Open Letter To Tsa High Command.



  • BlueGhostBlueGhost Join Date: 2002-11-30 Member: 10337Members

    There is no problem, only stupid people.

    Com places the armoury propprely and you can spawn grab 1 clip as you pass and be through that phase and killing 4 skulks in no time.

    If you cannot clean the area with 1 pistol clip and 3 LMG clips you come BACK through the phase and get more ammo reload your pistol and go back in.

    The ammo on spawn is fine, you have just enough that you can do serious damage with it (kill a fade, kill a sizable chunk of skulk rush ect) but not enough that you can afford to waste it.

  • ImmacolataImmacolata Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2140Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    Well, Kitsune, come think of it. An alien spawning needs to spend some time powering up it's upgrades, so another kind of down time for the marines would be nice as well, it's just that the armory humping is so blatantly frustrating to comms and players who know the drill. It never bothers me to see an alien cocoon even fi the hive is under attack. Strangely enough. Perhaps having upgraded armor spew out double clip size.

    I hope the newbies learn about it sooner or later. Any comm should have hotkeyed following statement.

    "Marines, when I say "PG PG PG" it is because I need you through the Phase Gate and defend our outposts NOW! Please, if you're just spawned dart into the nearest Phase Gate as if the devil himself were after you. Don't bother to stock up on ammo, you're born with 110 rounds and you're wasting precious seconds getting ammo that you'll never manage to spend anyway before you're dead."

    Of course, having it on BIND would be a bit long...

    But perhaps another interesting variety: Klaxxons and red flashing ligts go off ON the armory when comm needs to wake up his marines of their stupor! <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
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