Im New To Ns Help Me
Join Date: 2003-02-25 Member: 13958Members
i want to know how to build and upgrade and how to get new things on aliens and how to be a commander and how to build and upgrade and get new guns, i change my bind, tell me everything <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo-->
Step 2: RTFM! (Read The... uh... "Friendly" Manual.)
Behold! The manual doth explain everything. Read it and thou shalt become enlightened.
Skorp is right about reading the "friendly" manual. Nearly everything is explained well in it, though navigation at times can be tricky.
For an alien, let me start with the basics. For every hive, you can get one type of "upgrade" chamber. They are sensory, movement,and defence. Check the manual for specific info on each upgrade each chamber gives you. Usually on public servers, defence chamber is the chamber built first. So, to get an upgrade, right click, drag your cursor over the upgrades bubble to the left, and bring down to defence chamber. A few new bubbles will pop up. If there are numbers next to them (numbers meaning how much resources each one costs to use), you are able to get that upgrade. Click on one, and you will find your screen turns pink. After a while, you will pop out of the "egg" and be able to move freely again. In practise, it is a little more complicated, but you will learn it soon through trial.
Next, to evolve your character. To be very basic...each map has 3 hives. You automatically start with 1 of the 3 hives around the map. With each hive you get, you are able to get an "upgrade" chamber, and new attacks as well as a new evolution. Look at the manual for a description about all the different alien types and attacks. Now, let's say you have 2 hives up, and you wanted to evolve. First, use your ever handy right-click and drag the mouse button up to the bubble that says "EVOLVE". You will see skulk on the left, and gorge on the right. But you wanna get in the thick of things and be a fighter right? Well then, go up one more bubble and 3 more evolutions will show. Since you only have 2 hives, the super duper onos won't be available to you. But, you can always go fade. So, drag your cursor right overtop of the Fade bubble. Then click. You will go inside of your "egg" and gestate into a Fade. This may seem familliar with the upgrades you do, but evolving takes longer. When you pop out, you are now a fade, ready to go out and acid rocket marines straight to...err...heck... Remember that each evolution costs resources, and if you don't have enough, you can't evolve.
Well, I hope this has enlightened you, and others who aren't to clear on what to do. As for building things, if you don't know really what you are doing, you don't want to go gorge. Learn the basics, figure out the layouts of maps, then try gorge out once or twice. Same goes for being a comm. If you guys got anymore questions, post em here and I'll try to answer em. Unless of course I disappear for another 5 months <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo--> .
Get a microphone. This is essential, because some people ignore team chat and only talk through their mike.
Do not pester you commander for weapons and gear, and follow his orders. Learn to use your right click menu to tell the commander where you are when you need health because otherwise he can't jump directly to you if you ask for health in team chat.
Do not accidentaly use global chat when typing in critical info. That may just cause your team to loose the game, and in extreme cases you will be kicked and/or banned from the server.
Do not jump into the command chair if this is your first game; I really recommend you watch what the commander does so you get the general sense of commanding before you try it yourself.
Follow your marine teammates. Never wander off by yourself unless you are attempting a one-man stealth mission.
Know the maps well.
As a gorge, you can hold "use" to build your chamber faster after you lay them. This does not work on hives.
Heal yourself back at the hive or near any defense chambers so that you conserve resources and don't have to evolve again.
For aliens, resources are divided amonst all of you, with priority given to the gorge. Therefore, do not waste resources, because that effects everyone else. Never go lerk when you only have one hive up. It just might cost you team a close game if go lerk and die soon after.
Onos can get stuck when jumping over chambers in doorways sometimes.
Skulk- ambush guy, costs no money but still weak.
Lerk- support unit. Use umbra, as that protects you from 5/6 of all bullets. Dies easily.
Fade- One kicka$$ unit. It can still get killed though, so be careful and remeber that you claws do 80 dmg.
Onos- endgame unit. Your team will win in the next 10 min when you evolve into this. Get regen, not carapace, because regen on onos means healing at over 40 hp per sec.
Well, that's all I can think of for now. Just play and you'll get better. Heck, we all started off as newbs.
I have a lan party I'm going to tomorrow, and the gorge power banner kicks ****
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