What would you like in Below Zero?
Join Date: 2018-07-17 Member: 242266Members

So, I've been thinking about this a lot lately and I know we can see the development on Trello but what would you like in BZ.
Like what do you expect from the story, the new creatures and biomes and some other things like gameplay vibes, and your "showerthoughts"
about it.
Like what do you expect from the story, the new creatures and biomes and some other things like gameplay vibes, and your "showerthoughts"
about it.
But as far as daydreaming goes,
I'd love to see more unique collectible items that are much more difficult to find, even if theyre just little doodads to prop up in the base.
I'd love to see things like ocean currents, weather effects, bigger and smaller swells, etc, to make traversing the world more challenging and dynamic.
An episode of Joe Rogan podcast featured an experienced Cave Diver named Donald Cerrone, who goes into detail about some incredibly harrowing experiences with cave diving.
I'd love to see some caves maybe get the lingering dust kick-up he described if you disturb a cave system by swimming too fast into the cave walls or something. Could make cave diving way more challenging and terrifying, and using the cave diving tools in Subnautica all the more important
I'd love to learn more about the Warpers. I honestly assumed they were the alien race behind all the infrastructure and research going on at on 4546B, but that eventually didn't add up, which made them all the more mysterious. Are they just a non-sentient alien race with psychic powers? Are they connected to the emperors (who bear a STRIKING resemblance physically, as well as also having psychic abilities)?
I'd love to see more options for nutrition. Growing plants was great fun, but dragging them around in your inventory or storage wasn't. I found it a little cheesy that the only real option seemed to be to pop lantern/watermelons/bulbo plants in your cyclops. They still grow, even in the pitch black at -3000m. I think it'd be interesting to put more limits on the ability to grow food, but maybe be able to create nutrition bars or something of that nature using the harvested food. This would make growing/harvesting food at your base more interesting and useful, and no longer would nutrition become a non-issue once you have a cyclops.
Stackable resources in the inventory would be neat.
PLEASE don't give into all the people asking to be able to kill leviathans more easily. If that's what the game becomes, I'm gonna be pretty sad.
I love the idea of a sonar mapping tool(s) that you could use to manually map the game world over time. It could be a tool, or a hud chip that pulses sonar from the player and 3 dimensionally maps the world as you traverse it, with a very limited range. Similar to the Seaglide's map, but the data uncovered would be stored and could be accessed from a map/scanner room at your base, maybe from your subs, and possibly your PDA. If this map remained a very simple, wireframe display, it really wouldn't overly simplify exploration, but would be a fun tool for finding your way back to places you've already been, or checking our areas left unexplored.
I like the idea of only being able to save your game while in your base, possibly your main sub as well.
Random engine malfunction on subs requiring maintenance.
More big, terrifying creatures with
I thought I was going to have to set up an alien containment and research room to study the creatures to finish the game. Unfortunately, that was not needed.
I though that I would need to make bases ever deeper just to deal with higher pressure and other issues, but the Cyclops was all I needed. (I will say the Lava Larva are a great tool to make the Cyclops less desirable. My play though w/o the thermal module was much more fun.)
I thought I would need the water purifier, but 1-2 Bulboa Trees mostly eliminated that need unless I was not using the Cyclops or wanted some extra water for some long distance exploring.
I had hoped that my character would need some decorations to keep up his mood, like in Rimworld, but they are purely cosmetic. (Nothing wrong with that, but Rimworld did a good reason to have cosmetic improvements)
I want there to be more ways to damage the base and a need for bulkheads. More flooding and maybe even creature attacks.
Honestly, I think 1/2 my issues wold be solved if there was no Cyclops. The last few games I played I did w/o the Cyclops, and it was more fun. Maybe keep the Cyclops, but have more cave systems that it just can not reach?
Overall, like the rest, I love the game. Even if it is only Subnautica with a different story and nothing else, I will love it. This was just a few things that would make the game more fun for me.
nan plus franchement voir l'atlas dans subnautica c'est mon rêve
Le spambot?
