Andromeda Nearing A Beta...



  • Killer_Chalupa1Killer_Chalupa1 Join Date: 2002-10-10 Member: 1468Members
    So when are we gonna get a beta?
  • Lord_RequiemLord_Requiem Join Date: 2002-11-20 Member: 9481Members
    I just completed my move yesterday, and I should be up and mapping some tonite. I have to track down a very tough leak and it may take most of the day, if it does I won't get any mapping done tonite except bug tracking. I'm approx 5 mapping days away (that is, 5 days of mapping without tracking bugs all the time) away from a beta. I'll let you know later today how its coming, since i have a nice fast machine to compile on separate from my mapping machine i should get more done too.
  • AngelAngel Join Date: 2002-07-09 Member: 902Members
    Requim what server will be playing the map? As i am intereting in pting the map
  • MayIPostNowMayIPostNow Join Date: 2002-12-17 Member: 11001Members
    could you use func_lift or push to create a realistic spacy death. Maybe a button to turn the wind tunnel on for the skulks?
  • Killer_Chalupa1Killer_Chalupa1 Join Date: 2002-10-10 Member: 1468Members
    I think I'll make comments about the map when I play it. The athstetics (did I spell that right?) should come afterwards.
  • Lord_RequiemLord_Requiem Join Date: 2002-11-20 Member: 9481Members
    Funny thing is"Oueddy babs", I'm not even sure myself how this level "feels" since I havent even play tested it myself yet, much less released a public version, because its not finished.
  • Lord_RequiemLord_Requiem Join Date: 2002-11-20 Member: 9481Members
    Where to begin?

    1) There is also a church/cathedral/chapel in Tac Ops, Unreal Tournament, Return to Castle Wolfenstien, Blood, Day of Defeat, Mortyr, Quake 3 (basically the entire game is 1 giant cathedral), Medal of Honor Allied Assault, Battlefield 1942, and Doom II, so I guess you could say I'm also copying all those games.

    2) The wind tunnel with the large earth backdrop may remind you of Duke 3D, but thats because you're living in a fantasy world of little green men with pointy hats who sing merry songs and dance in the meadow all day.

    3) We people who put resources in areas they arent likely to be gathering from "in character" with the game's story do it because its strategically good to put them there or it just plain works good. "in character" will never EVER EVER (and you can quote me) take the place of gameplay on any good level.

    4) Yes, andromeda isn't suppose to fit what your notion of "NS theme" should be, its supposed to be different and strange at times. I created it with a simple vision: To boldly go where no map for NS has gone before. And I bloody well will release it that way, griping or not.

    If you don't like it, you don't have to play it!
  • Lord_RequiemLord_Requiem Join Date: 2002-11-20 Member: 9481Members
    Oh and one more thing: I was not a fan of duke 3d, and I haven't even played it in over 5 years. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • evoLvingeviLevoLvingeviL Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7802Members
    edited December 2002
    Yes 'babs', your opinion to which requiem responded with several good points. Go requiem! (but stop double-posting! [edit!!!])

    Your response to his response was pointless and kinda mean, 'babs'.

    Anyways, with the giant wind tunnel:

    - Water in the bottom doesn't really seem to work. Just my opinion.
    - Use a skybox for the planet at the end (someone will probably be glad to make you one, and HanzGruber posted a cool planet skybox in the ns_rift thread). The screenie a way back looked like the Earth texture was just stuck at the end of the tunnel. Skyboxes are the only way to fly.
    - BTW, babs, Requiem already said a few posts back he was adding pipes to make the res node look cooler. Are you still doing that, Requiem?

  • SupernornSupernorn Best. Picture. Ever. Made. Ever. Join Date: 2002-11-07 Member: 7608Members, Constellation
    mmm...ive seen more pictures on nsworld of this map...including...shudder..that outdoor area, "lost paradise?"...
    sure you can release this map, doesnt mean anyone will play it because honestly it just dont look like ns ( i know you were aiming for it to be this way, so well done i guess on that...) i think the wind tunnel was alright and the train is pretty cool, but i really think your starting to push it on the outdoor area....truth being, i honestly dont see your map appearing on any good servers...sorry, but thats my opinion, and your gonna flame me...go ahead..make my day...
  • SupernornSupernorn Best. Picture. Ever. Made. Ever. Join Date: 2002-11-07 Member: 7608Members, Constellation
    <!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->
    "in character" will never EVER EVER (and you can quote me) take the place of gameplay on any good level.
    <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    id like to see what does take the place..because i dont see a good level in your screens.
  • Lord_RequiemLord_Requiem Join Date: 2002-11-20 Member: 9481Members
    Supernorn: There is more opinions in the world than just yours. If you don't like it don't play it. Offer constructive criticism instead of "I dont like this, I dont like that, thats ugly, and those areas suck because I think they suck" -- That doesnt help me with the mistakes I have made so far.

    To the rest: pipes already added to res node in tunnel, i tried adding a skybox to tunnel but its tough to do with it the planetmarine texture and retain the round shape, once you add the depth dimension (which looks like its already there from most areas in the tunnel already) you start to lose the effect I've got going right now.

    I have a nice checklist after my rad compile last night and I'm going thru fixing bugs and adding more stuff. Progress is good.
  • SupernornSupernorn Best. Picture. Ever. Made. Ever. Join Date: 2002-11-07 Member: 7608Members, Constellation
    how bout some new shots <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • Lord_RequiemLord_Requiem Join Date: 2002-11-20 Member: 9481Members
    Late tonite. Once I get the lighting right the wind tunnel will look much better, I'm trying for a "bright catwalk with large dark surroundings" so that skulks can ambush easily and marines must use flashlights to see them if they arent on the walks.
  • MikenolikeMikenolike Join Date: 2002-12-18 Member: 11098Members, Constellation
    Maybe instead of using the Earth in the end you can have a asteroid field, with a line of computer detailing how the Earth was destroyed, which would be a reason for there being so many marines in space <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • Lord_RequiemLord_Requiem Join Date: 2002-11-20 Member: 9481Members
    Unnecesarrily complicated. It looks good the way it is and its probably going to stay the way it is. I'm running a compile now, I'll post pictures in the morning if all goes well. I have 2 rooms left that are empty (both small minor rooms), 1 hallway left i have to build and maybe 1 room, and 7 rooms I have to go over carefully and add accessories before beta 1.
  • sySTEm1sySTEm1 Join Date: 2002-12-20 Member: 11222Members
    personally i think the map looks promising and some original ideas going on here, ok so maybe it will be straying from the original ns theme but i look forward to playing the map to get a proper feel of what the developer is trying to acheive.
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