Starting Off

monkeyfruitmonkeyfruit Join Date: 2002-08-28 Member: 1245Members
edited December 2002 in NS General Discussion
<div class="IPBDescription">Different initial equipment/classes</div> A while ago I've noticed that the units that a player starts out as (Light Marine with an LMG, Skulk) are actually somewhat formidable and, in some cases that I've seen, are used by uber-vigilante players that can bite/shoot with 100% accuracy. I've also heard that skulk rushes are infamous, and can end a game minutes after starting. Skulks can kill a Light Marine in 2 bites. Marine LMGs can kill a Skulk in 10 shots, from a 50 shot clip. Both of these cost practically NOTHING.

Numerous times I have just rushed blindly into combat right after spawning knowing that it wouldn't really cost my team anything. Many times I've killed a couple Skulks and Gorges in the process and died a few seconds later by another Skulk. It dind't matter, I didn't cost anything.

I have an idea though: what if initial units started out weaker? Frontiersmen could start out with just a pistol (which would make it even more essential for a commander to be present) and LMGs could be given only to those that were being sent on an early game assault. Otherwise, welders could be given to maintenance crew or something.

As for the Kharaa, why not start out as a sort of Larvae-type class? This way, the player could choose to whether become an attacker (Skulk) for 4rp, or become a builder (Gorge) for 13rp, since players that were present at the start of the game have 13rp to begin with. If the larvae class were implemented, the larvae should probably also be given the wall climbing ability, but have a fairly slow movement speed.

Hopefully this would somewhat deter the blind rushing that people have been doing and give them a life that was worth preserving longer.

sorry, wrong board
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