How to spawn a blue artificact - had it but it spontaneously disappeared due to a bug it seems.

wolverine2710wolverine2710 Join Date: 2017-05-07 Member: 230309Members
A few weeks back my seamoth, parked at the tree cove in the LR exploded. It was at a save depth but somehow it exploded. Apparently my blue artificact was in there. OR the artifact disappeared spontaneously. Either way I can't get into the prison.

I can issue console command but there is some protection going on. whenever I try to type the word needed for it the console disappears. Other commands work fine. Has someone perhaps have a suggestion of getting into the prison - the legal way. Bugs me that after the wait for the new update that I now can not get any further - exploring the prison.


  • gunmetal563gunmetal563 Join Date: 2015-09-30 Member: 208239Members
    edited June 2017
    Purple Artifact precursorkey_purple

    Orange Artifact - precursorkey_orange

    Blue Artifact - item precursorkey_blue

    that's according to

    also the blue artifact is craft able now and you get the recipe when you pick it up, if you had it already be four the update you will get the recipe with an artifact when you use the console command

    also you need to use the _ for a space then regular space for the number IE if you want 5 purple keys you need to type:

    precursorkey_purple 5

    also you need 2 now one you need to craft
  • gunmetal563gunmetal563 Join Date: 2015-09-30 Member: 208239Members
    btw their is a bug that deactivates the Pressure Compensator every time to restart the game if you save the game below 200m you will need to quickly get back to the seamoth take the Pressure Compensator out then put it back in to reactivate it befour you lose the seamoth
  • JackeJacke Calgary Join Date: 2017-03-20 Member: 229061Members
    btw their is a bug that deactivates the Pressure Compensator every time to restart the game if you save the game below 200m you will need to quickly get back to the seamoth take the Pressure Compensator out then put it back in to reactivate it befour you lose the seamoth
    More exactly, when the Seamoth or PRAWN are docked in a Cyclops or a Moonpool when the game is loaded, an installed Pressure Compensator is ignored and they have the default max depth until the PC is removed and reinstalled. A Seamoth or PRAWN not docked on game load shouldn't have this problem.
  • wolverine2710wolverine2710 Join Date: 2017-05-07 Member: 230309Members
    edited June 2017
    @Jacke. This is exactly what I experienced multiple time before. Got quite handy in removing and inserting the hull pressure compensator ;-) I parked my seamoth approx 30-40 meters above max pressure depth of 900 near the tree cove in the LR. Went well for 2+ weeks. Perhaps somehow it got lowered at startup and got crushed. Noticed it to late and could not go back to an older save I backupped.

    @gunmetal563. Thanks for the info but I wasn't clear enough it seems. I know how to use the console to spawn items. Though execpt for a warp when I got stuck when exiting a base I never used it. The disappearing console and fixes for it are describe here. It did not work for me.

    Sometimes when typing in a command in the console it disappears. Though it was connected to the word 'precursorkey_blue'. Hence I thought some kind of protection so you can't spawn that artifact. Turns out its simpler. I can type everything except for the 's' character. THEN the console disappears. Found a workaround. I alt tab to windows, start notepad, type in 'precursorkey_blue', copy the text. Go back to the game, open console and use Ctrl-V to past it there. THEN it does not bork on the s character. AND now finally I can visit the prison.

    Thanks for all the help captains, really appreciated.
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