Command School

emc256emc256 Join Date: 2002-12-15 Member: 10833Members
<div class="IPBDescription">West Point for Commanders...</div> Hmm... I'm tired of n00b commanders building 3 armories at the start of the game.
The NS community is sorely in need of a Internet Commander School: how to command troops!

I would run one if I wasn't a full-time student... anyone else have time?

It should have degrees like bachelor's, master's, and doctorate in commanding
and once a degree is achieved, it is permanently added to your name (or some sort of mark)
Example: e=mc^256 [BACH], e=mc^256[GRAD], e=mc^256[DOC]
This would signal everyone that we have at least a competent commander

Any way to hard code this into HL so that we don't get n00bs adding these respectable tags to their name? Like have it add to ur WonID or something?


  • FlatlineUTDFlatlineUTD Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7695Members
    The only way to learn how to command is through actually playing the game. A 'school' of sorts might get some people started on the right track, but wouldn't help them in making competant decisions during the game.

    And adding a tag to your name doesn't have much significance when there's no way to control people's nicknames.
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