Some Test Results:
Join Date: 2002-11-15 Member: 8839Members

i have been testing soom things in NS mapping, thought they might interest you.
these were all tested one player with sv_cheats 1. no guarantee 100% for mutiplay, but most should i hope!
1. <b>more aliens!</b>
the xen light plant works - but you have to have it target a light entity to get the effect as usual.
the xen "spiking" tree works, and it will try to hit ya as it is supposed to/
the xen hair "grass" works and waves around.
the xen spore is there, i forget what it is supposed to do?
these can all be added to alien planet ambience. i don't hink they will work ON a space station though.....
2. <b>differences from other HL mods</b>
most mods allow me to use SKIN -16 value in a func illusionary to turn it into a ladder. (saves an entity) NS doesn't, MUST use the ladder entity.
i also found that grav is reset as you join a team - i tried to have lower grav (tigger gravity) in player start and i couldn't get it to translate into the game area. (it was gonna be the prize for finding the easter egg in the start/team choose/f4 room.)
i probably messed up, but i could not get a camera to work in the play map and be veiwed in the start/team choose/f4 room. but this is probably because i need to link them somehow with a trigger brush inside a conduit of regular brush.
3. <b>doors, trains and plats</b>
these are weird in NS. i tested them in HL and another mod and they worked fine. but when i made the level an NS map, they stopped working. anyone have tips on these? are trigger brushes or buttons <i>required</i> in NS?
oh, and no use saying replace the plats with doors - note that my the doors don't slide either!
4. <b>things to test yet</b>
unless someone else has done it......
i have have to check yet if i can turn trains or illusionarys into !water, lava or slime yet.....
see if i can get weapons like welders laying on the ground....and maybe ammo and shotguns.
these were all tested one player with sv_cheats 1. no guarantee 100% for mutiplay, but most should i hope!
1. <b>more aliens!</b>
the xen light plant works - but you have to have it target a light entity to get the effect as usual.
the xen "spiking" tree works, and it will try to hit ya as it is supposed to/
the xen hair "grass" works and waves around.
the xen spore is there, i forget what it is supposed to do?
these can all be added to alien planet ambience. i don't hink they will work ON a space station though.....
2. <b>differences from other HL mods</b>
most mods allow me to use SKIN -16 value in a func illusionary to turn it into a ladder. (saves an entity) NS doesn't, MUST use the ladder entity.
i also found that grav is reset as you join a team - i tried to have lower grav (tigger gravity) in player start and i couldn't get it to translate into the game area. (it was gonna be the prize for finding the easter egg in the start/team choose/f4 room.)
i probably messed up, but i could not get a camera to work in the play map and be veiwed in the start/team choose/f4 room. but this is probably because i need to link them somehow with a trigger brush inside a conduit of regular brush.
3. <b>doors, trains and plats</b>
these are weird in NS. i tested them in HL and another mod and they worked fine. but when i made the level an NS map, they stopped working. anyone have tips on these? are trigger brushes or buttons <i>required</i> in NS?
oh, and no use saying replace the plats with doors - note that my the doors don't slide either!
4. <b>things to test yet</b>
unless someone else has done it......
i have have to check yet if i can turn trains or illusionarys into !water, lava or slime yet.....
see if i can get weapons like welders laying on the ground....and maybe ammo and shotguns.
- Plats and doors don't self-trigger in NS, so yeah, trigger brushes/buttons are required.
- I don't suggest using the xen entities. Why the heck are they in the mod/fgd anyways? Flayra will probably nix them in a later release. So don't bother with them.
- Gravity triggers can be done (we were discussing them a little while ago) but they are indeed a little screwy. For a somewhat less realistic low-grav effect you can use trigger_push.
- Weapons / Items can't be spawned into a map. Someone tried modifying the FGD to get them to work, but it didn't work. So they can only be spawned by the Comm.
btw, more testing results:
the xen tree reacts to player (kharaa or human) only, not to structures. and human turrets and alien offensives do not react to xen entity/creatures (light plant, spores, hair, tree). Flayra may take them out, but why? they work, and they are alien, why not? it is not like the monsters.....
func illusionary report on skins changed with smartedit off:
skin -1 is still the empty skin, as usual.
skin -3 still works as water, like always only the top texture shows. the usual for HL mods.
skin -4 works as slime, but different. usually slime is death on contact - but in NS it only kills when your feet leave the ground....again like water only the top side keeps the texture.
skin -5 works as lava still, instant death. all sides keep the texture.
skin -7 also works like water, kinda like it always did.
skin -16 has stopped working, no longer works like a ladder the way it does in all most HL mods i have tested so far.
btw, all other skins from -2 to -15 have been tested before, they didn't work in HL, so i doubt flayra added them.....
func beverage entity also doesn't work. might as well remove it or comment it out of the FGD.
I'm trying to put together a "what doens't work in NS" article, prehaps we could colaborate tommy?
<a href='' target='_blank'>Quickstart Mapping Guide to NS - Appendix 3 - Whoops!</a>
You're a fantastic resource to have around tommy!
/me puts 2 thumbs up
chrome angel - sure, just take the stuff from here, or post what you want me to check.
