Worthy Netsplit
Session Start: Mon May 05 15:50:21 2003
Session Ident: #naturalselection
(15:50:21) ::::
(15:50:21) :::: Now talking in: : [ #naturalselection ]
(15:50:21) ::::
(15:50:21) :::: Topic: : [ Read !rules | <a href='http://www.readyroom.org' target='_blank'>http://www.readyroom.org</a> | <a href='http://listen.nsRadio.net:8000' target='_blank'>http://listen.nsRadio.net:8000</a> | Ask Flay questions <a href='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=1&t=30778&s=' target='_blank'>http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/in...&f=1&t=30778&s=</a> ]
(15:50:21) :::: Set by: : [ ChanServ ] on : [ Friday May 02 2003 16:11:41 ]
(15:50:21) :::: Users: : [ 161 ], Ops: : [ 11/7% ], Voiced: : [ 21/13% ], Regs: : [ 129/80% ]
(15:50:21) :::: Join synched in: : [ 0.331 ] secs
(15:50:21) ::::
(15:50:21) [?] ChanMode: ChanServ sets mode [+v] JediYoshi|Sadface
(15:50:21) ?? [ChanServ (ChanServ@Services.GamesNET.net)] (#naturalselection) You are one of the few, the proud, the slightly less annoying. You are one of #ns's "elite". Please keep your pance on.
(15:50:21) (Narfwak) lol
(15:50:25) (Narfwak) heh
(15:50:27) ? Quits: Rel|Immacolata (~immacolat@Immacolata.user.gamesnet) : [ "I NOW INFORM YOU THAT YOU ARE TOO FAR FROM REALITY." ]
(15:50:31) (+JediYoshi|Sadface) ahh, thought this was like #evo
(15:50:39) (+JediYoshi|Sadface) and i could go spam cwap
(15:51:02) :::: Nick: [FFT]SpaceMoogle5|NS : [ [FFT]SpaceMoogle5|yacking ]
(15:51:07) (Narfwak) I thought you would remember all the times you've spammed "lol"...
(15:51:21) ? Quits: snowfox (snowfox@pc-80-192-68-94-az.blueyonder.co.uk) : [ connection reset by beer ]
(15:51:24) :::: Nick: Hellbilly^ : [ Hellbilly^NS ]
(15:51:27) (+JediYoshi|Sadface) yes
(15:52:10) :::: Nick: Techwid` : [ Techwid`DoD ]
(15:52:18) ? Quits: bLuEMaN[Warcraft3] (~ganso@81-202-31-102.user.ono.com) : [ Quit ]
(15:52:42) (Naksu) Quick yes or no: is Flayra made from parts of lesser hardcore programmers?
(15:52:45) (Naksu) ;D
(15:52:57) :::: Nick: Techwid`DoD : [ Techwid` ]
(15:52:58) ? Joins: Rel|Immacolata (~immacolat@Immacolata.user.gamesnet)
(15:53:20) :::: Nick: Kitty : [ Kitty|killinppl ]
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(15:53:53) :::: Nick: Techwid` : [ Techwid`dod ]
(15:53:56) :::: Nick: alius|stuff : [ alius|NS ]
(15:54:45) ? Quits: DSettahr (DSettahr@dsettahr.rh.rit.edu) : [ Read error: EOF from client ]
(15:54:54) ([FFT]SpaceMoogle5|yacking) u have seen fangzors computer you would know there is NO WAY he could do that on his POS system
(15:55:19) ? Joins: snowfox (snowfox@pc-80-192-68-94-az.blueyonder.co.uk)
(15:55:19) [?] ChanMode: ChanServ sets mode [+v] snowfox
(15:55:19) (@ChanServ) [snowfox] <a href='http://www.student.smsu.edu/s/san232s/hardfunnypics/tfcownagestandhere-spatula.jpg' target='_blank'>http://www.student.smsu.edu/s/san232s/hard...ere-spatula.jpg</a>
(15:55:26) ? Quits: tseepra (~user@client-k180.komeetta.net) : [ Ping timeout ]
(15:55:28) (Narfwak) naksu - I'd say that's a definate yes
(15:55:36) ? Joins: DSettahr (DSettahr@dsettahr.rh.rit.edu)
(15:57:10) ? Joins: Gazaar (Gazaar@AC94E58F.ipt.aol.com)
(15:57:12) (Narfwak) Quick yes or no: Yes or No?
