#1 Rule Of Commanding
Join Date: 2003-01-26 Member: 12772Members

<div class="IPBDescription">Dont get mad!</div> Ah so many times have i seen commanders screaming down the mic or totaly loosing it and typing profanities at their marines, and probably with good reason. problem is i see this so many times, example: commander was a decent comm, and it was 7v7 on bast. we had engine secured, and were taking refinery, we had a pg up when the skulks killed the defenders, and then suddenly comm starts shouting down the voice comms for us to all phase to ref asap, *phase* *bite bite* 4 skulks on the other side died before we got off the pad, they took ref and the pg went down, comm went mad, started telling marines they were n00bs ect... well we ejected him promptly (by this time marines had 2 RTs and 1 hive, so were pretty screwed, i took command (they were good marines obaying orders and not ramboing) so we managed to get some sentrys up and start teching, fades came quickly and were raping both our bases, but upgraded marines fought them off, we eventually got JPHMG and killed refinery and then sieged feed. hard fought victory, with many setbacks along the way, but important thing was marines followed orders, and comm kept cool.
reason im posting this is because i see so often commanders getting **** off and waste time shouting at their marines for loosing a PG or something small like that, when the time would be better spent thinking what would be the best tactic to use if that particular one fails.
so all learning commanders, you will achieve better results if you stay calm and dont give up easy, remember the games never over and a marine with a jetpack and HMG can take down a hive anytime (unless their gorgs webb it, but for some reason they dont do it much..)
reason im posting this is because i see so often commanders getting **** off and waste time shouting at their marines for loosing a PG or something small like that, when the time would be better spent thinking what would be the best tactic to use if that particular one fails.
so all learning commanders, you will achieve better results if you stay calm and dont give up easy, remember the games never over and a marine with a jetpack and HMG can take down a hive anytime (unless their gorgs webb it, but for some reason they dont do it much..)
I am happy to obey cdr's orders, build stuff, gun down bugs and kill hives. But for now, at least, I have no more patience for "the chair".
Of course, if I wasn't in a winning scenario where it would really be a good riposte to their n00b-calling, I'd just leave the chair and let one of these brilliant beggars take over to spam weapons and eventually lose the game.
Feel free to ignore marines which aren't contributing to anything. Just make sure you know how to mute voicechat so that can't flood over the marines you need to hear, and never worry about them again.
Recycling the base because some wad called you a noob is just being a llama though. <!--emo&???--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/confused.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo-->
But only when my marines don't do what i tell them...
So.,.. now you know why i'm angry almost 90% of the time <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
they are insanely good shots.
hm, come to think of it, i think i've only been on the wrong side of their LMGs..... :'(
Of course there are times where noob marines would just walk around and thinking that they are rambos.. I HATE THEM.. I don't care how good you are.. If I am a comm and I need some ppl to help me defend some res node.. I expect you to follow my command.. Obviously those marines usually get nothing from me. Also there are the ones that refuse to relocate when I have already given that order at the beginning.. Last time in ns_hera I specifically told everyone to get to processing.. Only 1 guy arrived, 2 guys wen to cargo storage.. and I actually have 1 marine walked all the way to Archiving.. Obivously that game ended really quickly..
PS: I did notice that (at least for me) shouting at ppl helps more often than it doesnt.
but it happens that out of the 13 marines only 5 or 6 would do anything, the rest stayed in base doing nothing (even though the doors were covered with good placed mines ) they still just sat in base.
The comm drops HMG/HA for peeps and all the base campers some how managed to get this stuff and pretty much the marines doing something got nothing ( i dont actually think i stopped once whole game to pick up ammo). we had maint locked down. southloop secur4ed with turret farm siege. building outside CC when the fades came in the 6 or so marines doing something eventually could resist the 5+ fades attacking the CC base.
everytime i spawned i was greeted with 5-7 HA+GL/HMG marines standing in base around the armory getting ammo but not doing anything.
The first complaint i heard from one of them about the comm, i lost it and proceeded to ridicule the lame **** base camping marines to get a move on and try contribute to the cause. all the while the comm camly carried on trying to win.. they were even gonna eject the comm cause he didnt drop a med pack in the 10 seconds that the base campers asked (even though he was busy building a new minibase at triad generator).
my suggestion to get ppl out of main base is forget building an armory at main spawn. and just build them where u want marines. this way they might actually go some places rether than base camp.
Everyone's an ****!
I'm not pointing finger at anyone in particular but come on.. some of those people youre currently playing NS with are the same people who TK you as you spawn in CS when FF is on!
are about the only things i yell into the mic... some people just need a wakeup call to reality i think.
that way they cant say... oh i didnt know.
I'm amazed at how many commanders have a problem with this. I was in the only HA/HMG squad on my team and my commander couldn't find us to give us health. To make matters worse we were in a weirdly name area. I was field commander.
Me: "Commander we need health and ammo, keep track of us please!"
Comm: "Okay where are you?"
Me: "Ominous Kismet!"
Meanwhile I, as well as the rest of my squad is frantically selecting "Need order"
SQUAD: "Commander, I'm standing by!" "Where are those orders!" "Ready to move!"
Comm: "Where?"
We are getting attacked by skulks and lerks constantly.
SQUAD: "Commander, I'm standing by!" "Where are those orders!" "Ready to move!"
Comm: "You're in the Space Bar? Wha-"
We all die. Just as everything goes black I hear the sound of health packs phasing in *sigh*
LOL! <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->