Missing blueprint pieces. Literally.

elfcrisiselfcrisis Join Date: 2017-05-13 Member: 230466Members
PC, Experimental Build 53837

Can't find any pieces of the drill arm. I've played this game through several times, so I pretty much know where everything is. I've explored every corner of every wreck and not found hide nor hair of a drill arm for the Prawn.

I know folks have had trouble finding all the pieces for something, or finding something you need early in the game in a place too deep to get to, and of course the blueprint progress disappearing, but this is the first time where I've found no pieces of something. I'm wondering if my game somehow spawned without the drill arm pieces.

Anyone else seeing something like this?


  • AnomalyDetectedAnomalyDetected Alterra Housing District: Planet Vicaron Join Date: 2017-04-19 Member: 229741Members
    edited September 2017
    Drill arm should be located at the wreck in the Grand Reef.

    Location: -284 -250 -850
  • garathgarath Texas Join Date: 2017-02-08 Member: 227730Members
    I also found the drill arm at the north Grand Reef wreck outside the wreck on the ground. It seems like the ledge was somewhat elevated relative to the height of the wreck

  • elfcrisiselfcrisis Join Date: 2017-05-13 Member: 230466Members
    edited September 2017
    Yeah, I looked all around both Grand Reef wrecks. The northern one is usually littered with Prawn parts, but it was pretty bare this time. I noticed that about most of the wrecks I visited, too. They often had enough pieces to get the blueprints I wanted, but there weren't many of them like I've seen before.

    I'll check the northern wreck again, just to be sure.

    Edit: Yeah, just checked again and nothing. I mean nothing, not even pieces of arms I don't need. Weird. I'll have to start a new game and see how that one goes.
  • orobourosorobouros US Join Date: 2016-04-01 Member: 215163Members
    Since the Ghost Update, there are no guarantees anymore. You can and will totally get brand-new saves that just do not ever generate any of one or even two or three very important fragments. Usually the Moonpool, Vehicle Modification Station, Modification Station, or Scanner Room. I've had all four new games I had time to significantly play between Ghost Update and Cuddlefish Update - which broke the game entirely :{ - be missing some combination of those in every wreck above 300m except the Dunes wreck (which is usually empty these days anyway), because I refuse to explore the Dunes in an un-upgraded Seamoth. That's just asking for it to get eaten, there are so many Reapers everywhere.

    The Mobile Vehicle Bay and Laser Cutter don't seem to ever be missing entirely like some have been, since they're not all that attached to (read: now are uncommon inside) wrecks but scattered across the landscape. The problem with this is that they're both very hard to spot amidst plants and greenery. Also the MVB parts tend to be in the Kelp Forests, which are stupidly dangerous to swim around in early game without a vehicle... which you don't have, because you don't have the MVB fragments.

    I really hope they're working on this. You can't tell from Trello anymore because of launch-prep crunch time making it less useful to post every little thing they're doing.
  • AnomalyDetectedAnomalyDetected Alterra Housing District: Planet Vicaron Join Date: 2017-04-19 Member: 229741Members
    Is your save old?

    It may have corrupted due to updating areas.

    They recently added Beacon, Gravsphere and other fragments, and some were re-aranged. This may have messed up your files data.
  • elfcrisiselfcrisis Join Date: 2017-05-13 Member: 230466Members
    @AnomalyDetected Yeah, I started this one game a few days ago, after Cuddlefish. I regularly start new games to avoid situations like that. I started a brand new game today to test and there were no Prawn parts at the northern Grand Reef wreck. I did find all the Thermal Plant parts there, though, which had not been there the last game. Also, it seems like in this latest game, Limestone is once again scarce in the Shallows.

    From here, it looks like some variables in the world generation don't get set quite right when you make a game.
  • baronvonsatanbaronvonsatan TX, USA Join Date: 2016-12-01 Member: 224415Members
    orobouros wrote: »
    Since the Ghost Update, there are no guarantees anymore. You can and will totally get brand-new saves that just do not ever generate any of one or even two or three very important fragments. Usually the Moonpool, Vehicle Modification Station, Modification Station, or Scanner Room. I've had all four new games I had time to significantly play between Ghost Update and Cuddlefish Update - which broke the game entirely :{ - be missing some combination of those in every wreck above 300m except the Dunes wreck (which is usually empty these days anyway), because I refuse to explore the Dunes in an un-upgraded Seamoth. That's just asking for it to get eaten, there are so many Reapers everywhere.

    The Mobile Vehicle Bay and Laser Cutter don't seem to ever be missing entirely like some have been, since they're not all that attached to (read: now are uncommon inside) wrecks but scattered across the landscape. The problem with this is that they're both very hard to spot amidst plants and greenery. Also the MVB parts tend to be in the Kelp Forests, which are stupidly dangerous to swim around in early game without a vehicle... which you don't have, because you don't have the MVB fragments.

