Can't Get Into Server

theBIGonetheBIGone Join Date: 2003-02-04 Member: 13099Members
<div class="IPBDescription">because of a file</div> when i want to enter a server 6 out of 10 times i get the message "server is enforcing consistancy of file models/shell.mdl"
what is it and how can i fix it? i've tried to reinstall but is no use. it keeps giving the message

'thats all for now


  • The_Mad_KniferThe_Mad_Knifer Join Date: 2003-01-18 Member: 12439Members
    Hmm, I had this problem too. But, somebody told me just to download version 1.4 and extract shell.mdl out of it and put it in the NS folder in models. Worked for me.
  • FireStormFireStorm Join Date: 2002-11-06 Member: 7390Members
    edited February 2003
    <a href='' target='_blank'>get it here</a>
  • TalesinTalesin Our own little well of hate Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7710NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators
    Just apply the v1.03 or v1.04 patch. It's not necessary for a non-server excepting shell.mdl, but it does give you the warm fuzzies of knowing that you can just kick over and fire up a 1.04 server whenever you like, to mess around and test stuff. ^_^
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