The Recruit: Part 3

WolfofShadowsWolfofShadows Join Date: 2002-12-23 Member: 11420Members
edited January 2003 in Fan-Fiction Forum
<div class="IPBDescription">Foothold</div> <b>The Reality of War Series</b>
<a href='' target='_blank'>Part 1: Arrival on the TSA SuperAxe</a>
<a href='' target='_blank'>Part 2: The First Battle of Tara Yulon</a>
<a href='' target='_blank'>Part 3: Foothold</a>

<u>April 14</u>

I was promoted from Private First Class to Staff Sergeant, 3rd Squad Leader of 2nd Platoon, on my first day in the field. I'm not sure whether I should be excited or scared shitless. Late in the night after the first Kharaa attack we managed to set up decent defenses in the center of Tara Yulon. We were also able to set up a Phase Gate so that we could get reinforcements from the rest of the battalion, who were ready and waiting aboard the TSA SuperAxe. The body count after that first attack was startling. 49 Marines slain, 20 injured. 25 skulks ran into an entire company of trained Frontiersmen and killed neary 2-1. Not to mention that fade, which nearly clocked me out for good. Apperently the dumb beast forgot about the sentry turrets we had just built and got a back full of one soon after knocking me out.

Battalion reinforced us to 75 able bodied frontiersmen, and we quickly began setting up turrets all over the place. We expected a large attack to come early in the morning, if not sooner, and we wanted to be ready for the worst. It never happened. Dawn saw 75 frontiersman on the ready, hands tense around their guns, expecting a skulk rush, or perhaps some fade, or lord help us, maybe even Onos. But there was nothing. Once again, i'm not sure whether to be excited...or scared shitless.

<u>April 19</u>

The last few days have blurred together. A mass of blood, rushing skulks, the near endless sound of the standard issue LMG re-chambering round after round of ammunition. Intellegence still hasn't figured out why the Kharaa didn't attack on the 14th, but since then it has been wave after wave of Skulks rushing mindlessly into our midst, attacking the first person or structure they can get their deadly jaws on.

We managed to set up a good foothold in the quiet of the 14th however, and casualties have been minimal. A few dead Privates that wandered to close to the outer perimeter of turrets, and i think 3rd Platoon lost a squad leader. In the madness of combat there hasn't been much time for socialism. A quick word or two while restocking ammo. A short conversation during the rotational down time each squad has a day. About an hour to rest and eat. I've managed to learn about my squad fairly well, and the four of them seem to respect me somewhat.

My assistant squad leader, SGT Benante` is insane, that was the first thing i learned. The guy is a Section 8 all the way, but i've never seen a better shot with the sidearm. He's picked off a couple of slower moving skulks with his pistol before they even reached the perimeter. Then there's CPL Lindsey, WHO WON'T STOP LOOKING OVER MY SHOULDER AS I WRITE THIS. He helps get things out of perspective, he makes things seem a bit brighter in a situation as insane as this. Between Lindsey and Benante` cracking jokes and insulting their attackers inbetween bursts of fire, it's sometimes hard to keep a straight face behind the trigger. It seems wierd to consider joking around in such a **** situation, but really, i think without little diversions such as that, it would be impossible to hold on to any sense of sanity. PFC Bonds and PFC Burnside are both a little nervous about this situation, i don't think they knew what they were getting into when they joined the Frontiersmen, but they are adjusting, and I think they will do ok. Bonds bothers me the most though, he rarely ever speaks, he's very quiet. I've heard that can be dangerous in times like these. Maybe Lindsey or Benante` can get him out of his shell. So that's my squad. 4 lives on my hands.

Frontiersmen doctrine dictates that squad leaders should concern themselves with accomplishing their mission at all costs, and not on keeping their squad alive against the Kharaa. But these guys are my responsibility. I'll make sure they make it back to the Axe in one piece. Well, squad break is nearly over. CPT Maddox has been meeting with Lieutenents Church, Rapp, and Lucas, the 3 Platoon leaders for the past couple hours. I have a feeling something big is going down soon.

<u>April 20</u>

I was awakened from my sleep this morning by 2LT Lucas, my platoon leader. He gathered all 5 of the squad leaders into his tent, where a map lay next to a notepad. Looked like we were about to get down to business. Intellegence had determined the reason behind the silence on the 14th.

A scanner sweep had found a Hive not far from our present location. In the shopping district of the colony. The sweep showed moderate defenses around the chamber, and moderate Kharaa presence. Foxtrot Company was about to assault the hive. The plan was simple. All three platoons would attack the hive area from three different sides, scattering the Kharaa. 1st Platoon would attack the hive from the SouthEast, straight there from our current location. 3rd Platoon would loop around and attack from the NorthWest, directly opposite from 1st Platoon. 2nd Platoon would wait until both other platoons had been engaged, and then assault from the SouthWest, where the hive's defenses seemed the weakest. Hopefully the majority of the Kharaa would already be engaged with 1st and 3rd Platoons. Then came the shock to my system. My squad would not join the assault. My squad would fall back a few hundred meters behind the assault and assemble a siege engine and defenses. My squad was in charge of the siege...the most vital part of falling the hive.

I have to go brief my squad. We move out at dawn tommorrow. If i survive to write another entry, we may just have Tara Yulon back.

<b>NOTE: Seein as how that movie about the CIA jacked my title, this series will be continued under the title "The Reality of War"</b>


  • WolfofShadowsWolfofShadows Join Date: 2002-12-23 Member: 11420Members
    heh, wow, excellent point. I'll be more careful about that <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • RobRob Unknown Enemy Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 25Members, NS1 Playtester
    This really isn't too bad. I would caution you on one thing, though. Something I have trouble with alot:

    We were also able to set up a Phase Gate so that we could get reinforcements from the rest of the battalion aboard the TSA SuperAxe.

    This is a bit vauge because it can also mean they are transporting men from to the surface to the SuperAxe, and not the other way around. See what I mean? Other than that, it seems fine to me.
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