Enough With The Saboteurs.enough I Say!



  • QuestionQuestion Join Date: 2002-11-18 Member: 9180Members
    Yea guess what.....im a reg on the local servers.And guess what....the lamness still happens.

    Half of them have good admins,the other half are hell holes.

    Unfornately the admins are too busy...they rarely ever play the game anymore.So we dont get "Stalinist Perfection" here.Sadly.Report them to the admins so they can be banned you say?Too bad,the damage is done,the time wasted,the round screwed up beyond belief.And how do you get incriminiating proof of people sitting in the CC refusing to do anything?It doesnt help that the server rules do not forbid people from disobeying orders(they afraid of losing players).Also people using the "newbie" excuse for going gorg and spamming SCs everywhere have no need to fear....after all,they have to learn.Everyone was a newbie once!It would just be too HARSH to ban "newbies" for making a team lose! <-----That setence was sarcasm btw.

    I say...........they are just too forgiving.So WHAT if they are newbies or are PRETENDING to be one?They STILL **** their teammates off,they STILL caused the team to lose,they STILL wasted time,time that CANT be gotten back!
  • FireStormFireStorm Join Date: 2002-11-06 Member: 7390Members
    It happens... life is life....

    Two days ago I lost a game because 4 marines were humping the armory while a lone skulk chewed the phase gate in the hive... I said them "PHASE!!!" "PHASE NOOOW!!!!" And they still continued to hump that armory. Three seconds later tey realized what I said and ran to the pgase gate in our base. Then it goes offline... If they had phased we would have won the game. too bad, but it's like that...
  • QuestionQuestion Join Date: 2002-11-18 Member: 9180Members
    edited April 2003
    It SHOULDNT be like that.

    Stand up for what you know is Right in NS!CHANGE IT!
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