2 Slots Make That Much Differnce?

SuicideDogSuicideDog Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 8104Members
edited December 2002 in General Server Discussion
I'm running a server that is always packed.. I get sub-100 ping for most everyone on all maps.. at about 40-60 percent cpu utilization (60% when running hera after about an hour). so I thought.. ok.. 2 more slots can't hurt that much.. how wrong I was. Not only did it start crashing more often.. it jump from repectable pings (150) on hera to down right nasty pings (300-400) on hera with 90% cpu. ACCKK!! So I quickly dropped it back down to 16 slots and everything was fine and dandy again.

Is this suppose to happen.. anyone else notice this?


  • HtNickoliHtNickoli Join Date: 2002-11-24 Member: 9786Members
    Just to add my 2 cents,

    I noticed the same thing. I run linux, so the cpu utilization is horrible to start with. But at 16 players (17 with reserve slot) I'm about 75%+ on a 2 gig cpu. If I drop it 2 slots to a 14 player server. It drops to 56% cpu utlization. Big jump for 2 player slots. But of course I left it at 16, hopeing that we will soon see a patch for the linux cpu optimization problem.
  • ZdroneZdrone Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 3914Members, Constellation
    I run 2 - 18 person servers on one box and 1 - 30 person server on another. Both boxes are running W2k. Both run around 20% CPU.
  • cracker_jackmaccracker_jackmac Join Date: 2002-11-04 Member: 6891Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    yes i'm down to 14/15 because its just more stable.
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