Marine Warning System Needs Improved

NetherNether Join Date: 2003-01-21 Member: 12530Members
Whether 10 seperate or one single location is under attack you get one warning, in large games this warning is almost permamant you hear it every 5 seconds so you basicly have NO warning as to wtf is going on with your outposts.
Im tired of my base defence kindly wandering off or getting killed and not saying anything while im busy at another location then scrolling back to base to find 13 offence chambers sitting in it and half of it destroyed or one of my outposts which was there 1 minute ago but is now replaced with a wall of lame.
The fact is the commanders attention is a finite and precoius commodity, he cant be looking everywhere at once and alot can happen in just 30 seconds and at the moment for all the technology marines have the commander is about as clued in to whats happening to his structures as I know about performing open heart surgery.

I suggest when buildings come under attack make the name come in the warning, so if i hear phase gate under attack or turret factory under attack I know ive got a problem. Or some extra upgrade from the ob that shows little flashing red icons on the minimap where structures are under attack.


  • RastaRasta Join Date: 2003-01-23 Member: 12617Members
    I agree, perhaps they could include that warning to fellow marines... or have it displayed in a red dot on their mini maps. I mean, that map the marines have is pretty much useless. If they included that warning, especialy where a structure is being attacked I think that would even it up.
  • SoBe_DragonSoBe_Dragon Join Date: 2002-12-04 Member: 10465Members
    i posted about this in another thread, and I agree. I think that the core buildings should have their name in the warning

    Ifantry Portals
    turret factorys
    and phase gates

    Its not important to hear "sentry taking damage" or "sentry firing".

    Also, you know how you're supposed to "press your jump key to go to an alert"? Mine doesnt work. I bound 3 different keys to +jump and it never shows me whats going on...
  • fLoPpYfLoPpY Join Date: 2002-12-03 Member: 10427Members
    im sure on the CC minimap u see the structures flash as red dots when they under attack, or is that just a marine? it says sentry taking damage, thats the only structure specific wanring ive heard
    anyway, by the time u get there, that structure is half dead, or that marine IS dead.
    regarding the jump key, it works for me, but i have to be fast, cos if sumone asks for health in one part of the map, then aliens attack turrets in another part, i wont be able to find the person that needed health. same for ammo, and "need order".
    when u say a radio command, does an icon flashabove ur head like in cs?? i think that might be useful.
    also, if everytime u press the jump key, it wud focus on the previous alert up to a max of 5 or so.
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