Making grav traps lure larger creatures if there's enough of them

PumpkinFlyPumpkinFly 'Murica Join Date: 2016-04-07 Member: 215440Members
So i was playing subnautica and using grav traps to collect fish since i'm still early in the game (does anyone else do this, first of all? It's pretty useful) when I accidentally discovered something really cool by placing two grav traps next to each other: QyQlEoK.jpg
I tested around with three and four and got even cooler results: StiFmRu.jpgnDx9jUC.jpg
For the most part, the grav trap ray things would equally attach to the fish in the middle! :O
That's when I thought of the idea, "hey, what if using 4 or so grav traps could trap larger creatures?" It makes sense, right? JPvziP9.jpgajB6JNo.jpg
Nope, nothing. :|
I was disappointed because having this feature in the game could prove really useful against predators (and maybe even the reaper leviathan, with enough traps? :wink: ) so I decided I would suggest it. I really hope the devs see this, it would be an awesome feature to have around :blush:

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