This may or may not work depending on how the story-line unfolds, but if there is meaningful connection between the two 4546b locations and events, then it would be amazing to "return" to the base that was left behind in the first game. Even more so if the new Below Zero player character found the previous base (as designed by the player in the first game) in a unpowered, abandoned, slightly dilapidated state as befitting of months or years of neglect... similar concept to finding the Degassi crew's habitats, but recognising your own creation. [Boom] Mind-blown!!
This might be in pursuit of a genetic sample left in an aquarium or storage container somewhere (scavenger hunt!), a needed technology component, vital log entry, or other story-driven connection.
They just want the Atlas submarine. As we all know by now: not gonna happen.
Speaking of which: yes, I would use angled corridors to build a towering spiral-- maybe even a double helix-- of glass that extended well beyond the atmosphere. Immersion? What immersion?
I would like to see some or most areas of the map entirely covered in sheet ice. It could add a lot to a claustrophobic feel if you cant get air or surface your vehicles, though I love the idea of smashing through the ice with a cyclops and walking around on the surface.
Speaking of which, I hope we get the ability to walk around on frozen over sections of the map, hopefully build a base on the ice. It would kind of be like that sigh of relief you get when you make it back to the shallows after exploring a hostile area, a little respite. Maybe even allow us to build hatches that poke through the ice?
Deeper open waters. The main game does go rather deep but it's all cave systems, which I do love, but I would also love some wide open abyss type locations like The Void from the first game. The thought of being in wide open, massively deep, dark cold waters is the perfect kind of creepy unsettling feeling I would love.
Some kind of scaling difficulty, or incentive to keep playing a file after the storyline. This one is tricky, and maybe out of the scope of the game, but I know from the pda logs the game keeps track of day number. I always thought it would be cool if the main game had a feature like the world got progressively more corrupt as days passed and in a way that actually changed gameplay. Or the higher the day count the wider range leviathans will roam until you get to the point that no where on the map is safe. I'm reminded of Don't Starve, yeah you could do the actual storyline and pass from world to world but you could also just stay in one and see how many days you can survive as aggressive enemies would eventually spawn and hunt for you.
A reason to have multiple or hidden bases. This goes a bit with the last one but I would LOVE to have a legitimate game reasons to have multiple or hidden bases. Levitathans attacking structures would be very much welcomed, maybe only if they reach a certain size or produce enough noise to draw attention. I have found so many cool spots in Subnautica to build hidden outposts and bases. Would love a world that gets progressively more hostile so that you actually need to make use of more of the map to build.
Fun achievements! I was pretty surprised there were no good achievements for subnautica. This would be a very easy way to extend the playtime of the game for fairly little effort. Ones involving things scanned would be nice, egg collecting/hatching, surviving a certain number of days, etc.
Roaming leviathans through most of the map.
Richer, and more detailed, fauna. Increased fauna interaction among itself.
Increased realism for further immersion, wherever and whenever it won't hurt gameplay.
Snowman and other snow/ice props.
Like the way you let us make the vehicles our own.
I think it just add the final touch to say this is what I made.
to require that I build a sonar mapping device/module. I think if it was a module that would be better, because then you could only make maps of places that the vehicles could fit into,
exploring caves and wrecks would still be high risk high reward activities that up the suspense. If you go the module route the upgraded version could also include resource tracking,
for all those times you see a node of something you don't need right now or can't carry, now you have a way to come right back to it.
I loved the time capsules, but finding where to vote on them was NOT user friendly, I think it should be an in game option you unlock after finishing the game the First time, or at least
just something easier to find online.
More base customizing options, I spent hours and hours building bases. More knick knacks, more color choices, more furniture.
The cyclops is awesome but I loaded mine with about 100 lockers, grow beds, and a fish tank. I feel like the cyclops needs to require a docking station for upgrading with set upgrade
options in order to prevent me from having essentially a mobile base. However I do want enough storage to be able to set up remote bases without making multiple trips.
Add an invisible floor under the map so that if a player does fall through the map when they hit this floor they get teleported back to their base, this will make hardcore mode less
frustrating, losing to a glitch is a bummer.
Mod support, as much as you can provide. I'd love it if the mod community could make maps, add story lines, or insert knick knacks.
New creatures biomes items vehicles wildlife everything.