Skulk Tactics?

slothyslothy Join Date: 2002-12-11 Member: 10658Members
Ok... iv seen posts on fades, lerks, and gorges.... perhaps we should start a skulk strategy thread? me... i just chase them and hold down the mouse and pray... anyone else? ;D


  • Cruelest_AngelCruelest_Angel Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 3825Members
    I've been playing skulk alot lately, and I think the description of them in the manual is correct: They really are usefull for harassment and hit-and-run tactics..

    I always try to parasite before I get close, that way my team will always know where the survivors are to make their lives shorter ><!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->

    I try to not always rush head on against a team of prepared marines, opening a door a couple of times keeps them more occupied with me than building their precious base / expanding.. Offcourse, you've got to run in once in a while and bite a couple of them to death so they don't forget about you..

    I always look for cover when I'm in the marine base.. If there's an uncovered side on the TF, then great: chomp until I die, else the RT might be unprotected.. chomp chomp, you can usually cause alot of damage untill you die <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
    if there are jucier targets that are unprotected (The wet dream of all skulks) then I'll simply go for their IP:s, their their observatory, or their weapons / prototype lab.. except for the IP:s who only will make rines spawns slower / get you some free frags the damage you cause to their buildings will cost them a fortune if you manage to destroy the building..
    There's usually no point in bothering with the CC unless it's well protected and you can bite the marines one after one as they try to stop you. It's great if the commander exits, and it's even better if you kill him <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
    If there's a lone sentry stopping you from killing a building, then circlestrafe it and retreat when you're low on hp.. killing that sentry will hurt the marine team so much that nomatter how many times you die trying in the beginning it will be worth it.

    Try to look for expansions, when they are being built you can slow them down / destroy them completely, expansions are usually pretty expensive in the early game, so if you manage to take 1 / 2 down, then you're pretty much guaranteed a victory.

    If the marines are far away from you it's great to parasite them, jump around like crazy and chomp.. all to get their attention, then they will either waste tons of ammo on trying to kill you, or leave their posts so another alien can eat their base.

    If they start shooting at you it's a good idea to strafe between 2 corridors and make them waste alot of ammo.. doesn't really matter if they get you or not, you've hurt them alot by parasiting or making them waste their precious ammo.

    If you find a lone gl guy, then congratulations sir, it's your lucky day.. bunnie jump to him, and kill him untill he dies.

    Leap is really usefull, you can get to any place in a marinebase by leaping.. try to find unsecure spots and begin your chomping <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
    Most comms are usually mean with their sentries, so finding dead spots shouldn't be that much of a problem.
    You can also use leap if there's a mean marine far away from you that you want to taste, just leap to him and make him realize just how good that stick he's pointing at you really is.

    If you've got a friendly skulk with you you can set up a trap with 1 skulk waiting and one skulk acting as a decoy, when the marine(s) start dropping in the waiting skulk drops down and eats them.

    Make hit and run attacks all the time! If there's a nearby DC, then run to it instead of fighting untill you die.. a nearby gorge does the job just as well. If there's no DC nearby, then run for your hive.. The marines will be waiting for you while you're away, at least for a while.. When they are guarding they're not attacking.

    When you attack marines, try to never charge them head on, it's a safe way to get yourself killed by a skilled marine.. If there's more than 10 ingame meters between you and mr. meanie, then you don't need to bother. Parasite him, run away, run back, parasite him some more, force him to waste ammo or close the distance between you, then when he's reloading or close enough you can kill him easily.
    If there's any possibility to flank him or attack him from behind, then by all means do!

    When attacking a base it's always good to kill the ppl with their backs turned against you, or the ppl who are building but haven't noticed you.. They are pretty much free frags.

    I never take anything but carapace (and celerity when the time comes)
    This keeps me alive longer when I actually need it.. When you're fighting a marine or a sentry that extra 3 hp / second isn't going to save you at all. Keep in mind that you're a free alien, if you die you'll cost your team maximum 4 resources to respawn and upgrade, carapace will help you with dealing alot of damage during your life, and if you can get more bites on a marine or a building, then it's definitely worth it..

    Ok, that's all I could think of for now.. hope some of it will help you.
  • SoulSkorpionSoulSkorpion Join Date: 2002-04-12 Member: 423Members
    Just general melee stuff, really:
    <a href='' target='_blank'>clicky</a>
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