Am I experiencing a bug?

logiboy123logiboy123 Australia Join Date: 2018-02-18 Member: 237858Members
Been using the beta for a long time and when the 1.0 release came out I didn't re-install.

Started a fresh new game and seeing the following three issues;

1) Sometimes the oxygen plants don't have an air bubble, and on my first re-started game all the oxygen plants in the mining/dig site did not have air bubbles. I restarted a new game again and this solved this problem mostly. But a small number of the oxygen planets still don't have the air bubble. Most do though.

2) The shipwrecks all appear to be open and all boxes/containers are empty. So none of the doors you normally need to cut through is closed, they are all already open when I visit for the first time.

3) I seem to be missing quite a few items from the game. Fragments of parts etc. As an example, none of the metal scraps that normally litter the shipwrecks has spawned. I haven't found any. Also stuff that gives you plans is much harder to find as well.

I've deleted the game in full plus any of my saves and I'll re-install from scratch.

Has anyone also experienced anything like what I'm describing?



  • trekky691trekky691 france lyon Join Date: 2019-05-17 Member: 252919Members
    Exactly the same is happening to me... I really want to restart the game but with all things !
    How do you want play without ions cubs or what's the point to explore a shipwreck if you know everything is already opened and fully loot.
    You guys really need to fix all of these problems please!
  • logiboy123logiboy123 Australia Join Date: 2018-02-18 Member: 237858Members
    Started a whole new game in the hopes it would fix it. It didn't so when I go to areas that have stuff that should spawn, I just unlock it via console commands. I shouldn't have to do this, it certainly detracts from the play experience. But it's the only way to progress the story.
  • jhoncitohhjhoncitohh Perú Join Date: 2021-05-14 Member: 270002Members
    Hola, tengo una partida guardada de Subnautica en modo Supervivencia a la que dedique muchas horas desde su lanzamiento en la consola Nintendo Switch, el dia de hoy 22 de mayo intenté ingresar a dicha partida y solo me salió un mensaje de error y el juego se cerró, intente mas veces pero el resultado es el mismo, el juego se cierra, la ultima vez que guardé la partida fue hoy y estaba dentro del Submarino Cyclops

    En mi partida guardada de subnautica en modo Supervivencia en la consola de Playstation 4 tengo un problema muy grande con el Traje Prawn, el problema consiste en el que el Traje Prawn no detecta el agua y por lo tanto camina bajo el agua como si estuviera en tierra firme, no puedo aparcarlo ni en la piscina lunar ni en el cyclops.

    Tengo un error que es solamente molesto visualmente y es que cuando tengo el cuchillo de fuego en la mano y equipo otro objeto como el scaner o lo que sea, queda en la pantalla como un burbujeo de agua hirviendo en forma del cuchillo, es muy molesto y cada vez que me sucede ese error, tengo que salir de la partida y volver a iniciarla para que desaparezca el error mencionado, este error se da en mi partida guarda de la consola NINTENDO SWITCH y en la consola Playstation 4

    Hay muchos mas errores que e encontrado, que afectan visualmente y algunos otros afectan a la jugabilidad, pero considero que los errores que mencioné lineas arribas son los mas importantes que encontré, el error de partida corrupta de Nintendo Switch que me impide seguir jugando en mi partida, me gustaria que lo solucionaran, no me gustaria perder dicha partida, Gracias.
  • BaTLeZoneBaTLeZone Join Date: 2018-04-23 Member: 240274Members
    edited May 2021
  • wlmoonwlmoon Alabama Join Date: 2021-05-25 Member: 270629Members
    I've played the Beta for some time and was looking forward to the 1.0 release. But this exact thing is happening to me. It's very frustrating. If I knew restarting the game would clear the problem I would, but now I'm stuck.
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