What Would You Do

ArchzaiArchzai Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 8007Members
edited December 2002 in Frontiersmen Strategy
<div class="IPBDescription">your DecisionS?</div> Okay i jus had a tough game, though very fun.
It was 1.03 of course... i wasn't on a 1.04 server

So i start with the normal bulid

2 IF 1 Obs 1 Armory and a phase gate.
I immedietly tel to guys to get to hive 3-c because they are in archiving.
Becuase they were in archiving, they had quick backup constantly at the elevator to the hera entrance. THis was a pest, and they started towering before anything else, which i saw by scanner sweep. So i quickly took the resource nozzle at 3c then made a quick outpost under the lift.. made a phasegate, a seige to kill those towers, then i quickly got up and made a phase gate their and a nozzle.

I checked holo and htose pesky kharra already got it, and they towered up the main entrance. So i recycled the old phasegate and turret fac and i moved up and advanced and seieged their wall of Defense. I now had holo room and a phasegate set up. I quickyl tried to claim i theink computer core? But my attempt failed and they soon got a second hive. By now, i already had an arms lab and prototype lab, and my marines had 2-2 armor. And i had approx 4-5 RTs. I kept trying to get a phase and turret up near their hive but ever attempt failed.
We had them pretty much pinned down and most of my marines had HMG and welders and HA and GLs .... my most trusted soldiers had them, but the problem was, the ones that were rambos didn't want to help, causing the good players to die when welding was crucial. We had most of the RTs and the aliens were pressed for resources. By now i had 2-3 weapons-armor. and every minute or so. i got back 200 RPs and i could rearm and reassemble a 4-5 person team with HMGs and HA (taking into fact that mostly 2-3 didn't die and only 1 or 2 died).

Money wasn't a problem and out team was managing to get those fades down quick enough. We had processing from seiging any structures but eveyrtime my team stepped in their they got killed. I even tried going for their main hive but that was worse. As time wore on, people started getting bored and didnt pay attnetion. Things started falling aprat and we lost everything. I had to leave before the game ended becasue of my parents but then i knew the inevitable was bound to happen. We were gonna lose.

Now my question is : What would experienced commanders do at this point, if you had 4-5 RTs and you were trying to get those seige up. (It was very hard because all the fades would come and it was hard for them to fight back and return quick enough)

Im hoping some people have similar experiences but instead they won, i want to learn how to handle such a situation next time. THanks <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->

EDIT: all the players said i was a good CO cuz i kept them in tocuh and i kept talking to them and i asked them nicely to follow orders. THey said it was one or two people that disobeyed that caused our loss.. BUt is till wanna learn. thanks for helpin


  • MadJackMcJackMadJackMcJack Join Date: 2002-12-24 Member: 11467Members
    Kit a couple of the HAs with grenade launchers instead of HMGs. You have no idea how fast fades run from a grenade barrage. While they are doing this, and the HA/HMGs are covering the area, have a basic grunt build the seige outpost. Boff, dead hive. Or at worst, the DCs will be destroyed and you can order someone with a HMG to kill the hive. A full clip emptied into a hive (takes a few seconds, so give him cover) will mean a dead hive. Boff again.

    Also, don't equip the rambos. Either they'll toe the line, or provide distraction. If they ask for a shotgun/jetpack/welder combo though, give it to them. I've seen people work wonders with these, and it's cheap enogh for you to chance the resources.
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