(15:57:15) ? Joins: randomnine (~dpirates@pc-62-31-93-7-az.blueyonder.co.uk)
(15:57:21) (@Kenichi) maybe
(15:57:26) (Narfwak) rgr
(15:57:52) (Narfwak) An admin an I kept doing vsay's like that
(15:57:59) (Narfwak) t'was funny
(15:58:04) (Narfwak) "Yes or No?"
(15:58:05) (@Kenichi) haha
(15:58:07) (Narfwak) 1)Yes
(15:58:09) (Narfwak) 2)No
(15:58:16) ? Joins: NeM| (NeM_@Toronto-HSE-ppp3687723.sympatico.ca)
(15:58:35) (@Kenichi) yes!
(15:58:45) (Narfwak) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!111one
(15:58:56) (Narfwak) my reply is longer, HA
(15:59:06) ? Quits: SiC^Name (~XenWeb@ny-amherst8b-221.buf.adelphia.net) : [ Ping timeout ]
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(16:00:12) ? Joins: k\o\w (drone@
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(16:00:42) :::: Nick: [TG]ChimpZealot : [ [TG]ChimpZealot|NS ]
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(16:01:04) (Vadakill) !up
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(16:01:44) :::: Nick: InfestHouseofAex : [ Infestasyde ]
(16:01:44) ? Parts: Vadakill (~Vadakill@cpe-68-118-180-85.ma.charter.com)
(16:02:05) (Narfwak) !down
(16:02:25) (Narfwak) poop
(16:02:28) (Narfwak) !banna
(16:02:31) ? Quits: Rel|Immacolata (~immacolat@Immacolata.user.gamesnet) : [ "They are becoming hysterical. This is the result of frustration." ]
(16:02:32) (Narfwak) !banana
(16:02:50) (Narfwak) !cucumber
(16:03:01) ? Quits: Aragorn (Aragorn@Aragorn.user.gamesnet) : [ Ping timeout ]
(16:03:31) (Duff-Man) !spam
(16:04:08) :::: Nick: Hellbilly^NS : [ Hellbilly^ ]
(16:04:19) (+JediYoshi|Sadface) !****
(16:04:19) ?? [ChanServ (ChanServ@Services.GamesNET.net)] **** is an unknown command.
(16:04:49) ? Quits: GhostfaceKillah (GhostfaceK@d141-6-146.home.cgocable.net) : [ F*ck this Bullsh*t ]
(16:05:09) ? Quits: Duff-Man (Duff-Man@roc-24-169-9-183.rochester.rr.com) : [ yeeeah... I didn't get the memo ]
(16:06:21) ? Joins: Greedo386 (~greedo386@Greedo386.user.gamesnet)
(16:06:21) [?] ChanMode: ChanServ sets mode [+o] Greedo386
(16:06:21) (@ChanServ) [Greedo386] <Silverfox|Bored> as hard as it is for any of you ... people .. here to believe .. I don't have a pervirted sexual interest in Rei || <Ekaj> I can't even change my name without someone taking Ekaj *** Ekaj is now known as Ekaj|Zelda *** BoZmAn20 is now known as Ekaj
(16:06:32) :::: Nick: localhost`DINNAR : [ localhost2600 ]
(16:06:33) ? Joins: BurritoMan (~deathspoo@adsl-20-186-46.asm.bellsouth.net)
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(16:06:54) :::: Nick: [TG]HooFBiTe|r5-Away : [ [TG]HooFBiTe|NS ]
(16:07:11) (Narfwak) I greatly dislike homework
(16:07:21) ? Quits: Jaeger-wdeath (~deathspoo@adsl-20-182-179.asm.bellsouth.net) : [ Ping timeout ]
(16:07:24) :::: Nick: BurritoMan : [ Jaeger-wdeath ]
(16:07:55) (Narfwak) forces me to think, and, uh, stuff
(16:08:45) (+JediYoshi|Sadface) Omg Greedo! Attack, rabits!
(16:09:01) (Narfwak) uh oh
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(16:10:58) [?] ChanMode: Slim.NY.US.GamesNET.net sets mode [+ooovvv] Kenichi Hodge^Sleep Greedo386 FoR|Storm[teh`DDR] Surge|Fallout Hellbilly^
(16:10:58) [?] ChanMode: Slim.NY.US.GamesNET.net sets mode [+vvvvvv] Acro`nano Flatline StoneToad Mart|DreamingofZoe regis Necro^Sleep-h4x
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(16:11:07) (Narfwak) damn attack rabits
(16:11:07) (+JediYoshi|Sadface) time to eat
(16:11:12) (+JediYoshi|Sadface) rofl
(16:11:22) (Narfwak) look what you've done!
