Is Realistic Recipe Mode Beatable?

BakermanBakerman Join Date: 2021-04-27 Member: 269499Members
I've been playing with the Realistic Recipe mod and having a great time, but I'd like to know if beating the game is actually possible this way.

I skipped making my Cyclops so I'd have enough resources to make the Neptune. Things were looking good until I got to the Neptune Cockpit: oops, it requires making the Cyclops in order to get the Cyclops mods (Shield and Fire Suppression).

So close and yet so far. Has anyone beaten the game with this mod on? If not I'll go into CustomCraft2 and change the recipe, but I'd rather not. Thanks all.


  • doogledoogle Sherwood Forest Join Date: 2021-05-13 Member: 269982Members
    I've not played that particular mod, but looking at the recipes it changes, it doesn't look too bad, just a little grindy to gather the resources to build everything.

    Something like 320 titanium just for the plasteel ingots to make the cyclops, 460 titanium for the ingots and plasteel to make the rocket and platform, and that isn't including the extra titanium that the other items needed use!

    That's a lot of titanium gathering!

    Luckily the titanium scraps seem to be renewable, at least I've never ran out of them in any play through I've been on. Copper is sort of renewable with the Reefbacks, plant items can be grown. Not sure about lithium, gold, silver, lead etc. Maybe the stuff the Sea Treaders kick up supplies those?
  • BakermanBakerman Join Date: 2021-04-27 Member: 269499Members
    The saga continues . . .

    I can now confirm that the game can be beaten with the realistic recipes mod switched on. After much drilling and traversing I had all the resources but a few diamonds.

    Sadly two reapers followed me back to my base and went permanently aggro. They destroyed my Moth and shoved my Prawn under the map where it could not be retrieved.

    I think I'll have to resort to my backup save. But that's a lot of grinding lost.
  • BakermanBakerman Join Date: 2021-04-27 Member: 269499Members
    I have finally beaten the game on realistic recipe mode. I can confirm it is not only possible but lots of fun.

    Make the PRAWN before the Cyclops. You will need the drill arm.
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