Subnautica BZ: interface sensitivity is too high

AenigmaAenigma Russia Join Date: 2020-01-31 Member: 257527Members
I play on a PC with a gamepad Dualshock 4 configured in Steam.
I noticed a long time ago that the game has some kind of prohibitive cursor sensitivity. I have it moving across the screen, even when the mouse lies motionless on a flat and smooth surface.
But after recent updates (I tried both the stable and experimental versions), the interface elements began to move too. For example, in the options for the size of interface elements, the scale spontaneously slowly increases or decreases. And in the game itself, if I open the section of blueprints in the PDA, then they also slowly scroll up or down.
The gamepad is naturally calibrated. And in other games everything is fine.
I hope I have explained clearly, English is not my first language. B)


  • JeLinJeLin Join Date: 2020-11-05 Member: 265224Members
    I´m not using a gamepad with Subnautica, but had similar issues with a logitech gamepad in other games. Ist there a possibility to change the deadzone for the dualshock in the steam settings? That´s what helped me - it seems that some games are overly sensitive around the centered position of the sticks.
  • AenigmaAenigma Russia Join Date: 2020-01-31 Member: 257527Members
    But this is a problem with this particular game, because in the original Subnautica there is no such effect.
    Previously I used an A4Tech laser mouse with teflon feet. In the mouse options I set the minimum sensitivity. And still there was trouble with her in the game. Then I replaced this mouse with an optical one, and the interface in the game became better, but I still experience the described inconveniences.
    The mouse sensitivity in the game options is at a minimum.
    Yes, when I jerk the gamepad sticks, the movement stops, but after a second it starts again. But the problem is not with the gamepad, as the mouse has the same problem.
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