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(16:11:41) (+JediYoshi|Sadface) they didn't know what they were doing!
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(16:11:45) (Narfwak) that's twice today, at least
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(16:13:00) (localhost2600) haha
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(16:13:06) (Narfwak) omg not again
(16:13:12) (localhost2600) i think we are allgoin in turns
(16:17:10) (localhost2600) every gnet server is hemoraging
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(16:17:22) (Narfwak) ug, I need some motion sickness pills
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(16:17:31) :::: Topic: : [ Read !rules | <a href='http://www.readyroom.org' target='_blank'>http://www.readyroom.org</a> | <a href='http://listen.nsRadio.net:8000' target='_blank'>http://listen.nsRadio.net:8000</a> | Ask Flay questions <a href='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=1&t=30778&s=' target='_blank'>http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/in...&f=1&t=30778&s=</a> ]
(16:17:31) :::: Set by: : [ ChanServ ] on : [ Friday May 02 2003 16:11:41 ]
(16:17:31) :::: Users: : [ 154 ], Ops: : [ 11/7% ], Voiced: : [ 20/13% ], Regs: : [ 123/80% ]
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(16:17:40) ? Joins: Flatline (~druhkram@12-237-134-61.client.attbi.com)
(16:17:40) [?] ChanMode: ChanServ sets mode [+v] Flatline
(16:17:40) (@ChanServ) [Flatline] <noobAtNS> linux needs a 'recycle bin'
(16:17:48) ? Quits: overpowering||NS (~overpower@ : [ Quit ]
(16:17:50) (+TheEnigma) linux needs a better name
(16:17:50) (+TheEnigma) like
(16:17:54) (+TheEnigma) PENGUINOS2k3
(16:17:56) (JediYoshi|Sadface) WTH
(16:18:05) (JediYoshi|Sadface) i was taking the log an my irc crashed <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
(16:18:13) :::: Nick: [TG]aha-n00b : [ [TG]aha-n00b-eating-dinner ]
(16:18:21) (+TheEnigma) laff
Session Ident: #naturalselection
(15:50:21) ::::
(15:50:21) :::: Now talking in: : [ #naturalselection ]
(15:50:21) ::::
(15:50:21) :::: Topic: : [ Read !rules | <a href='http://www.readyroom.org' target='_blank'>http://www.readyroom.org</a> | <a href='http://listen.nsRadio.net:8000' target='_blank'>http://listen.nsRadio.net:8000</a> | Ask Flay questions <a href='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=1&t=30778&s=' target='_blank'>http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/in...&f=1&t=30778&s=</a> ]
(15:50:21) :::: Set by: : [ ChanServ ] on : [ Friday May 02 2003 16:11:41 ]
(15:50:21) :::: Users: : [ 161 ], Ops: : [ 11/7% ], Voiced: : [ 21/13% ], Regs: : [ 129/80% ]
(15:50:21) :::: Join synched in: : [ 0.331 ] secs
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(15:50:21) [?] ChanMode: ChanServ sets mode [+v] JediYoshi|Sadface
(15:50:21) ?? [ChanServ (ChanServ@Services.GamesNET.net)] (#naturalselection) You are one of the few, the proud, the slightly less annoying. You are one of #ns's "elite". Please keep your pance on.
(15:50:21) (Narfwak) lol
(15:50:25) (Narfwak) heh
(15:50:27) ? Quits: Rel|Immacolata (~immacolat@Immacolata.user.gamesnet) : [ "I NOW INFORM YOU THAT YOU ARE TOO FAR FROM REALITY." ]
(15:50:31) (+JediYoshi|Sadface) ahh, thought this was like #evo
(15:50:39) (+JediYoshi|Sadface) and i could go spam cwap
(15:51:02) :::: Nick: [FFT]SpaceMoogle5|NS : [ [FFT]SpaceMoogle5|yacking ]
(15:51:07) (Narfwak) I thought you would remember all the times you've spammed "lol"...
(15:51:21) ? Quits: snowfox (snowfox@pc-80-192-68-94-az.blueyonder.co.uk) : [ connection reset by beer ]
(15:51:24) :::: Nick: Hellbilly^ : [ Hellbilly^NS ]
(15:51:27) (+JediYoshi|Sadface) yes
(15:52:10) :::: Nick: Techwid` : [ Techwid`DoD ]
(15:52:18) ? Quits: bLuEMaN[Warcraft3] (~ganso@81-202-31-102.user.ono.com) : [ Quit ]
(15:52:42) (Naksu) Quick yes or no: is Flayra made from parts of lesser hardcore programmers?
