Subnautica Floating Island area performance

Someonestolema02Someonestolema02 BC canada Join Date: 2016-08-03 Member: 220950Members
To preface, I was playing on the Rift. Not sure how it is outside VR but the island ( on foot) is a low frame rate stuttering mess. The graphics are kind of poopy so it's not due to that. My system consists of Ryzen 1600 @ 3.8ghz, a gtx 1080 and 16gb 3200mhz Flare X Bdie... not uber high end but very good. Definitely cant brute /w hardware this terribly optimized area.

I'm very noob as to how to progress after building your base. I was interested in the floating island as there's supposedly habitat blue prints to be found but I ran into some dangerous blinking octopus-ee things. I digress, the performance over there is beyond bad. What is the deal?


  • BioSpiritBioSpirit Join Date: 2016-11-23 Member: 224153Members
    I don't have VR. The performance there is perfectly fine with gtx 1060, I haven't noticed anything unusual.
  • Someonestolema02Someonestolema02 BC canada Join Date: 2016-08-03 Member: 220950Members
    Weird. I should have plenty of headroom to maintain at least ASW if not 90fps. It wasn't even sustaining ASW and was a stuttering mess :(
  • Someonestolema02Someonestolema02 BC canada Join Date: 2016-08-03 Member: 220950Members
    edited November 2017
    So, I restarted my PC, disconnected / reconnected the cable to the headset ( to eliminate that as a vague possibility) and went back to the Floating Island. Still HORRIBLE performance. Also, the graphics there are complete ass. Low poly, low detail, lots of tiling, ( namely looking down from the hills). I hope it gets worked on. My first experience walking on land ( which is pretty cool) was less than impressive over all due to terrible graphics and terrible performance.

    I guess if my opinion of the graphics there falls on deaf ears, please at least consider this a bug or a issue to address. It is borderline unplayable with severe hitching, stutter and low frame rate in VR. Hardware doesn't matter as mine is fine, and lowering ( the limited variety) of settings doesn't help.
  • Someonestolema02Someonestolema02 BC canada Join Date: 2016-08-03 Member: 220950Members
    edited November 2017
    I can confirm it looks like a VR issue. I went around in monitor mode and the frame rate was all over the place with highs of 120-ish to lows of 50-ish. But it's not perceivable , not to be confused with loading and i/0 activity stutter and just not a issue. More or less smooth. In VR however, the frame rate is borderline unplayable with uncomfortable hitching, and "lag". Really really bad.

    Leave this area, and performance is perfectly fine.
  • Someonestolema02Someonestolema02 BC canada Join Date: 2016-08-03 Member: 220950Members
    edited November 2017
    The frame rate around the entrance to the front of the Aurora is pretty bad too. (the entire area walking up within the wreckage, with the jumping attacking things)
    I hope these areas get attention. The graphics don't warrant the terrible performance, so something is up, some kind of optimization issue. To be clear, the game in general runs fine ( and looks great) in and out of VR, but then you got these areas which are pretty bad.
  • TwoHedWlfTwoHedWlf Upper Hutt NZ Join Date: 2017-01-28 Member: 227347Members
    Yeah, I get pretty poor performance most of the time in my Rift too. Enough it makes me a little sick, all the jittering and poor frame rate. Certainly worse performance than I'd expect having a 1080ti. But it seems to only be when moving. Stop moving and everything is smooth.
  • Someonestolema02Someonestolema02 BC canada Join Date: 2016-08-03 Member: 220950Members
    edited November 2017
    TwoHedWlf wrote: »
    Yeah, I get pretty poor performance most of the time in my Rift too. Enough it makes me a little sick, all the jittering and poor frame rate. Certainly worse performance than I'd expect having a 1080ti. But it seems to only be when moving. Stop moving and everything is smooth.

    I didn't mean most of the time though. The stutter and hitching sucks part is a given though I hope they mitigate it or fix it in the future. The Floating Island is literally a low frame rate mess in VR. Everywhere else is "fine" aside from the hitching.

    Edit: Just to be clear, just in case, I'm referring to the hitch stutter than happens during LOD switching and terrain pop-in.
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