    I really hope they're working on this. You can't tell from Trello anymore because of launch-prep crunch time making it less useful to post every little thing they're doing.

    MVB fragments can reliably be found inside the wreck near Lifepod #17. The Vehicle Modification Station no longer comes in fragments, but a databox.
  • orobourosorobouros US Join Date: 2016-04-01 Member: 215163Members

    MVB fragments can reliably be found inside the wreck near Lifepod #17. The Vehicle Modification Station no longer comes in fragments, but a databox.

    Ah, I'd heard they were going to do that. Assumed it would take longer (like the bug fixes, zing). Can't actually experience it in the Cuddlefish update because it's so crash-prone I can't get anywhere at this point.
  • AnomalyDetectedAnomalyDetected Alterra Housing District: Planet Vicaron Join Date: 2017-04-19 Member: 229741Members

    MVB fragments can reliably be found inside the wreck near Lifepod #17. The Vehicle Modification Station no longer comes in fragments, but a databox.

    MVB fragments can reliably be found inside the wreck near Lifepod #17. The Vehicle Modification Station no longer comes in fragments, but a databox.

    MVB fragments can reliably be found inside the wreck near Lifepod #17. The Vehicle Modification Station no longer comes in fragments, but a databox.

    They're also scattered in boxes in the Kelp Forest. These boxes contain MVB Fragments.
  • GoldenApplesGoldenApples norway Join Date: 2017-09-09 Member: 232914Members
    it seems that all the arms upgrade for the p.r.a.w.n suit is not generating correctly, i have only found one Prawn Suit Grappling Arm Fragment and one Prawn Suit Propulsion Cannon Fragment spawning inside a wreck.
    But I have not found any of the others arm upgrades in or outside wrecks.
  • elfcrisiselfcrisis Join Date: 2017-05-13 Member: 230466Members
    To clarify:
    The Mobile Vehicle Bay is still found in pieces here and there, and seems a lot easier to find nowadays than it was before.

    The Vehicle Modification Station blueprint now comes in a databox by itself. I forget which wreck, though.
  • HetzmaulHetzmaul Join Date: 2017-10-05 Member: 233391Members
    Hi folks I have the same problem, I play with passion Subnautica, but I have a big problem, I do not find the last fragment for the drill arm. I have already looked at Wiki and in various forums, but in the places described there is nothing to be found. Regardless of whether the Wreck in the Grand Reef or the Wrecks in Grassy Plateus. I ask for help to keep the game going on. I would be very close to them.
    Best regards

    Ps: Sorry for the english it was written about a translator.
  • HetzmaulHetzmaul Join Date: 2017-10-05 Member: 233391Members
    Excuse my buildnumber is: 53518
  • HetzmaulHetzmaul Join Date: 2017-10-05 Member: 233391Members
    You have to be around for a little while longer before you can post links.
  • elfcrisiselfcrisis Join Date: 2017-05-13 Member: 230466Members
    @Hetzmaul This happened to me once. Fragments like that spawn in different places when you create a new game, and sometimes a piece isn't created at all. I had to create a new game and start over. That's how it is with early-access games, I guess. :)

    And don't worry about the translator, I've made plenty of comments in other languages where I had to rely on a translator. :)
  • HetzmaulHetzmaul Join Date: 2017-10-05 Member: 233391Members
    what a shit, am already at day 245, but thanks for the answer
  • HetzmaulHetzmaul Join Date: 2017-10-05 Member: 233391Members
    I solved the problem.

    If you don't find any fragments or if you've only found one fragment then return to your base, exit your game, open Windows Explorer (or your Mac/Linux equivalent) and find your Subnautica game folder. If you are using Windows it will be here:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Subnautica

    Go into your SNAppdata folder, then your SavedGames folder, then whichever one of the slot folders your saved game data is in (slot0000, slot0001, slot0002, etc.). Find the CellsCache folder and ONLY delete the file with these numbers: 7 16 3. Outside of your Cellscache folder you can also delete the file with the same three numbers. Reload your game and type "warp -865 -430 -1420" into the console. Look through the wreck again and repeat these steps until you find all of the fragments you need, then type "warpme" to return to your base.

    Hopefully that will help.

    For me it worked.