<i>btw, i checked out <a href='' target='_blank'>natural selection WORLD at</a> <a href='' target='_blank'></a> and could not find a link into your <a href='' target='_blank'>mapping appendix #3</a> or any of your tutorials from there. i also saw no way back into your tutorials from the appendix #3. might want to speak to your webmaster....</i> :\
<b>more test results:</b>
verified - no weapon nor any sort of item nor equip could i get to work/give, except as commander.
func water is mostly good, one NS peculiarity is slime...
skin -1 is empty - only water top texture shows.
skin -3 is water as usual, including underwater fog.
skin -4 is supposed to be slime, but worked as plain water, no death or hurt.
skin -5 is lava, still works as instant touch death, all sides show the texture.
skin -16 is still ladder if the texture is not a ! prefix name. peculiar, this works with func water but not func illusionary, where it would be more handy.....go figure.
func_healthcharger does not work in NS. i checked, because it does in some other HL mods.
<i>BTW, i am testing advanced NS FGD Version 1.8 - Updated by Fox0r ( not the standard limited one from NS itself.</i>
... oh, and no use saying replace the plats with doors - note that my the doors don't slide either!
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Could you elaborate a little?
I've had no problems with doors or plats whatsoever in NS mapping.
I haven't tried to make any horizontally sliding doors, is that what you meant?
<i>btw, i checked out <a href='' target='_blank'>natural selection WORLD at</a> <a href='' target='_blank'></a> and could not find a link into your <a href='' target='_blank'>mapping appendix #3</a> or any of your tutorials from there. i also saw no way back into your tutorials from the appendix #3. might want to speak to your webmaster....</i> :\<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Cheers tommy. From NS World you get to the guide using the dropdown entitied 'what are you looking for?'. To get to the guide from the appendix you use the 'back' button. I guess I need to make a menu that actually looks like a menu <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
<b>results on monster entitys</b>: <i>i know these are not intended for NS use. so what?</i>
this is what i found for monster entities. remember i am in sv_cheats 1 mode! also after a crash, i just put them all into func wall glass boxes, which made them not a crash problem.
these did not show up at all:
monster_alien_slave, monster_cockroach(i think! although i thought i saw something crawling around on the floor?), monster_babycrab, monster_barnacle, monster_headcrab, monster_gman, monster_human_assassin, monster_grunt_repel, monster_ichthyosaur, monster_houndeye, monster_rat, monster_satchelcharge, monster_scientist, monster_scientist_dead, monster_sitting_scientist, monster_tentacle, monster_tripmine, monster_zombie, monster apache.
these DID show up, and some reacted:
<b><i>most of these do not react well in multiplay in any format. but feel free to experiment!</i></b>
monster_barney (talks and shoots at other HL monsters.)
monster_alien_grunt with yellow dots in the air (tried attack and then the engine crashed)
monster_cockroach i do NOT think works, but.... i thought i saw something crawling around on the floor? needs more testing,
monster_flyer_flock - no reaction, but i might have had in prisoner mode. they did flap their wings!
monster_furniture works.
monster_alien_controler, faced me.
monster_bullchicken, faced me
monster_bloater, i forget, think it faced me.
monster_hevsuit_dead, half buried in floor with yellow dots in the air did nothing.
monster_hgrunt_dead, did nothing - he was dead!
monster_human_grunt, faced me
monster_leech, moved some, then did nothing.
monster_miniturret, needs retesting, i think i had it in disabled mode.
monster_sentry, the HL turret attacked both kinds of players, ignored all sturctures, human turrets ignored, but Kharaa offensives counter attacked & disabled. did not hurt me as player - but then i was in cheat mode!
monster_snark, blew up within a second or two.
monster_turret, the NS looking HL turret attacked both kinds of players, ignored all sturctures, human turrets ignored, but Kharaa offensives counter attacked & disabled. did not hurt me as player - but then i was in cheat mode!
i did not check or test some of the other large monsters, did not feel like rebuilding the test rooms for such large monsters. feel free to do so yourself and give us results! <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
<b>do NOT work:</b>
monster_osprey, monster_apache, monster_nihilanth, monster_gargantua do NOT work.
--> func friction does NOT work. <-- no slippery ice!
phasegate, turret, siegeturret do NOT work.
<b>do work:</b>
monster_bigmomma DOES work, kinda. it shows up.
cycler, cycler_weapon do work to show most models, but the model cannot be interacted with - ie. no shooting gun to be picked up, no operating turrets. there is a clip brush so it seems solid.
cycler_sprite also shows a model, but it does NOT clip it. of course it also shows animated sprites....
env_sprite also shows models, but it does NOT clip it. of course it also does sprites....
env_shake, env_funnel work.
game_score i could not test, my sv_cheats did not show if score changed.
i also tried to get a skulk to walk on a SKY ceiling. the there is an auto clip with zoners/merles, and the skulk does not hang on to clip brushes. i mean the skulk fell off every time.
so if you want an outdoor map, do not worry about skulks walking the sky.
You have to target a light from it, the plant will switch it on and off.
see this tutorial on ERC:
<a href='' target='_blank'>xen plantlight ERC tutorial</a>
This is very usefull info, and it won't go to waste.
/me watches as tommy14 takes NS to his mad scientist lab <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->