As The Mart Turns - Episodes 1, 2 And 3 Links.

MartMart Origin of SUYF Join Date: 2002-02-26 Member: 248Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Comedic Value.</div> I wrote and posted the first one of these way way back in August. A couple of months after my Top 100 Hate list hit the forums. (If you can remember that then you really have been here awhile.)
I recently dug up my first article, wrote a second and a third and then posted them on the EC forums to a mixed review. So I pledge to you off-topic forum goers, to go read them and give me some feedback.

<a href=';action=display;threadid=485' target='_blank'>ATMT - Episodes 1 and 2</a>

<a href=';action=display;threadid=510' target='_blank'>ATMT - Episode 3</a>

Now wheres Aaarrrgh... he owes me a theme tune.
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