Its Official: I Suck
Join Date: 2002-11-20 Member: 9468Members

<div class="IPBDescription">Yes, fades are not all powerful</div> Few days ago I found a good server. I saw the marines win a few games, and that made me blink in surprise.
Today I went in that server as an alien. After maybe ten minutes we had two hives up and most of our ten person team was going fade (myself included).
We were playing the map...crap how do I say this, there is a room with two resorce nodes. This is where we met them. They had maybe two turrets there, not counting a seige turret. There were maybe three or four guys there, nothing five fades can't handle, right?
Wrong. We all rushed in there, acid rockets blazing. They slaughtered us in less than a minute. Three guys in Heavy armor using HMGs cut us to gibblets. THREE GUYS!!! I got in some guys face and didn't even have time to swipe. We used so many resorces in that one fight that we didn't have enough to keep pressing. The game was soon over.
I've heard people tell me in the suggestion forum that you can take a fade down with a LMG. I never bleived that but with a comm like they had I think you could. He upgraded them so fast we had no chance to react. He placed seige cannons in places that made it so we couldn't build more resorce nodes.
I have decided that my constant losses are not for "balance issues," but because I suck. I have no "L33t Skillz."
There. I said it. IS EVERYONE HAPPY NOW!!!1 I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE, DO YOU HEAR ME! I got the munchies...
Today I went in that server as an alien. After maybe ten minutes we had two hives up and most of our ten person team was going fade (myself included).
We were playing the map...crap how do I say this, there is a room with two resorce nodes. This is where we met them. They had maybe two turrets there, not counting a seige turret. There were maybe three or four guys there, nothing five fades can't handle, right?
Wrong. We all rushed in there, acid rockets blazing. They slaughtered us in less than a minute. Three guys in Heavy armor using HMGs cut us to gibblets. THREE GUYS!!! I got in some guys face and didn't even have time to swipe. We used so many resorces in that one fight that we didn't have enough to keep pressing. The game was soon over.
I've heard people tell me in the suggestion forum that you can take a fade down with a LMG. I never bleived that but with a comm like they had I think you could. He upgraded them so fast we had no chance to react. He placed seige cannons in places that made it so we couldn't build more resorce nodes.
I have decided that my constant losses are not for "balance issues," but because I suck. I have no "L33t Skillz."
There. I said it. IS EVERYONE HAPPY NOW!!!1 I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE, DO YOU HEAR ME! I got the munchies...
At that point, you lost my sympathy.
Fades get their evil reputation in 2 ways IMO
A) The way marines die (end game) when the fades acid spam your base, killing 3 at a time (the more common way, and the wrong one IMO, as you were gonna die anyway, it just HAPPENS to be a Fade)
B) From the few who use em right, and blink slash you to death.
Acid isn't even that good, that's the farce of it. Claws are far superior in every respect except range. (And you have Blink, so WTF do you care about range?)
Blink works by teleporting you towards the nearest wall, jump and duck, point at a wall and hold down fire and you blink to that wall, master blinking and you will not die. And the best of us get mashed up by well organized HA/HMG marines if we cant blink away from them.
To kill a fade with LMG, wait until it's fired it's 4 rockets, then jump out and charge it with LMG at close range. Try to avoid it's claws. If you're very good, you can take the fade yourself. However, even if you aren't good 3 charging marines with nothing but starting gear can take down a fade.
ffs, A Lerk with Umbra behind a fade that spams Acid Rockets is kinda the best thing in the middlegame, and with a little cute gorge behind healthspraying when they acctually get hit...
I have done a very few times flyed to a HA marine with HMG, used Umbra sitt down besides him and bite him.. and killed him!! This is not to brag, this is to show that its possible to do with a little Lerk when it has Umbra!
And if the HA got GL and is alone you can do the same thou you try to fly instead, cause the grenades kills lerks with ease if they stand at the ground!
What you need is teamplay and perhaps a little luck.
What you have to do is charge them, don't worry about health of acid rockets. You are more mobile than them and you gun is slightly better. (You can keep moving and not have to run away.) The trick is to keep going after them when they run away. That way you are able constantly hit them and they cannot get you (no adrenaline.)
All it takes is teamwork, wait for the fade to run away and follow it.
(I'm not boasting here but I did this as a marine with LMG, picked up an HMG and managed to wipe out 3 fades and a lerk at close range with one clip. The trick is to get close then the fades cannot use acid rockets because it'll hurt them but if they try to swipe you they get a load of bullets, even better with shotguns!)
OK if a fade is backed up with umbra you job is slightly tougher. Try charging THROUGH (yes I said through) the umbra, get to the other side and nail the lerk (If he's run away) or get some cover and take out the fades as they charge you. (Preferably being charged from two sides as other people in base join in!)
And one last thing. DON'T try and get ammo from the armoury while your base is being acid rocketed. It takes too long and fades can hit a group of you as you pile in the ammo.
I've been called a cheater many times for just being an effective lerk. It seems that some marines just can't appreciate one single lerk just sitting there and spiking them to death while they spend a whole HMG clip zithout killing me.
Great at long distance, where the HMG doesn't hit much even without umbra. At short distance, you get hit more but bite does more damage so you still have a chance (but need some luck with the umbra).
Umbra is obviously more effective is used to cover fades, but a lone lerk is often underestimated by marines.
Anyway, how DO you use blink anyway?
Umbra + Fade owns all!
.. oh the agony of being 1337....
/me weeps, cuts 4 marines in half, then weeps some more.
is any one else getting this growing urge to smack logan?
LMAO!! Bless you, my son.
I would agree with the quote even more if the work "suck" was replaced with "play for fun". Because you play for fun, you don't care about score, and you can do crazy things...
I have attacked hives and ONOS with the knife. Why? Because the bullets were gone and the alien was still standing. If my knife broke, I would pound it with my fists. (Well, not really, but you get my drift...)
I certainly care about winning, and I don't want to blade my teammates by standing around scratching myself or ricocheting rounds off their helmets, but what is more fun than charging a fade and seeming those big greenish yellow circles blossom on his chest, just before the claws chop my head off.
I would rather get swiped a hundred times than be the last llama hiding behind a box waiting for the the aliens to root me out.
"Listen to me, people, I've got somethin' to say - It's better to burn out then fade away..."
Anyway, how DO you use blink anyway?<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
The trick with lerks against HMG, if you have to get him alone, is to be far away when he sees you. At long range, most of the bullets will miss, and of the few that don't most will miss due to umbra. Alternatively, drop right on top of him, umbra, and bite. Goes much faster, but risky. At medium range, umbra and get away quickly because the HMG is quite good at medium range.
The problem with blink is that contact with anything in your path stops the blink. Even the floor or ceiling. Best way to use it is duck-jumping just before you blink, that way getting caught on floor or ceiling is unlikely.
And don't use it on certain types of grating (e.g. those bridges you can see through) because sometimes you get stuck there.
Duck jump huh? I'll have to try that...
Unfortunetely for Jetto charging in against heavies like that will get you killed no question, it's even risky vs LMGs ... hit, run, regen, hit, run, regen.