Is This True!?

DY357LXDY357LX Playing since day 1. Still can't Comm.England Join Date: 2002-10-27 Member: 1651Members, Constellation
<div class="IPBDescription">What Jolt Told Me</div> I'm part of [=LS=) and we tend to switch our server to different games
depending on our mood, usually it's Counter-Strike or Day Of Defeat.
So i set about getting the Natural-Selection uploaded to our server, as
Jolt provide our server I went into the irc and found someone to consult.

Here's the chat.
(19:15:02) (dy357lx) Can you help me?
(19:16:38) (Gonkster) depends
(19:16:43) (Gonkster) go ahead and ask anyway <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
(19:16:57) (dy357lx) We want Natural-Selection on our server, how do we do that
(19:17:07) (Gonkster) is it an uber server?
(19:17:24) (dy357lx) no, a UK Only one
(19:17:28) (Gonkster) no
(19:17:34) (Gonkster) we dont allow it on normal servers soz :/
(19:17:40) (dy357lx) :-( Whys that
(19:17:48) (Gonkster) it uses more cpu than 6 cs servers put together m8
(19:18:25) (dy357lx) How much are ubers?
(19:18:38) (Gonkster) start at ?150 per month
(19:18:44) (Gonkster) theyre ur own machine
(19:18:48) (Gonkster) total access etc
(19:19:05) (Gonkster) uko and intl normal servers are shared
(19:19:21) (dy357lx) So N-S can ONLY be used on Ubers.... no others?
(19:19:26) (Gonkster) thats right
(19:19:51) (dy357lx) bah, i'll let the rest of the guys know and see what happens, thanks for the help

/me kills Jolt a several banana's

$150 a month!?!?! Surely N-S dodesn't use 6x as much CPU as Counter-Strike.
Any feed-back/input/info would be nice please.


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