TGNS Replay: 1000+ hours of NS2 games

WyzcrakWyzcrak Pot Pie Aficionado Join Date: 2002-12-04 Member: 10447Forum Moderators, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
TGNS Replay is a browsable, searchable repository of full-game NS2 videos. Approaching a year of contributions, 6400+ videos now present over 1000 hours of gameplay footage, often from the synchronized views of multiple players -- Spectators, Marines, Aliens, and Commanders of both factions (synchronized: search "AC, MC").

With more added daily, games are sortable by date, map, duration, or rating -- and you can search and filter, too (show only the games you played in, for example).

Over 2800 distinct NS2 players have participated in just these recorded games alone -- if you're playing on TGNS, thank you for helping us share some great NS2!

If you enjoy watching NS2, either to learn or just for fun, I hope you can enjoy TGNS Replay.
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