(15:52:45) (Naksu) ;D
(15:52:57) :::: Nick: Techwid`DoD : [ Techwid` ]
(15:52:58) ? Joins: Rel|Immacolata (~immacolat@Immacolata.user.gamesnet)
(15:53:20) :::: Nick: Kitty : [ Kitty|killinppl ]
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(15:53:53) :::: Nick: Techwid` : [ Techwid`dod ]
(15:53:56) :::: Nick: alius|stuff : [ alius|NS ]
(15:54:45) ? Quits: DSettahr (DSettahr@dsettahr.rh.rit.edu) : [ Read error: EOF from client ]
(15:54:54) ([FFT]SpaceMoogle5|yacking) u have seen fangzors computer you would know there is NO WAY he could do that on his POS system
(15:55:19) ? Joins: snowfox (snowfox@pc-80-192-68-94-az.blueyonder.co.uk)
(15:55:19) [?] ChanMode: ChanServ sets mode [+v] snowfox
(15:55:19) (@ChanServ) [snowfox] <a href='http://www.student.smsu.edu/s/san232s/hardfunnypics/tfcownagestandhere-spatula.jpg' target='_blank'>http://www.student.smsu.edu/s/san232s/hard...ere-spatula.jpg</a>
(15:55:26) ? Quits: tseepra (~user@client-k180.komeetta.net) : [ Ping timeout ]
(15:55:28) (Narfwak) naksu - I'd say that's a definate yes
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(15:57:10) ? Joins: Gazaar (Gazaar@AC94E58F.ipt.aol.com)
(15:57:12) (Narfwak) Quick yes or no: Yes or No?
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(15:57:21) (@Kenichi) maybe
(15:57:26) (Narfwak) rgr
(15:57:52) (Narfwak) An admin an I kept doing vsay's like that
(15:57:59) (Narfwak) t'was funny
(15:58:04) (Narfwak) "Yes or No?"
(15:58:05) (@Kenichi) haha
(15:58:07) (Narfwak) 1)Yes
(15:58:09) (Narfwak) 2)No
(15:58:16) ? Joins: NeM| (NeM_@Toronto-HSE-ppp3687723.sympatico.ca)
(15:58:35) (@Kenichi) yes!
(15:58:45) (Narfwak) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!111one
(15:58:56) (Narfwak) my reply is longer, HA
(15:59:06) ? Quits: SiC^Name (~XenWeb@ny-amherst8b-221.buf.adelphia.net) : [ Ping timeout ]
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(16:00:42) :::: Nick: [TG]ChimpZealot : [ [TG]ChimpZealot|NS ]
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(16:01:04) (Vadakill) !up
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(16:01:44) :::: Nick: InfestHouseofAex : [ Infestasyde ]
(16:01:44) ? Parts: Vadakill (~Vadakill@cpe-68-118-180-85.ma.charter.com)
(16:02:05) (Narfwak) !down
(16:02:25) (Narfwak) poop
(16:02:28) (Narfwak) !banna
(16:02:31) ? Quits: Rel|Immacolata (~immacolat@Immacolata.user.gamesnet) : [ "They are becoming hysterical. This is the result of frustration." ]
(16:02:32) (Narfwak) !banana
(16:02:50) (Narfwak) !cucumber
(16:03:01) ? Quits: Aragorn (Aragorn@Aragorn.user.gamesnet) : [ Ping timeout ]
(16:03:31) (Duff-Man) !spam
(16:04:08) :::: Nick: Hellbilly^NS : [ Hellbilly^ ]
(16:04:19) (+JediYoshi|Sadface) !****
(16:04:19) ?? [ChanServ (ChanServ@Services.GamesNET.net)] **** is an unknown command.
