Kharaa Are Not Reskinned Marines?!

SevendashsevenSevendashseven Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3357Members
<div class="IPBDescription">The truth unfolded</div> You've all heard the phrase "Kharaa are not reskinned marines".
Well, your friendly neighbourhood mad skinner decided to do some research.

The findings were, surprising, to say the least.
Here I present them, in the form of two skins.


The first one is me applying the Fades' skin to the Frontiersman model, using modelview.
Lo and behold, I present to you, THE THING.

Notice the uncanny positioning of the JAWS OF DOOM and the anatomous wonder on his face.

Note that this is just me placing the skin directly over the model, I wonder if the developers made this on purpose and are trying to tell us something?!


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