Enlist In The Tsa Marine Corp.



  • RamsesRamses Join Date: 2002-05-21 Member: 642Members
    There once was a thing called "Natural Selection Forumers Guild", in short NSF, which intent was to create something similiar to the <a href='http://www.onlinewarefarepact.org' target='_blank'>"Online Warfare Pact [OWP]"</a> for DoD.
    Unfortunately, the website is currently down and all the other information was on the old Forums. Here is a link to the website in the Google-Archive: <a href='http://www.google.de/search?q=cache:3-5E3ShmR6EC:www3.telus.net/peaches/nsf/+NSF+Guild&hl=de&ie=UTF-8' target='_blank'>http://www.google.de/search?q=cache:3-5E3S...&hl=de&ie=UTF-8</a>

    NSF was founded some month before the first release of NS v.1 after the idea from GobyWan. Its members were mainly NS.org Forum members but this wasn't a requirement.
    The only requirement was to agree with a special code of conduct, adapted from the OWP and written by H'Bnayr:

    1.<ul>I will not reveal my total lack of talent as a player by cheating. This includes aim-bots, wall-hacks, and bug or map exploits. If you suspect someone may be cheating, collect what evidence you can and report them to an admin.</ul>
    2.<ul>I will not act in a rude and disruptive manner. It's naughty, and it ain't no fun to watch. This includes spamming the chat, racist or sexist remarks, or vulgar language. IF I observe such behavior going on, I may comment on it briefly in the hopes that it will stop, but I will not allow myself to be dragged down to their level, nor will I ever kill a teammate, no matter the provocation. If I observe such actions occurring, I will first try to search out a server admin. That failing, I may revert back to the tried-and-true voodoo dolls. </ul>
    3.<ul>I will be helpful to newbies. I was once a newbie, and asked many of the same questions, and made several of the same mistakes. </ul>
    4.<ul>I will encourage and strive for team play. I will encourage the use of team tactics. I recognize the not doing to will send me to the sixth concentric cirle of Dante's easy-bake for eternity. </ul>
    5.<ul>I will lead by example. In playing, I represent not only myself, but also the NSF. Playing honorably is the best way to ensure that everyone enjoys their game. Playing dishonorably is a quick trip straight to Heck. </ul>
    6.<ul>I will not attempt to unbalance the teams just because I do not like the team that has the least players.</ul>
    7. (Marine)<ul>I will follow my commanders orders to the letter. </ul>
    8. (Marine)<ul>I will not start or participate in a commander eject vote unless said commander has proben to be a llama. If a commander simply is new to the game I will enocourage him and only attempt to get him quick if he simply refuses all help. </ul>
    9. (Alien)<ul>I will not become a gorge if there already several gorges on my team as this will simply serve to split the resource thinner. </ul>

    Last time I checked, the current membercount was 60...
    It's sad that NSF is no more (at least for now) but it's great to see another thing like this arise. Good things never die!
    I myself still wear the [NSF] tag, but since I'm ony 17, I have to wait for a year or a rule-change in any case...
  • RueRue Join Date: 2002-10-21 Member: 1564Members
    Back when i first started playing TFC, i used to play on the force 9 servers, they were the best id ever played on cause all the people were friendly etc. We started a guild i think that was its name and wore a -=F9=- tag, this showed people who were regulars and it really did help the F9 comunity (i can still remember the ips for the 2 servers off by heart <!--emo&???--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/confused.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo--> ) I think its a good idea and id were the tag, anyone here used to play on the F9 servers by any chance?
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