You aren't crazy @DaveyNY I hear the same thing on my new game. It even happens when I jump in the Seamoth. I thought it was just a new sound effect the devs tossed in.
I think it's the sound of you getting out of a Seamoth when it's docked in a moonpool. Building anything seems to reset the state of the base, causing the Seamoth to re-dock and the audio file to play again. Just undock your Seamoth while building and it will go away. Not sure if it happens with the Prawn Suit too.
THAT NOISE. Yeah, it's fixed in experimental. What's happening is the moonpool docking sound is broken and mixed up with the ghost leviathan cry, and there's a currently UN-fixed bug that every time you modify a base, your moonpool replays the docking animation, in this case replaying the wrong sound.
That's kinda of cool. I never caught that the Ghost Lev sound was playing with the Seamoth/Pawn dock sound. Are they every going to fix the resting issue with habitats. If they can't, could they at least set the default state of bulkheads to open. So that everything just stays open.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
Nobody else gets a weird sound when building?
OK, maybe I have been spending too much time in the mushroom forest.
I'll have to try and make a video of it.
(this is my very first time recording a game video and putting it on Youtube, please forgive any blunders)
This is new with the CuddleFish update, I can't remember hearing this exact sound before.
But it does sound familiar somehow.