Forgerer wrote: » Started a new game on the free, and guess what I am finding time capsules lol.
Morwyn wrote: » In 2048, explorers discover a time capsule with a joke in it.
adel_50 wrote: » I guess lol there means lots of loot? Which I don't know how 6 or less items is a lot or it's just a regular lol (I need help)
Forgerer wrote: » Maybe not a lot but some good ones.
Forgerer wrote: » Started a new game on the free, and guess what? I am finding time capsules, lol.
Forgerer wrote: » You didn't say that I found a mk3 compensator for Cyclops in one
Forgerer wrote: » Okay so you didn't get it. I won't explain cause you are too ignorant to understand, and yes that was attitude.
Forgerer wrote: » It wasn't a joke, nothing any of you do offends me your are not worth the effort.
UnrealInstinct8 wrote: » Forgerer wrote: » It wasn't a joke, nothing any of you do offends me your are not worth the effort. sounds like your offended to me...
Is there supposed to be something attached there or do you actually want us to guess?
I guess it was, empty?
I dunno man, judging from his last post I guess it means "lots of lip"
But why so salty bro, I just got it by the way. I miss-read your OP as it was missing some punctuation. Lemme FTFY!
Now it makes sense, we were waiting for you to tell us what ya found in those capsules. Instead of "finding capsules in your new game"
Well what do you think I am
Seems like you got offended because no one got your lame joke...
Why you gotta be like that. Oof.
Ah, yes, I could tell from the description of it.
The one that exists.
I'm sorry if I seem rude, but you don't have to start offending others because we didn't guess one random object.
Out of like...
Hundreds? Thousands? I don't know. There's a lot.
sounds like your offended to me...