RuneStorm's Mapping Resources
Community Developer and shader wizard Join Date: 2018-07-30 Member: 242554Members, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, NS2 Community Developer

I don't think I have to waste your time explaining what this is. I write shaders and make assets, here's a bunch of it.
If you have any questions or need help, feel free to message me on discord! My discord tag is RuneStorm#6948
More stuff will be added in replies to this topic, make sure to scroll down for additional stuff!
You can freely use these assets in any way you want, you may also modify them. You don't even have to credit me, it's nice if you do, but it's not required.
Got requests? Message me on discord. I'll gladly help out with any shader related black magic you might need!

This shader is now officially part of the game, you do not require to include the .surface_shader anymore!
An advanced version of the shader is now located here: Natural Selection 2\ns2\materials\unearthed\unearthed_goop.surface_shader
This surface_shader allows the use of flowmaps in NS2, useful for the organic/natural flow of rivers or other fluids, can be used in a lot of ways to create turbulence and movement without having to rely on simple panning textures.
The current version only supports a simple albedo but I plan on creating several version of this that support the full feature set, including water distortions.
Note: Please use the texture scale tool to scale the material up, ideally it should be as large as the entire surface so that the flowmap matches the entire surface, this makes editing much easier.
Installation instructions: Place the contents of in your mods source folder (Open launchpad, select your mod and then click on source, place it there)
Parameter explanation
- FlowmapNoise = "materials\RS\VFX\" No need to change this as it is used for increasing the quality of the blend
- SurfaceTexture = "materials\RS\VFX\" Change this to whatever texture you want distorted
- FlowmapTexture = "materials\RS\VFX\" This texture defines in what direction the SurfaceTexture should be pushed, if you don't know how to make one of these, google search for "Flowmap painter" you should find software that can assist you in the creation of flowmaps
- FlowSpeed = .25 How fast the distortion moves, higher values = more speedy
- SurfaceScale = .25 This value actually defines how large the visible texture itself is, since the flowmap needs to be scaled to match the total surface size this prevents any headaches with tiny or massively scaled textures

Let's be honest here, the default lava that NS2 ships with isn't that great, and since when is lava transparent? Artistic choice or not, it looks like radioactive orange juice.
I decided to write a new shader from scratch using the same textures that were used by the default lava.
This version is much more versatile and customizable while still being as lightweight as possible.
Installation instructions: Place the contents of in your mods source folder (Open launchpad, select your mod and then click on source, place it there)
Parameter explanation
- LavaTexture = "materials/effects/mesh_effects/" what texture the lava should use, try to keep this a greyscale
- NoiseTexture = "materials/effects/mesh_effects/" the noise texture is used to blend between different lava textures to reduce visible tiling
- SurfaceTint = [1,.1,0] a decimal RGB color that is used for tinting of the lava texture, if you want blue lava, just change it to [0,0,1] you get the idea
- SurfaceTintDark = [.1,.1,0] the base color the lava should have, this prevents pure black spots from appearing
- GlowIntensity = 4 pretty self explanatory, lower values mean less glow
- ScrollSpeedMultiplier = .5 How quick the lava should move, higher values mean more pompeii
- WaveIntensity = 0.05 This defines how much the surface should bob up and down, to disable the bobbing entirely set this to 0
Made with love
This shader is now officially part of the game, you do not require to include the .surface_shader anymore!
The shader is now located here: Natural Selection 2\ns2\materials\unearthed\RS_SubUV.surface_shader
Need animated screens? Want some flickering lamps? Annoyed at how static everything is? Let's bring some motion into NS2!
This Flipbook / SubUV is going to fix all your problems (related to static scenery, won't solve world hunger tho), just plug any SubUV/Flipbook texture in this bad boy and twist some knobs and voilà moving images!
IMPORTANT NOTE: due to how tiling in spark works you'll have to FIT the texture to the surface and then move the whole texture one over to the LEFT. This is something I can't really do much about since spark uses the wrong coordinates for 0,0 on the texture tool.
Parameter explanation
This shader is now officially part of the game, you do not require to include the .surface_shader anymore!
The shader is now located here:
Natural Selection 2\ns2\cinematics\vfx_materials\RS_Monitorscreen.surface_shader
Natural Selection 2\ns2\cinematics\vfx_materials\RS_Monitorscreen_animated.surface_shader
Natural Selection 2\ns2\cinematics\vfx_materials\RS_Monitorscreen_broken.surface_shader
This shader adds a slight pseudorandom distortion happening at irregular intervalls along with a distance blend to a LCD pixel raster. Gives those lifeless screens a bit more oomph.
Includes a variant of the Flipbook shader in addition to the static one.
Looking for in-game examples? I got you covered! just load up ns2_veil or ns2_unearthed with this mod enabled
Installation instructions: Place the contents of in your mods source folder (Open launchpad, select your mod and then click on source, place it there)
Parameter explanation
lcdtex ="cinematics/vfx_materials/" Leave as is unless you want to replace it with a different pixel pattern
albedoMap = "materials/veil/" Input your diffuse texture here
normalMap = "materials/dev/" Your normal normal map.
specularMap = "materials/dev/" It's a specular, works like any other spec map
lcdtex ="cinematics/vfx_materials/" Leave as is unless you want to replace it with a different pixel pattern
albedoMap = "materials/RS/VFX/" Input your flipbook texture here
normalMap = "materials/dev/" You can use any normalmap just fine, it won't be animated so it's useful for cracked screens.
specularMap = "materials/dev/" static specular/gloss texture, just like every other surface uses
horizontalFrames = 8 set this to exactly the same amount of horizontal images in your texture
verticalFrames = 8 needs to match the amount of vertical images
animationspeed = 6 how fast the texture should animate, higher numbers = faster
emissiveStrength = 0 increase this to add some emissive (based on flipbook) to the material, for lights or screens y'know
smoothBlending = 1 settings this to 0 changes to hard cuts between frames instead of smooth interpolation
showDecals = 0 leave as is unless you know what this does
v2 includes some minor changes to the distortion frequency, a procedurally generated scanline effect and an additional noise texture for heavy distortions
This is a free to use collection of gobos, for additional information on how to use or why you should use them, check out this thread
This pack is now officially part of the game, you no longer have to download this!
The collection is now located here: Natural Selection 2\ns2\materials\gobos
V2 Content
Here are some in-map image references
Installation instructions: Place the contents of in your mods source folder (Open launchpad, select your mod and then click on source, place it there)
Thanks to pSyk0mAn for permission to re-create his gobos from scratch.