Leap Question

stoogstoog Join Date: 2002-12-18 Member: 11102Members
I was browsing through server logs of a scrim I played in, and noticed that it said this:

L 01/01/2003 - 21:31:42: "aphelion stoog<1><49271><alien1team>" attacked "[ReD]mogg<13><2817243><marine1team>" with "bitegun" (damage "75")
L 01/01/2003 - 21:31:42: "aphelion stoog<1><49271><alien1team>" attacked "[ReD]mogg<13><2817243><marine1team>" with "bitegun" (damage "4")
L 01/01/2003 - 21:31:42: "aphelion stoog<1><49271><alien1team>" attacked "[ReD]mogg<13><2817243><marine1team>" with "bitegun" (damage "4")
L 01/01/2003 - 21:31:42: "aphelion stoog<1><49271><alien1team>" attacked "[ReD]mogg<13><2817243><marine1team>" with "bitegun" (damage "4")
L 01/01/2003 - 21:31:42: "aphelion gen disorder<4><146562><alien1team>" changed role to "Fade"
L 01/01/2003 - 21:31:42: "aphelion stoog<1><49271><alien1team>" attacked "[ReD]mogg<13><2817243><marine1team>" with "bitegun" (damage "4")

Obviously the 4's add up to 16 damage, but it says bitegun. I didn't know if it was something funky going on when I bite someone, or it was when I leaped onto him. Anyone know?


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