Suddenly a big Cloaked Onos with a little cloacked rabbit with two lucky rabbit's feet loaded his AK47 with toxic hairballs then proceded to dance the funky del the homosapien Mentally Scarring all who were standing right near the alien resource point which suddenly discombobulated and turned into Paully shore and a big fat mutated elephant man with hairy toes. Then a Gorge which had fungi. telephoned king kong and asked "Why you gotta wear the frilly purple bra?" Confused he ate his hat which caused stomach ulcers, depriving various starving children of food for a whole damn year. Some time passed , eons, in fact then eventually something locked this thread? Nay! Not so! Along came bob with his n00bstick and his "elite" stick and his smelly pair of socks. He then exploded He mentally snapped He started eating a big pile of...nano sludge which was terribly spamariffic? No, Mexican Water which was brown and from Mexico with a pet Water with pet? Yes, a pet how odd mumbled the nearby marine with no pants met a gorge with large round arse. the gorge couldn't belive his bad luck when his eye spoke " Phear the LeEt " and popped out into the vat of steamy human skin peelings. "Ewwwww ," he said, "supercalifragilisticexpialidoceous " for NO reason. Then a Lerk pooped his pants , but it wasn't very solid, so it dribbled down while revealing his eight foot long trombone which was broken. The marine jumped on the disco dance floor which was spamtastic untill this post exploded, and everyone had wild sex which was spamtastic! While keeping the monkeys dancing on until fire erupts ceasing existence on bad grammar. "Mister Rogers" who died Peacefully, has been... doncing in slabsville which was a term for hell. W00t 200 posts and this means your momma will nuke this! Until, i scream icecream! ICECREAM, supa move which was spamtastic or was it. A mutated cow, from heaven decended t3h 1i0n k1ng And Landed on, Let. It. Die. , which was a large humanoid ant! "Take me to the land of underwear houses. so-they-went-to-the-brothel in a Yellow Submarine Then supernorn2000 died Woot went everyone to the funky poop of doom , best death evar! The questionable ending was answered by God upon high who proclaimed this, shall not die who art upon the holy ground BOOOOOM!!!! The end. at last *fhew* And the ReBoRn started fragging, and picking wildflowers in my bung. PURPLE was the color that brought memories of the Beforetime. post count +1 Then a lerk with hairy nipples bought a lazer-razor taser sun-bather tripped, fell, died. moving swiftly on... WHAT THE ****!? was he thinking? while pulling a large sack of man eating vegetables up the ladder leading to Flayra who's glaring at the new version oblivious to impending damned eternal spammage! Jetpacks and HMGs killed the fade who killed the pig faced pigmee Supernorn killed it Liku exclaimed. Then supernorn2000 was nubified. BEST DEATH EVAR said the commander. "j00 pwned, n00b !" so he claimed Life insurance, near was the MUTANT HYBRID MARINE with hairy toes and really small that smell awful Like salty nuts with a BUMP! On the scrotal-sac of the donkey who was sitting On Fam's face holding a large Onos in his... open frothy mandables What ho! said a small pixie counting his pennies saving up for an Automat Kalishnikov with which he
    slayed JediYoshi because kangaroo said to spam the forums and kill the giant smelly bun. Giant Smelly Bun? BioHaz pondered and Itched his backside. Suddenly a gorge giant smelly bun built an offense defensive sensory hive. "Oh Boy," he muttered, after he ate a bunfilled with anthrax of eternal death+3 Tarzan came to swing happily from a 15-inches tall gorge named Billy Dee tore his pantyhoseand eat them What a yummy entree w t f JediYoshi screamed at my new sig when it came Moving right along the Kharaa mating-ritual of impending pain. "VIVA LA ORIGINALE!" The End, PERIOD. GEEZ THAT SUCKED! No it didn’t or did it? Are you CONTINUEING!? yes, because Fatteh... coughed a hairball on infinitums plot Tooo much spare Pump up the volume... to t3h DJ Who has a skulk... in his knickers then suddenley, *BOOM* there was a(n) Orgasming Xenocide Explosion. "Man, not again!" Then suddenly