Semi-interesting Weapon Statistics

mahnjoocemahnjooce Join Date: 2002-12-12 Member: 10717Members
<div class="IPBDescription">title says it all</div> A friend and I were just messing around in NS. Seeing what did what, what was more useful. These all are fairly accurate unless marked (Not as accurate). We didn't do it to document it (we did quite a few more tests, just couldn't remember the results). Maybe someone has already done something like this, I dunno. Anyways, here's the results we got.

All enemies had Cara, no regen. All weapons were fully upgraded. We always had full armor/hp.

Onos w/Shottie: 7 at 30% (Point Blank)
Onos w/HMG : ~75 rnds at 30% (Point Blank)
?Onos w/Welder: ~7 secs (Didn't do damage for ~5 seconds, or I missed for ~5 seconds. 13 originally)
Onos w/Knife: 42 stabs
?Fade w/HMG : ~30 rnds at 30% (Point Blank) (Forgot if this was cara or non cara)
Fade w/Shottie: 4 at 30% (Point Blank)

Didn't kill onos or fade at long range with hmg.

Marine+290 Heavy armor vs Onos Charge: INSANE 2 secs at most <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo-->
Marine+290 Heavy armor vs Onos Bite: 6

Mines = mostly useless, 5 didn't do much damage to a fade. Must be a skulk thing.
?Grenades = 4 Can't kill a fade with cara. (~25 damage each, 20 armor damage each)

Fade Umbra:
Seven Shotgun rounds got the lerk to 2hp during umbra.
~50 HMG Rounds killed the lerk point blank.
Full LMG clip got lerk to about half HP

Like I said above, we did at least double that in tests, but just forgot the results. (LMG vs fade, HMG long range vs fade)

We did however figure out, from now on, in most cases we'll choose cara over regen. Grenade launcher isn't all that great. (Forgot to do building tests) Shottie is pretty damn powerful. And HMG is obviously inaccurate and pretty lousy at long ranges.

Maybe this will get someone to perform and accurately document tests like these. I changed the way I play based on what I saw.


  • AaronAaron vroom vroom der party startah Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 7020Members
    By the I doing something wrong...I can never get Charge to work as Onos, I just run around screaming and bumping into things but never hurting anything. What gives.
  • KhaimKhaim Join Date: 2002-06-28 Member: 841Members, NS1 Playtester, Constellation
    hit it once to activate it, dont keep smacking the button, then keep pressing into the object like its a func_pushable, also, try this: Hit primal scream, wait for energy, then activate charge and then hit gore when you get to a marine, if you so much as touch a HA he dies, period.
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