Share your Below Zero Hardcore Mode close calls!

ArbitraryPandaArbitraryPanda Norway Join Date: 2020-05-09 Member: 260869Members
Greetings everyone!

I'm making this thread for Below Zero Hardcore Mode players to share their most exciting moments, deaths and close calls so far!

Playing Below Zero on Hardcore Mode is absolutely THRILLING! When you know you only have one life, you play the game quite differently than on Survival Mode. You're a lot more careful and strategic. I encourage all of you to try it out, especially before beating the game!

To start things off, let me share my closest call so far.

I was searching for materials in the Twisty Bridges biome. I swam around and suddenly found myself with only about 18 O2! (Hardcore Mode has no oxygen warnings). And the Oxygen Plant besides me was already depleted! I didn't account for how fast oxygen depletes without the rebreather. To make things worse my Seatruck was roughly 100 meters away!
(Screenshots have been taken afterwards to replicate the scenario)

I thought to myself "Is this how I'm going to die?". I then made a snap decision to gamble for more oxygen plants in the cave behind me.

With almost no oxygen left an oxygen plant came to the rescue!

From there I went from oxygen plant to oxygen plant until I was able to get back to the Seatruck. What a relief!

Let's share our most exciting moments! If you can, please provide a screenshot with your post. As taking a screenshot in the middle of a tense situation probably isn't the best idea, a good replacement can be a screenshot taken right after the close call or from a replicated scenario.
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