spamtastically Narfwak's knee busted because of spam all over his lederhosen boondock pance unfortunatly they didn't protect him completely m fungal infection and scaly growth of his tail's ingrown nostril hair and other bodily hidden scents so he had.... revived a thread now spammers rejoice in the name of Jørgen A. Berthelsen Trance loving hippie never heard of showering with soap or brushing with Tinted orange toothpaste which tasted of, supposedly, tinted orange oranges from Africa, deep down oasis... you dig it? no, go away to far distances to walk to the ends of this damn story. it's never ending After being alone He puked orange. and then shouted HEY YOU GUYS!!!! on top of a table top which bled orange Juice onto the... Lap of Davis-TSA[e] who exclaimed loudly NOO my PANTS! and jumped around while holding a cup of orange onos milk and gorge fecal material and drank it and got sick with Kharaa bacteria then made a Bacteria cake for . Cereal_KillR who promptly refused and shouted LEMON and shoved cake Into his left... opponent's face, while singing Ol' MacDonald ate a brick and got confused because it didn't make any sense like this story but unlike the other story post this one has real comedy gold and will forever stick to your big juicy melons which are actually big juicy pears of gold. Meanwhile this topic ended. But then restarted by the one big cheese wedge from france, aka grande cale fromage which tastes horrendous in kitchen sink like so much french cuisine cheese on a very large french plate With onos milk. and gorge fecal matter mixed with lerk stomach acids And skulk saliva that regurgitated a A poor marine... who's name was John "rambo" Smith Silent But Violent yet very noisy HAHA GOT FOOLED as it's not over yet, because of the brick with hairy legs that smacked MonsE In his hairy... head. Because it. was propelled by... overclocked brick opellant hurting Saddam Hussein's proppelled-brick fragile... skull, and smashed... a ming vase in tiny pieces and saddam cried because he bit his lip when the brick smashed... his chinese vase "Ouch my lip!" then a gorge with only one resource left went to suck a big juicy lemon flavored orange juice which was covered with tasty bananas that a ape would love to fill himself with something which was radioactively dangerous but strangely alluring with green glow and toxic aroma so he farted On a HAHMG, whined for ammo and said "OMGh4x!!!" and ran away into the forest singing the song "yellow submarine" while spanking a lemon which was eating a gorge who was eating a marineburger that came from MacGorge which is being Eaten by a ravenous gibbon, who like others, ate the spanked lemon, spanked by the eyes of a spanker-eye monster With spanking hands... that spanked wildly... ,full spanking force, SPANK! yelled the... small yellow lemon before clutching it's Spanking hands on... pips. it then turned into pepsi-lemon and promtly exploded 'cos the bunny was fondling a fluffy white tail . But then he used his switchblade to sculpt a imperial stormtrooper, then rider on horseback both became alive and began to eat each other's legs off luckily the gorge close this topic. He then re-opened this fugly topic by using his awesome hacking skills "he is beginning... the Topic revolution." *cue the music* dah dah daaaaaa The fatty danced then puked because the skulk poke'd his fat *** from the puke... and ran away. Then CS terrorists fell and died. But were revived WC3-plugin was installed But everyone complained about this thing called "orange room" so they all had lots of sodas to take+3|-| |_33+ 50|)4'5 that had an insane elephant rampaging... with critical grenade and chainsaw dismemberfest enough to make explode everything that ed the insane elephant who was pink and very insane but not really very insane. Then... aliens landed near Roswell again, and they needed three words only "PINK ONOI RULE" exclaimed the gorge, making aliens happy as he flatulently spoke his name. And the Shopkeeper who was there took out his cucumber and stuck a hat on his huge pineapple and shoved it into the earth

    just finished posting the summary of the never ending story.
This discussion has been closed.