Ejecting The Comm Because He Has No Res

QuestionQuestion Join Date: 2002-11-18 Member: 9180Members
<div class="IPBDescription">To do what you want?Excuse me?</div> Okay so i joined a new server on marines...i dont know why but we were spawning in hera reception.No one was comm so i took over.I was like "hey guys tell me whats going on".2 people used voice comm.....told them their voices were just too soft.MORE garbled voice.Repeated what i said.Even MORE garbled voice.Apparently the marines arent too smart......Then 1 marine askes me to secure data core(the one outside archiving).I was like "eh why?" but i did it anyway cause there was this RT near it.Then he askes for turrets.I drop 2 turrets.Then 2 marines in holoroom askes me to secure it.Im like "im securing data core and have no res".Then he askes me to drop a RT.I was like "WTF?Drop a RT with 14 res?!".Told them i had no res.Then he told everyone to eject me.Hmm ejecting the commander because he has no res to drop a RT immediately.....


  • RyoOhkiRyoOhki Join Date: 2003-01-26 Member: 12789Members
    It's my firm belief that there is a deady virus that is circulating through the NS community that blocks the res counter on the marine hud. I've given up trying to figure out how else people could ignore the large numbers telling them exactly how much res the team has. Sounds like you we're doing an alright commanding job, kicking you out for not complying to a request when you couldn't do anything anyway srikes me as unfair and stupid.
  • QuestionQuestion Join Date: 2002-11-18 Member: 9180Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--Ryo-Ohki+Feb 13 2003, 04:32 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Ryo-Ohki @ Feb 13 2003, 04:32 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> It's my firm belief that there is a deady virus that is circulating through the NS community that blocks the res counter on the marine hud. I've given up trying to figure out how else people could ignore the large numbers telling them exactly how much res the team has. Sounds like you we're doing an alright commanding job, kicking you out for not complying to a request when you couldn't do anything anyway srikes me as unfair and stupid. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    That would make a nice quote in my pagn.net forums sig,thanks.
  • RueRue Join Date: 2002-10-21 Member: 1564Members
    Welcome to Llama land , home of the stupid and the people who cant understand anything apart from Automatic guns.

    Thats actualy very sad to hear , but what about all the other people that where on the server , surely they didnt actualy kick u?.... if they did i think u would be better not going back there , but it again shows how a few people with small minds can rune a great game.
  • QuestionQuestion Join Date: 2002-11-18 Member: 9180Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--Rue+Feb 13 2003, 05:03 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Rue @ Feb 13 2003, 05:03 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> Welcome to Llama land , home of the stupid and the people who cant understand anything apart from Automatic guns.

    Thats actualy very sad to hear , but what about all the other people that where on the server , surely they didnt actualy kick u?.... if they did i think u would be better not going back there , but it again shows how a few people with small minds can rune a great game. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    The majority voted.......it was 5 vs 5.

    And no,i dont think i will go back there again.
  • EdcrabEdcrab Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4324Members
    Ah, yes. The moronic team. Especially those that automatically choose "yes" during a vote to some sort of sublimiminal stupidity heralding from gaming's darker days...
    Hell, my clan commander was voted off as he wouldn't place some HMG's with 30 res. Some idiot got back in (this was of course a pub game) saved up for two HMG's, placed them in a way that only one was reachable (man, the beams in a roof are visible, people) then asked him to get back in. When he now had a three hour ban. We <i>need</i> a "forgive commander" option if you ask me...
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