issues and bugs

gunmetal563gunmetal563 Join Date: 2015-09-30 Member: 208239Members
i like the story so far and managed to follow it all the way to the prison. as everyone knows atm (or not) you can get to the prison but cant deactivate the force field yet.
i found the entrance to the lava castle a bit difficult to find and get to as it seems like the prawn suit attracts the Sea Dragon Leviathan even when its in a cyclops that's silent running i think we need more then one entrance to get to the precursor thermal plant, or reduce its aggressiveness or maybe give the prawn a stealth mode.
i think you should be able to teleport in the prawn suit atm the teleporter is large enough but wont teleport the prawn suit if your driving it.

as you can see in the pic below whenever i restart the game the the Pressure Compensator in the seamoth shuts off causing forcing me to ether try to get out take the Pressure Compensator then put it back in restarting it or atempting to get above crush depth

and then for whatever reasons the skyrays near life-pod 5 have started diving into the water and dieing



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