old school deep sea diving suit
Panama City, Florida Join Date: 2017-02-27 Member: 228333Members

My idea is to have a boat you can putter around on the surface on, that has a old timey deep sea diving suit bay attached. You know, the ones with the air hose that connects to the surface with the big metal helmet. That would be awesome to see in game. Who agrees/disagrees, lets here some feedback and get the discussion rolling. Maybe a dev will see this and throw it together in the exp. build for us. This game needs this so bad! Walking around on the bottom in that thing would be legit.

Also after looking at the picture of the diver in the aqualung suit, I was reminded of Bioshock... While it's a great game, between the Big Daddies and Little Sisters that game creeps me out at times.
Meh, should be added anyways, it's cool dammit
Well you can't have all the advanced technology available at the start. In the beginning you would have to revert to the simple at hand easily made equipment. Id see this as actually being better and more useful than the floating air pump and air piping that's currently in-game, You have to keep swimming back to the pipe to get air with this you can walk around with a steady flow of oxygen.
It would have a extendable air hose with a floating air pump (battery powered to keep people from exploring to fast and add to the realism element more) at the surface, we don't even need the boat part I guess. (id still be cool to have though) Once you reach the end of your line it just pulls the air pump under (you start sucking water in and drowning) or just snags and pulls you back. They could even go as far as adding the old timely helmet overlay on screen.
~the stuff in the parenthesis () are another way to go about implanting it in game with a different mechanic, I added those in after the original post
Here's how it would work. It is all equipped under wearables, Like the Radiation Helmet, Radiation Suit, and radiation gloves are. The air pump would be attached in the slot where the oxygen tank goes. (or you build a floating air pump then deploy it and use craftable air hoses which you connect to it, kind of like the air pipes) When you leave your base or submersible it floats up to the top (if you don't wanna go with a boat launching the dive suit idea or the floating air pump with attachable hose idea) It would have MK1, Mk2, MK3 upgrades. Each one adds say 200 meters to the air hose length, Makes it more mobile, and reduces chances of damage causing a leak in the suit. If it gets damaged enough (should be hard since those dive suits were made pretty dang sturdy back then) and starts leaking you have to remove it and make another one. What do you think about the idea ? Any ideas how to improve or any ideas to throw in ? If we make this useful and think all the gameplay mechanics through the devs will have to add it lol we would have it all layed out for them you know what i mean ? Ive been thinking about this idea for a while now.
Not an accident, Tark.
The diving suit we usually think of is the Mark V SDD (Standard Diving Dress). However, the helmet shown in the OP isn't a Mark V; it's an oddball helmet from the 1940s called a McCray. They were converted Morse breastplates, remanufactured by Art McCray of Seattle. The modifications were deceptively simple, but were a significant improvement on the original Morse spec.
You got your facts on point! Thanks for that information I always enjoy learning something new
I think a mobile, flexible, pipe/tube - system could work and still somewhat fit the current style of the game. We already have most of the needed things ingame. We could use the floating airpump and "just" add a flexible hose to it instead of the normal pipes. To fix this to our player model we could use a modified rebreather or something alike...just something that fits the graphic style as helmet slot item. Maybe it can switch between airtanks and tube "on the fly" if you reach the end of the tube and get out of range.
Anchor points that work kind of like a guide roller could help to deploy your tube to greater depths or inside caves or around a cliff or something but would limit your mobility. Each Anchor point would lower your possible speed because the hose has to go through each point and the more it has to go through the more force is needed to "pull" it further.
Imagine the anchor points a little bit like this:
Of course it would be more sophisticated and it would hold itself in place like a gravsphere instead of having to be screwed to something to stay in place.
How about that?
Honestly I still would rather use the bulky dive suit, Ive never used the floating air pump and pipe system. Imo I found it too much of a pain in the butt. I see your point with that its technology is so old it wouldn't fit in, But the knife has dated back thousands of years and its in game. I would think that there is a line where you can start with super advanced technology and have to resort to good ol human ingenuity. "If I build a pressurized suit with a pump at the surface I can explore deep without having to fiddle with anything and be protected at the same time". Also you forgot the fact that its just cool af lol You know it would be awesome to see the devs use all there skills and wizardry powers to make this ingame. Heck id even just like to see how they would go about doing it and implementing it. Also off topic kinda I found a picture of the Mark1 exosuit in the real world lol
I just wanted to add my take on how a system like that could work in "Subnautica-Style" as I see it according to things we already have in the game.
I heard that. And this type of game needs it though, if anything for the nostalgia sake.