Last 2 days I cannot vote on time capsules. Every time I go to that page and log in, all the voting "arrows" to vote up or down disappear. Tried refreshing the page many times, different browsers, all the same result. What's wrong?
Page works for me, I can see the arrows, the description, the pictures that are spoilers to new players yet 10 people still voted for it to be in game, the descriptions etc
Works fine for me until I click the Load More button several to a dozen times, then all of the up/down vote buttons disappear. I wish that it was easier to find your own time capsule.
Did they improve the functionality of the site? It's was pretty useless trying to go through thousands and thousands of time capsule entries 25 at a time with zero filtering features.
I developped an application allowing you to navigate through time-capsule voting queue easily (with some options to search specific time-capsules).
Here it is :