(16:04:49) ? Quits: GhostfaceKillah (GhostfaceK@d141-6-146.home.cgocable.net) : [ F*ck this Bullsh*t ]
(16:05:09) ? Quits: Duff-Man (Duff-Man@roc-24-169-9-183.rochester.rr.com) : [ yeeeah... I didn't get the memo ]
(16:06:21) ? Joins: Greedo386 (~greedo386@Greedo386.user.gamesnet)
(16:06:21) [?] ChanMode: ChanServ sets mode [+o] Greedo386
(16:06:21) (@ChanServ) [Greedo386] <Silverfox|Bored> as hard as it is for any of you ... people .. here to believe .. I don't have a pervirted sexual interest in Rei || <Ekaj> I can't even change my name without someone taking Ekaj *** Ekaj is now known as Ekaj|Zelda *** BoZmAn20 is now known as Ekaj
(16:06:32) :::: Nick: localhost`DINNAR : [ localhost2600 ]
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(16:06:54) :::: Nick: [TG]HooFBiTe|r5-Away : [ [TG]HooFBiTe|NS ]
(16:07:11) (Narfwak) I greatly dislike homework
(16:07:21) ? Quits: Jaeger-wdeath (~deathspoo@adsl-20-182-179.asm.bellsouth.net) : [ Ping timeout ]
(16:07:24) :::: Nick: BurritoMan : [ Jaeger-wdeath ]
(16:07:55) (Narfwak) forces me to think, and, uh, stuff
(16:08:45) (+JediYoshi|Sadface) Omg Greedo! Attack, rabits!
(16:09:01) (Narfwak) uh oh
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(16:11:07) (Narfwak) damn attack rabits
(16:11:07) (+JediYoshi|Sadface) time to eat
(16:11:12) (+JediYoshi|Sadface) rofl
(16:11:22) (Narfwak) look what you've done!
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(16:11:41) (+JediYoshi|Sadface) they didn't know what they were doing!
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(16:11:45) (Narfwak) that's twice today, at least
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(16:12:25) (localhost2600) JY, stop unplugin stuff
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(16:12:47) (Narfwak) netslpits and rejoins need to be accompanied by epic SWOOSHes and FWOOMs
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(16:13:00) (localhost2600) haha
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(16:13:06) (Narfwak) omg not again
(16:13:12) (localhost2600) i think we are allgoin in turns
(16:17:10) (localhost2600) every gnet server is hemoraging
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(16:17:21) [?] ChanMode: Slim.NY.US.GamesNET.net sets mode [+ooovvv] Onos Us3r BoZmAn20|mapping Flatline Acro`nano Hellbilly^
(16:17:21) [?] ChanMode: Slim.NY.US.GamesNET.net sets mode [+ov] Chal|HW Chal|HW
(16:17:22) (Narfwak) ug, I need some motion sickness pills
(16:17:22) (localhost2600) lol
(16:17:22) ? Joins: overpowering||NS (~overpower@
(16:17:22) * Disconnected
(16:17:28) * Attempting to rejoin channel #naturalselection
(16:17:31) ::::
(16:17:31) :::: Now talking in: : [ #naturalselection ]
(16:17:31) ::::
(16:17:31) :::: Topic: : [ Read !rules | <a href='http://www.readyroom.org' target='_blank'>http://www.readyroom.org</a> | <a href='http://listen.nsRadio.net:8000' target='_blank'>http://listen.nsRadio.net:8000</a> | Ask Flay questions <a href='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=1&t=30778&s=' target='_blank'>http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/in...&f=1&t=30778&s=</a> ]
(16:17:31) :::: Set by: : [ ChanServ ] on : [ Friday May 02 2003 16:11:41 ]
(16:17:31) :::: Users: : [ 154 ], Ops: : [ 11/7% ], Voiced: : [ 20/13% ], Regs: : [ 123/80% ]
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(16:17:40) ? Joins: Flatline (~druhkram@12-237-134-61.client.attbi.com)
(16:17:40) [?] ChanMode: ChanServ sets mode [+v] Flatline
(16:17:40) (@ChanServ) [Flatline] <noobAtNS> linux needs a 'recycle bin'
(16:17:48) ? Quits: overpowering||NS (~overpower@ : [ Quit ]
(16:17:50) (+TheEnigma) linux needs a better name
(16:17:50) (+TheEnigma) like
(16:17:54) (+TheEnigma) PENGUINOS2k3
(16:17:56) (JediYoshi|Sadface) WTH
(16:18:05) (JediYoshi|Sadface) i was taking the log an my irc crashed <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
(16:18:13) :::: Nick: [TG]aha-n00b : [ [TG]aha-n00b-eating-dinner ]
(16:18:21) (+TheEnigma) laff
*head explodes*
Didn't see myself in there though...
"What's a Net Split?"
Gamesnet seems to be whacked today.
the server gamesnet has many different computers hosting it.
they are all linked together, to help support more users
when particular users are linked to the network through one of the many computers that are linked, and that computer crashes, all the people that were being hosting off that computer, get disconnected..
did that make sense?