  • BioSpiritBioSpirit Join Date: 2016-11-23 Member: 224153Members
    I had the same problem with the "prawn suit drill arm". Couldn't find more than just one fragment and the hack above seems to do the trick. I haven't had any problems with other blueprints so-far. Also if vital fragments are located in just one location then finding them might be a major headache for some players. Maybe there could be fragment "rarity" in a game options or something.
  • garathgarath Texas Join Date: 2017-02-08 Member: 227730Members
    I think they randomize the blueprint fragments so that you can't say for sure where many things are nowadays. Two game starts in a row last week, I found the Moon Pool near Life Pod 5. The game I started yesterday, I found it outside the Grand Reef wreck. Two games ago, I found *both* the Prawn Drill arm *and* Grapple Arm in the spot where I just found the Moon Pool.
  • elfcrisiselfcrisis Join Date: 2017-05-13 Member: 230466Members
    @Hetzmaul I tried this and it did work. Took me a couple of times to get all the parts I needed, but I did get there.

  • CryoconCryocon Ohio Join Date: 2017-10-20 Member: 233632Members
    I am also having problems with fragments. Prawn suit showing 0/20 even after going through the Aurora. Started this one because I couldn't find drill arm fragments in my previous game. Not computer savvy enough to mess with precise file deletions. Other suggestions, or should I just start a new game and hope for the best?
  • roryactroryact Join Date: 2017-10-23 Member: 233694Members
    Made an account just to say this has been driving me nuts as well. I did manage to unlock the torpedo arm and get 1 grappling hook part at the mountains wreck, but besides that, zilch. Finding plenty of wrecks with PRAWN's in them, would be nice for the arms to appear there too.
  • CryoconCryocon Ohio Join Date: 2017-10-20 Member: 233632Members
    Now I have a dilemma. Used the console to unlock prawn blueprint via the "unlock all" command because the fragments weren't spawning and my scanning failed to save on those that had. Now that I've used the console, I find myself wanting to use it to sail through the rest of the game.
  • elfcrisiselfcrisis Join Date: 2017-05-13 Member: 230466Members
    @Cryocon Use it as much as you like, really. We're here to test the game (and enjoy ourselves while doing so), but if we have to "cheat" to get around known glitches, then that's how it goes. The console is there to enable us to do exactly that.
  • WabTeyWabTey France Join Date: 2018-10-28 Member: 244389Members
    I have the same problem bur for Extra buildings. (on Mac)
    Those one disappear, after or before visit. If we try to acces of this one (Security Center with the big canonn), after the gravitational conveyor, the sea is missing, a little bit annoying yi.
  • VectorMaster22VectorMaster22 (I left my keys in the Neptune Escape Rocket when I was trying to get stuff for my time capsule) Join Date: 2018-04-23 Member: 240271Members
    elfcrisis wrote: »
    PC, Experimental Build 53837

    Can't find any pieces of the drill arm. I've played this game through several times, so I pretty much know where everything is. I've explored every corner of every wreck and not found hide nor hair of a drill arm for the Prawn.

    I know folks have had trouble finding all the pieces for something, or finding something you need early in the game in a place too deep to get to, and of course the blueprint progress disappearing, but this is the first time where I've found no pieces of something. I'm wondering if my game somehow spawned without the drill arm pieces.

    Anyone else seeing something like this?

    From my memory, most PRAWN arms are in a wreck in an area in the Blood Kelp Zone, on the border between the Dead zone, Dunes, and the sea treaders path. Although its a pain to find, it might be the only other place to get drill arms.
    Also, just don't scan the small PRAWN suit blueprints. The main ones are on the Aurora, so just avoid the small ones to stop the glitch.
  • AnomalyDetectedAnomalyDetected Alterra Housing District: Planet Vicaron Join Date: 2017-04-19 Member: 229741Members

    From my memory, most PRAWN arms are in a wreck in an area in the Blood Kelp Zone, on the border between the Dead zone, Dunes, and the sea treaders path. Although its a pain to find, it might be the only other place to get drill arms.
    Also, just don't scan the small PRAWN suit blueprints. The main ones are on the Aurora, so just avoid the small ones to stop the glitch.

    He's not looking for a PRAWN. He's looking for a drill arm.
  • baronvonsatanbaronvonsatan TX, USA Join Date: 2016-12-01 Member: 224415Members
    There is a surfeit of drill arms around the Grand Reef wreck pictured here:
  • AnomalyDetectedAnomalyDetected Alterra Housing District: Planet Vicaron Join Date: 2017-04-19 Member: 229741Members
    Drill arm should be located at the wreck in the Grand Reef.

    Location: -284 -250 -850
    There is a surfeit of drill arms around the Grand Reef wreck pictured here:

  • BlueBottleBlueBottle Australia Join Date: 2018-02-03 Member: 236674Members
    I thought most blueprint locations were randomised each playthrough. Or was that just a case of them getting tweaked each update?
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