I'm A Bad Fade...help
Join Date: 2002-12-24 Member: 11508Members

<div class="IPBDescription">all about fades</div> when i see other people be fades, they're almost like "indestructible" but when i become a fade w/ "cloak" "adrenaline" and "regeneration," i get killed like a snap.......how do i become one of those "indestructible" fades?
Instead of Cloaking, you could try Scent of Fear. Then if you know there's marine in the room, jump around corner, hit him with acic rocket and run back. Because you can see where in the room he is after that, recharge your energy and let him have it
Also, experiment with different kinds of upgrades
Cara/Adre/SoF for Acic Spamming Fade
Regen or Cara/Cele/Cloak for Stealthing Melee Fade
You need to find a style which suits you the best
Or maybe you would be best as Umbraing Lerk or maybe a frontline Gorge (My favourite, especially with new siegerules)
1.)Get carapace
3.)scent of fear
=IF LOOSING=(I usally use this is i am the only fade)
3.)scent of fear
You can't just rush right into 50 hmg's you have to play it smart. Well goodluck
I'm serious - hide at the end of corridors and pop out to spew a couple of acid rockets at the marines, pop back in to wait for your stamina to come back, pop back out and repeat. When they get too close then switch to your claws to finish them off... or if you're getting low on health then use blink to run away and heal.
I'm serious - hide at the end of corridors and pop out to spew a couple of acid rockets at the marines, pop back in to wait for your stamina to come back, pop back out and repeat. When they get too close then switch to your claws to finish them off... or if you're getting low on health then use blink to run away and heal. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Too bad blink never friggin works!
blink is NOT teleportation
it is an instantaneous sling shot
so if ANY part of your model would come incontact with ANYTHING solid that is where you STOP
1) DONT LOOK DOWN, your foot hits the floor and you STOP
2) jump+duck = you go where you want
I'm serious - hide at the end of corridors and pop out to spew a couple of acid rockets at the marines, pop back in to wait for your stamina to come back, pop back out and repeat. When they get too close then switch to your claws to finish them off... or if you're getting low on health then use blink to run away and heal. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Well I wouldn't say this is the style of a coward... this is TACTICAL playing.
Some Marines will yell at you "LOL, Fade running away from a LMG like a little child muhahar.", but remember: In the end they die, you don't... that's what it's all about.
Kill without being killed.
Here are some suggestions on how to upgrade your Fade (if available):
Defence Chamber:
With the changes in 1.04 all 3 defence upgrades are very usefull, so it depends on your personal playing style (In 1.03 carapace was best choise in almost every situation in my oppinion).
Carapace is very usefull if you're expecting melee combat or attacking an enemy base / outpost. The additional armor my give you the time to destroy a phasegate, infantry portal or turret factory before dying.
Regeneration is a good choice for hit-and-run attacks on small groups of Marines or outposts. Step out of your cover, fire your acid rockets, go back tino cover... if you got hit, regeneration should healed you up when your energy is high enough to start another attack.
Redemption is my personal favorite since it saved my arse a lot of times in 1.04.
You should avoid melee combat with more than one or two Marines, because the lack of additional armor or regeneratian health makes you easier to kill.
Try to take out enemy Troops and building with your acid rockets from a distance.
If redemption is triggered, you saved a lot of time and resources for your team. You will be healed and back on the front in no time, keeping the Marines under preasure.
Movement Chamber:
Silence is an upgrade that I would not suggest using when being Fade.
Fades are rather big and have quite a lot of attack power, so there often is no reason to be quiet. Anyways it may be usefull in combination with cloaking to wait for Marines to pass by and kill with slashing... it works but is not very common, because if a Marine has turned his back to you he'll probably dead within seconds, no matter if he can her you or not <!--emo&;)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/wink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
Celerity is very usefull when playing a defensive style. You can get out of your enemy's range of fire more quickly so you'll suffer less hits.
Additional speed can also be usefull to get past enemy turrets (harder to hit) or getting close to a Marine and slash him.
Personally I've made good experiences combining celerity and redemption, because the additional speed may give you the few seconds redemption needs to trigger.
Adrenalin however is the most common upgrade for Fades, giving you the power to fire one or two more acid rockets plus you need less time to recover energy before attacking again.
Sensory Chamber:
Well only little to say about enhanced sight... i think this upgrade is the most useless in the whole game, no matter for what type of alien (hopefully this upgrade will be tweaked or exchanged someday).
Cloaking is fun.. most of the time cloaking is a lot more fun than a real use or help.
As mentioned before cloaking can be used to stalk and slash Marines, but remember that cloaking loses a lot of it's use when motion tracking is available for the Marines. (If a Marine is clase, he'll regognize the position your blip disapeared. If the Marines are far enough not to pay attention to your blip, you'll have to wait a long time.. and time may be crucial.)
Scent of fear is the most common and most usefull upgrade for a Fade becaus it changes "search and destroy" to "just destroy" <!--emo&;)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/wink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
Ok, you'll still have to keep your eyes open, because you'll only see positions of wouded Marines, but that should be no problem... fire one acid rocket and retreat.. you can now see him and chose a place to fight him again (remeber that it's always an advantage if you're the one that decides where a fight takes place...).
Here are three upgrade combinations I use in different situations:
Carapace, Adrenalin, Scent of Fear:
The most common combination of upgrades not only for the Fades.
I suggest newbies start using this combination... it will give you the armor to stay a life for wuite a while and the power to kill some Marines or structure before retreating or dying.
Redemption, Adrenalin, Scent of Fear:
My favorite combination...
Again enough power to kill some enemies and a good chance of being teleported back to a hive, saving time and resources (and keep the kill-counter low on the scoreboard *g*).
Redemption, Celerity, Cloaking:
I sometime use this combination for scouting or small hit-and-run attacks, but infact this combination fits a lot better when playing skulk.
However celerity may help you to get past enemy turrets, cloaking may help you to evade or stalk Marines.
Well (once again) I wrote a lot more than I intended to... but I hope this is a help to new players anyway.
They are really powerfull in 1.04 (200 hp with a single grenade)
Three direct hits and you are dead meat... And that blast damage hurts you a lot as well
CHARGE, you will more then likely kill him (rmemeber if heat eats ONE of hisd nades he is toast ;D)
CHARGE, you will more then likely kill him (rmemeber if heat eats ONE of hisd nades he is toast ;D) <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Only problem is that grenade launcher marines dont usually move alone... So when you see grenades coming behind a corner, dont just run there. There can be 2-3 HA/hmg marines waiting... <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
I was the only one with GL
And 8 marines were with me <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
So ALWAYS run from grenades, if ur cornered then there isint much u can really do
it is an instantaneous sling shot
so if ANY part of your model would come incontact with ANYTHING solid that is where you STOP
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Okay, then why the heck does the manual talk about blinkingthrough walls???
I am getting really fed up with the manual