[Bug] Can't climb escape pod ladder in VR (Vive) - also some other issues [62014]

flyingsandwichflyingsandwich Join Date: 2019-01-13 Member: 248641Members
Just got a Vive and bought Subnautica specifically to play in VR, but found I can't progress due to this issue.

When I interact with the ladder to climb it, I just teleport to the floor next to the ladder, I guess as though I'd just climbed down it.

Replication Steps
  1. Start game in VR mode with Vive Pro headset and xbox 360 controller
  2. Start a new game
  3. Press any button to start
  4. Watch intro sequence
  5. Approach ladder from any angle and press A (or whichever button) to climb it

Also noticed some secondary issues, after starting the game in non-VR mode and comparing:
  • The fire in the escape pod doesn't happen in VR, also the lighting is bright instead of the moody dark you get in normal mode
  • HUD objective doesn't appear in VR (it might be appearing but out of view)
  • Loading screens are SUPER blown up and close to your face, so you can't see the whole thing
  • Inventory screen is way too close to your face; I had to close one eye and even then it was hard to read anything
  • You lose head tracking and everything goes grey if you look down; this made picking up the fire extinguisher difficult. Note: this doesn't happen to me in other VR games so I don't think it's to do with my environment
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