Ns_odlers - New Layout
Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 47Members

<div class="IPBDescription">Comments on the new layout</div> After the first version of NS got released, a few problems with my original layout were exposed - including travel time between hives for aliens etc...
Any comments on this new layout would be appreciated. Nothing spectacularly detailed on it...but just enough to give you the gist of the flow...
Any comments on this new layout would be appreciated. Nothing spectacularly detailed on it...but just enough to give you the gist of the flow...
I <i>like</i> the venting. As an alien lover, I like how the time to the marine base -can- be cut down by intellegent use of vents. I know for certain that not all aliens will learn the vent paths, so having more vents rewards the diligent without really penalising the casual.
The distance between hives and the base look pretty darn good to me. Walking time is greatly increased by all those little turns and bends. Good work on those. I love that sort of thing. Makes for claustrophobic play, and also benifits the framerate! A good bonus, that.
There seem to be a darn lot of resource nodes. This was the only thing I could find to complain about. It means that holding to nodes is less critical, and that the late game will be filled with more resources on both sides. Now, on the other hand, having lots of nodes in a large map like this is needed to ensure that players are spread out, and use all locations. It's for flow control. I wouldn't just fix the problem by cutting nodes. I'd suggest you keep them as is, and then playtest with the intent to see how the nodes are used in gameplay.... and how many resources teams have at end game. Something to pay attention to.
It looks great! I can't wait to see it!
EDIT: Hm. I'm sure why it appears to me that there are MANY more nodes than the official maps. This has 14, bast has 10... not <i>that</i> much of a difference.
Ah well. As I said, playtesting makes perfect anyway.
I'm not sure, dude... this is just... crazy...
Perhaps only time will tell <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
However the outcome, I look forward to seeing how things progress! <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
On-Topic : Most things like the vents have been mentioned. Im more worried that the marine spawn only has 1 Exit/Entrance, maybe a side/rear entrance aswell?
Offtopic (again) : Heres a picture of my layout which Hanz has "appeared" to have adapted, I made the file from my pc on the 6th and 7th of October 2002.
*Note* Some areas mainly the marine spawn has been drastically changed in editor since my map layout was released*Note*
I suggest you leave any personal problems aside before you go making accusations like that, Angel, as false accusations of plagairism and stealing will be looked down upon heavily. The two layouts show no similiarities at all.
I think i'll print this topic out and read it when I need a good laugh. Don't you just love it when people slag off other forum goers for poor English in a post full of gramatical and spelling errors?
<!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
No offence Angel.
Now, I do believe we were talking about the odlers layout, children...
evoL - I should have pointed out that all those vents into the marine spawn are weldable. Once that is done there will be only 1 entrance into the actual spawn room and 3 entrances into the round room (which will have stuff in the centre anyway) - it's not going to be as open as it appears..
Chrome - If you have a look at the layout, the dead ends are simply cosmetic - which will appear as barricaded corridors or whatever - there is always another way round the dead end...the vents that cross-over hallways will just be put under the hallways so they don't stuff up the cc view... All my rooms still maintain a specific purpose (like cafeteria, dormatories etc) and I think the extra choke points in the map will make for more structured fighting - giving marines and aliens more areas to fortify (rather than a series of long corridors that are difficult to hold)...
Angel - ..sigh.. as I said in my "I'm back baby" post.. I haven't even been on these forums for at least 3 or 4 months...and the concept and original layout of odlers (including the hive names and so on) back in late 2001.. so unless I am able to see into the future - I don't appreciate being told I have copied anything from anyone! But now that I read on into others posts I see I don't really need to comment on this...
Offtopic (again) : Heres a picture of my layout which Hanz has "appeared" to have adapted, I made the file from my pc on the 6th and 7th of October 2002.
*Note* Some areas mainly the marine spawn has been drastically changed in editor since my map layout was released*Note*<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Now, I don't claim to be a master of the English language in any respect, but I will say that I've been using it for the last 20 years, so I've managed to pick up a few things here and there. Now, you may not be outright accusing him, but phrases like 'I made a layout which he seems to have "Adapted In more ways than one" my layout into odlers' and 'Heres a picture of my layout which Hanz has "appeared" to have adapted, I made the file from my pc on the 6th and 7th of October 2002' are definitely 'claims' that hanz 'stole' your map.
Let us not mince words here. Subtle or not, the accusation is there, and there is almost no basis for them. So, I would highly suggest that you just drop the matter and move on, lest things become worse.
You accused him of stealing your idea without saying "You stole my idea"
Hanz - nice layout, seems VERY big at first looks, and after I traced some routes around. I like the central MS but there should be kinks in the hallways before they get to the MS because no skulk can attack early or open the door and flee round the corner.
But Hanz will have to make sure of two things to ensure the Skulks have fun:
1) The map has a lot of vents. PUT YOUR GENIUS MIND to making each vent DIFFERENT inside, so that people don't get lost in a network of boring vent-ness.
2) The 'kinks' steve was talking about won't be necessary if you make sure there's space between the doors and the ceiling for Skulks to hide.
<img src='http://www.bol.ucla.edu/~mrolek/nsnuke.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image'>
To <b>Angel</b> - I was ready to give you a solid ear-bashing for what you said but then I realised you are only a young lad with obviously no idea about what it means to give constructive criticism... You're only 14 but generally 14 year olds have some sort of understanding that the world doesn't revolve around them - you just need another 14 years to grow up... when you do, be sure to come back with some legitimate comments...
If me commenting on your layout causes you grief - I'll be sure never to compliment you again and, after looking at your non-functional web-site with screenies from your D-grade map, I don't think I will ever have cause to do so...
You know whats funny though - swearing in another language doesn't make you clever - it just makes people realise how stupid you are...